Paris out of jail... already???

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You do realize that when you receive a warning, it's documented, right? And if you get stopped within a certain amount of time after getting the warning for the same infraction, you run a stiffer penalty, you know that too right?

Of course she does because aparently she knows everything in regard to the law...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You do realize that when you receive a warning, it's documented, right? And if you get stopped within a certain amount of time after getting the warning for the same infraction, you run a stiffer penalty, you know that too right?

lol... If you say so. Tell that to the cop who let me off less than 12 hours before i got pulled over for the same infraction.

It really comes down to the officer Shim. Ive had cops who have made me cry, and I've had ones who were very polite and sweet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Pics on gossip blog does not = evidence. Not to mention having drugs for personal use isn't a felony. And realistically, recreational use of illigal substances is VERY common. Be it underaged drinking, pot, coke, mushrooms, meth, whatever. At this point really, who cares?

..I don't even know what to say to this

Hey guys lets get effed up on coke and shrooms and go driving around! Everyone does it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SingFrAbsoltion
..I don't even know what to say to this

Hey guys lets get effed up on coke and shrooms and go driving around! Everyone does it

I's cool! And apparently it's not a felony!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
Of course she does because aparently she knows everything in regard to the law...

I never said that. I'm just going off of personal expierences that contradict what Shimmer is saying. The law isn't as black and white as she says it is. Especially for most minor offenses.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I never said that. I'm just going off of personal expierences that contradict what Shimmer is saying. The law isn't as black and white as she says it is. Especially for most minor offenses.

There's not ambiguity.
There's NOT a question that driving 57 miles per hour on a 55 miles per hour road is illegal.
There's NOT a question that possessing cocaine, marijuana, etc. is against the law.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deirdre
I wish I could say I`m amazed at the level of Schadenfreude people are exhibiting...

Sweet! That word is awesome!

Main Entry:
often capitalized
German, from Schaden damage + Freude joy

: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade
I's cool! And apparently it's not a felony!!!!!

Being in posession of a small amount of a illegal substance for personal use isn't a felony. And DUI's only relate to driving under the influence of alcohol. Case in point, Nichole Richey, who was pulled over while driving under the influence of marijuana and vicodin (or some other pill) did not have her liscense suspended. Automatic suspension is only in alcohol related offenses. She might lose her liscense in the court hearing, but until then, she is free to drive.

I believe (and may be wrong) it's only a felony when you have enough to be considered posession with intent to sell.

Edit~ My reference to DUI was meant to clarify the difference in how Alcohol and Drug Related DUI's are treated differently. Thanks for pointing that out though down below.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
There's not ambiguity.
There's NOT a question that driving 57 miles per hour on a 55 miles per hour road is illegal.
There's NOT a question that possessing cocaine, marijuana, etc. is against the law.


I never said it wasn't illegal. I just said you don't always get in trouble. There is a difference.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I never said that. I'm just going off of personal expierences that contradict what Shimmer is saying. The law isn't as black and white as she says it is. Especially for most minor offenses.

Where is the law not black and white where her sentence was handed down and said she DID NOT have the option to do house arrest? She should never have been let out of the jail cell to begin with, not with that phrase, clear as a bell, outlined in her sentence.

We aren't talking about "most minor offenses"... we are talking about this specific case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Being in posession of a small amount of a illegal substance for personal use isn't a felony. And DUI's only relate to driving under the influence of alcohol. Case in point, Nichole Richey, who was pulled over while driving under the influence of marijuana and vicodin (or some other pill) did not have her liscense suspended. Automatic suspension is only in alcohol related offenses. She might lose her liscense in the court hearing, but until then, she is free to drive.

I believe (and may be wrong) it's only a felony when you have enough to be considered posession with intent to sell.

DUI does NOT only apply to alcohol.
Again, check into the laws.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I never said it wasn't illegal. I just said you don't always get in trouble. There is a difference.

Which is quite true, but what gives ANYONE any right to bitch and moan like a child when they do get caught and they are handed a punishment when they know for damn sure what they did in the first place was downright illigal. Who is she to get out of something when she is an adult and knows damn well she wasn't obeying the law. As preveiously stated by others this is a blatent disregard and disresepect for the law and the our justice system by Ms. Hilton. No one should be held above the law just because of social status or just because they didn't think they would get caught "this time".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
DUI does NOT only apply to alcohol.
Again, check into the laws.

