Paris out of jail... already???

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Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
nicole richie

My bad


Well-known member
Ummmmm, yeah you did... right here.

Originally Posted by Raerae
Being in posession of a small amount of a illegal substance for personal use isn't a felony. And DUI's only relate to driving under the influence of alcohol.

And even so... there is still a DWI... both can be classified as driving under the influance of ANYTHING... any mind altering substance regless of whether you drank it, snorted it, swallowed it or ate it.


Well-known member
LOL Eigther way it should make for some fun television.

Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
The fact that someone wasted paper or bandwidth on a petition to set her free does not make me want to smile.

Whilst I think Paris is a spectacularly douchey specimen, I do feel sorry for the the run around. She shouldn't have to deal with the you're in you're out drama.

There is just a whole lot of "no good" in this circus. First, she acted dangerously, she broke the law and really thumbed her nose at the whole thing. As if anyone believed half-hearted apologies that were obviously crafted by those of a higher IQ. Those rarified few in Paris's crowd who own dictionaries....her lawyers.

So did she really feel bad about it and reflect upon it? The fact that she accessorized with a bible for a few days didn't sell me. Especially when she decided to attend the MTV music awards the night prior to entering jail. Never having committed a crime or been sentenced to jail, I can't speak from firsthand experience, but if it were me (and I'm just spitballin' here), the night prior to my sentence beginning, I would be at home with those that I love. I would be trying to collect my thoughts and find some peace. Apparently Paris finds zen in the MTV Music Awards. Who doesn't, right?

Should she have been let out? No. Someone obviously made a really bad decision. I am sure that politics and money had everything to do with it. I am also pretty sure that someone's career at the Sheriff's office is dying, dead, extinct. That being said, she doesn't deserve this back and forth shit.

So she is going back to jail. The screaming "It's not right" and "Mom" are well, I dunno. With most I would say it is because they are frustrated with the justice system, but I don't see Paris thinking in that broad of terms. I am guessing it is more out of frustration for not getting her way.

Now I am waiting for the next annoying chapter in this whole DRAMA. Are you ready for:

+Paris's mommy and daddy to hit the talk shows and make public statements about how they were wronged. (Yet you know that it was their string-pulling that got her yanked out of jail in the first place).

+Paris making a tv show about it. How about her crying on Oprah? Oh, better yet...have someone ghost write a book. Don't worry, even though there are laws against profiting off of crimes, she doesn't care. She will get something even more valueable....attention.

+More media coverage than you can shake a stick at. I refuse to watch the news tonight. Paris is not national news. I will watch the BBC News instead. If she shows up there, I will know the world has ended and the apocolypse had begun.

+Paris playing the victim card.

+Will mom and dad sue?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
Ummmmm, yeah you did... right here.

And even so... there is still a DWI... both can be classified as driving under the influance of ANYTHING... any mind altering substance regless of whether you drank it, snorted it, swallowed it or ate it.

Yah i realised I wasn't clear enough at that point, and edited the bottom to reflect that. Thanks though. My intention was to show all DUI's aren't treated the same, and didn't distinguish them properly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
You reply was in regard to coke, not alcohol. And .08 isn't even that big of a deal. Considering many states have a 1.0 minimum limit. It's just an arbitrary number to start enforcement, not necessarily a point in which your a danger to others on the road.

It actually hurts to think you really being serious.

I really have a hard time believeing that anyone who's a social drinker, hasn't driven at .08 at some point in their life. Especially if your thin.

I'm a social drinker; I'm also thin. If I drink, I have a DD. You know why? Because I'm a responsible adult.


Well-known member
Raerae... you are impossible. Sorry but at this point you are arguing for the sake of argument and not a very good one at that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
Raerae... you are impossible. Sorry but at this point you are arguing for the sake of argument and not a very good one at that.

I didn't realise we were arguing.

How is saying, "your right, i wasn't clear enough" an argument?


Well-known member
I really want to know what state you live in so that I can avoid it at all costs since it's totally okay to drive at .08.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I really want to know what state you live in so that I can avoid it at all costs since it's totally okay to drive at .08.

me? i was agreeing with you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I'm a social drinker; I'm also thin. If I drink, I have a DD. You know why? Because I'm a responsible adult.

So you get a DD every time you have a glass of wine with dinner?

What happens when you and your SO go out to eat at a restaraunt and have a glass of wine each (and how many people realistically only have 1 glass at dinner)? Are you 100% positive you or your SO, isn't at .08 or higher b4 getting in the car and letting him drive? Or do you bring along a friend to sit quietly under your dinner table to drive you guys home at the end of the night?

How many times have you or your SO been asked b4 leaving a friends house who served alcohol with dinner, "are you sure your OK to drive?" Only to respond, "yes, I'm sure." Are you 100% positive your not at .08?

Thats all I'm saying. People drink and drive all the time. Just because you get a DD every time you go out drinking, knowing you'll be over .08, doesn't mean we don't end up at .08 in instances where we aren't drinking with the anticipation of being drunk.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The image on this post made me laugh.

I will watch the BBC News instead. If she shows up there, I will know the world has ended and the apocolypse had begun.

She might. On the BBC News International page, she's on the front (not the main story but right up on the top with a pic) but only a small note on the British version.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I really want to know what state you live in so that I can avoid it at all costs since it's totally okay to drive at .08.

Gimme a moment, i'll give you the BAC limit by state. Several states have it at .10. Some states have it at .01, and have 0 tolerance for driving with any amount of alcohol in your system.

Edit~ Need to move a decimal... 1.0 is really high LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I really want to know what state you live in so that I can avoid it at all costs since it's totally okay to drive at .08.

Here yah go~

State BAC Limit% State BAC Limit%
Alabama 0.08 Alaska 0.10
Arizona 0.10 Arkansas 0.10
California 0.08 Colorado 0.10
Connecticut 0.10 Delaware 0.10
District of Columbia 0.08 Florida 0.08
Georgia 0.08 Hawaii 0.08
Idaho 0.08 Illinois 0.08
Indiana 0.10 Iowa 0.10
Kansas 0.08 Kentucky 0.08
Louisiana 0.10 Maine 0.08
Maryland 0.10 Massachusetts no per se law
Michigan 0.10 Minnesota 0.10
Mississippi 0.10 Missouri 0.10
Montana 0.10 Nebraska 0.10
Nevada 0.10 New Hampshire 0.08
New Jersey 0.10 New Mexico 0.08
New York 0.10 North Carolina 0.08
North Dakota 0.10 Ohio 0.10
Oklahoma 0.10 Oregon 0.08
Pennsylvania 0.10 Rhode Island 0.10
South Carolina 0.10 South Dakota 0.10
Tennessee 0.10 Texas 0.08
Utah 0.08 Vermont 0.08
Virginia 0.08 Washington 0.08
West Virginia 0.10 Wisconsin 0.10
Wyoming 0.10

So yeh... It's a LOT of them

Edit~ You'd have the check locally though, looks states had until 03 to reduce their limit to .08 or lose some federal funding. So chances are it's all pretty uniform now, neat, didn't know that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
The image on this post made me laugh.

She might. On the BBC News International page, she's on the front (not the main story but right up on the top with a pic) but only a small note on the British version.

First, that pic was absolutely hilarious. Loved it.

Second, Paris Hilton has made international news. My God. The world really is ending. Excuse me whilst I run out back and dig my own grave. Mmmmmm...The apocolypse....That's hot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
What happens when you and your SO go out to eat at a restaraunt and have a glass of wine each (and how many people realistically only have 1 glass at dinner)? Are you 100% positive you or your SO, isn't at .08 or higher b4 getting in the car and letting him drive? Or do you bring along a friend to sit quietly under your dinner table to drive you guys home at the end of the night?

First of all, I don't drink wine. I drink froo froo silly little girl drinks. With that being said, my husband is a High School teacher. He has a morality clause built into his contract. This means he can lose his job if he gets arrested. You know what that means? He doesn't drink and drive. In fact, he doesn't drink alcohol. AT all. Period. He got all of that out of his system in college. So, short answer to your question. I always have a sober DD because my husband never, EVER drinks. Ever.

tHow many times have you or your SO been asked b4 leaving a friends house who served alcohol with dinner, "are you sure your OK to drive?" Only to respond, "yes, I'm sure." Are you 100% positive your not at .08?

I'm not a good example because as I've stated before, my husband doesn't drink at all. Ever. So, yeah, I'm a 100% positive I've never been in a car with me driving or my husband driving. Again, we're responsible adults with careers that can be ruined by doing something stupid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
I'm not a good example because as I've stated before, my husband doesn't drink at all. Ever. So, yeah, I'm a 100% positive I've never been in a car with me driving or my husband driving. Again, we're responsible adults with careers that can be ruined by doing something stupid.

Yeh, your a fairly unique case.

And wine is a foo foo drink =p I can't imagine drinking a strawberry dachery or a cosmo/appletini with dinner lol.
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