They vary state by state Shimmer. There just a lot stricter in Texas because everyone acts like the kids in Varsity Blues.

Nichole Richey's court date will decide her punishment for wrong way freeway driving under the influence of pot/pills. But even though she was driving under the influence, it's not treated the same as driving under the influence of alcohol. Only alcohol related offenses have an automatic suspension of liscense associated with them in CA.

Again, check the laws.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
Which is quite true, but what gives ANYONE any right to bitch and moan like a child when they do get caught and they are handed a punishment when they know for damn sure what they did in the first place was downright illigal. Who is she to get out of something when she is an adult and knows damn well she wasn't obeying the law. As preveiously stated by others this is a blatent disregard and disresepect for the law and the our justice system by Ms. Hilton. No one should be held above the law just because of social status or just because they didn't think they would get caught "this time".

She was framed =p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
They vary state by state Shimmer. There just a lot stricter in Texas because everyone acts like the kids in Varsity Blues.

Nichole Richey's court date will decide her punishment for wrong way freeway driving under the influence of pot/pills. But even though she was driving under the influence, it's not treated the same as driving under the influence of alcohol. Only alcohol related offenses have an automatic suspension of liscense associated with them in CA.

Again, check the laws.

I've said it before but I'll say it again. I really do hope you come back in ten years and look at this crap and realize how ridiculous your statements are.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
it was a quote from the petition to set her free lol... Smile a little

The fact that someone wasted paper or bandwidth on a petition to set her free does not make me want to smile.

Whilst I think Paris is a spectacularly douchey specimen, I do feel sorry for the the run around. She shouldn't have to deal with the you're in you're out drama.

There is just a whole lot of "no good" in this circus. First, she acted dangerously, she broke the law and really thumbed her nose at the whole thing. As if anyone believed half-hearted apologies that were obviously crafted by those of a higher IQ. Those rarified few in Paris's crowd who own dictionaries....her lawyers.

So did she really feel bad about it and reflect upon it? The fact that she accessorized with a bible for a few days didn't sell me. Especially when she decided to attend the MTV music awards the night prior to entering jail. Never having committed a crime or been sentenced to jail, I can't speak from firsthand experience, but if it were me (and I'm just spitballin' here), the night prior to my sentence beginning, I would be at home with those that I love. I would be trying to collect my thoughts and find some peace. Apparently Paris finds zen in the MTV Music Awards. Who doesn't, right?

Should she have been let out? No. Someone obviously made a really bad decision. I am sure that politics and money had everything to do with it. I am also pretty sure that someone's career at the Sheriff's office is dying, dead, extinct. That being said, she doesn't deserve this back and forth shit.

So she is going back to jail. The screaming "It's not right" and "Mom" are well, I dunno. With most I would say it is because they are frustrated with the justice system, but I don't see Paris thinking in that broad of terms. I am guessing it is more out of frustration for not getting her way.

Now I am waiting for the next annoying chapter in this whole DRAMA. Are you ready for:

+Paris's mommy and daddy to hit the talk shows and make public statements about how they were wronged. (Yet you know that it was their string-pulling that got her yanked out of jail in the first place).

+Paris making a tv show about it. How about her crying on Oprah? Oh, better yet...have someone ghost write a book. Don't worry, even though there are laws against profiting off of crimes, she doesn't care. She will get something even more valueable....attention.

+More media coverage than you can shake a stick at. I refuse to watch the news tonight. Paris is not national news. I will watch the BBC News instead. If she shows up there, I will know the world has ended and the apocolypse had begun.

+Paris playing the victim card.

+Will mom and dad sue?


Well-known member Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs): often used as an official police abbreviation. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I've said it before but I'll say it again. I really do hope you come back in ten years and look at this crap and realize how ridiculous your statements are.

How was that a ridiculous statement?

That was fact regarding Nichole Richey's offense, and her future court date.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna* Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs): often used as an official police abbreviation. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2006.

I didn't dispute this. Nichole Richey was arrested that night for DUI. Doesn't mean her liscense was suspended for it.
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