People who talk on the phone in public restrooms...


Well-known member
Really gross me out. Ew.

Using a public toilet is gross enough on its own. But to be holding your phone and chit chatting about your weekend and wiping your ass and touching things that everybody's been touching....and your phone is held on your face....EW!

And what's worse is I hear people actually initiating a phone call while on the toilet. It's one thing when the phone rings and you happen to be on the toilet...but to like whip your blackberry out and call your best friend while you're sitting on a public john is just plain nasty.


Well-known member
lmao i totally agree. Ugh there are times it just seems to work out, my mom will call me and I'll just happen to be in the bathroom. Seriously, twice in one day (and its not like I have a bad bladder at all, just coincidence). I usually don't take the call though...then have her saying "where are you"....and I'll explain. You don't want me to try talk over flushing noise or anything else TYVM.


Well-known member
I was just thinking about this today! This happens ALL the time at work. The attorneys will come in using the phone and just stay on it. I'm thinking...hmmm is this professional to be conducting business while using the bathroom? I doubt something is so urgent that you can't hang up for 2-3 minutes. Oh and one of my co-workers always talks on the phone in there, and loud. Not like talking low but having a full on conversation, it's so weird to me.


Well-known member
I remember when you used to go to the bathroom to do your business, touch up your make-up, and check out your hair.


Well-known member
Best I've heard so far...

"Yeah I'm on a break....hang on I need to wipe."
"So what were you saying?"

I called my bf once, and asked him what he was doing, and very casually he said "Poopin'..."

I hung up on him. I draw the line RIGHT THERE. lol


Well-known member
I don't mind...
I do it all the time, hey... it's boring in there!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Best I've heard so far...

"Yeah I'm on a break....hang on I need to wipe."
"So what were you saying?"

I called my bf once, and asked him what he was doing, and very casually he said "Poopin'..."

I hung up on him. I draw the line RIGHT THERE. lol


I have always thought that the time to have a very loud bowel problem would be when the person in the next stall is having an extremely personal conversation on their cell phone.


Well-known member
It's those times that you wished you had a whoopie cushion (fart noise maker) heheh oh the fun you could have.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeautyPsycho
I don't mind...
I do it all the time, hey... it's boring in there!

No offense....

but based on that I'd never ever shake your hand or come anywhere near the cheek you hold your phone on lol


Well-known member
I do it at home. If I am already on the phone, I'm not going to hang up to use the bathroom. I usually tell them to hold on though. I only poop and talk to my boyfriend though. i won't poop and talk on the phone with my friends. Thats nasty. I would never use the phone in a public bathroom though...I try not to even use those bathrooms lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
Best I've heard so far...

"Yeah I'm on a break....hang on I need to wipe."
"So what were you saying?"

I called my bf once, and asked him what he was doing, and very casually he said "Poopin'..."

I hung up on him. I draw the line RIGHT THERE. lol

I do that too lol. I tell my boyfriend "Hold on, I have to wipe"
The worst thing is that he will be on the phone with me poopin. Then he will send me pictures of his poop!!!!!! That is so gross


Well-known member
My friend told me how he was waiting in line to use the restroom (it was really small) and this guy was taking a really long pee or a poop and his friends were outside telling him to make different farm animal noises.. which of course the guy in the stall would.. o_O Super weird?

I don't like talking to people when I'm in the bathroom.. it's a little awkward for me haha


Well-known member
I dont even talk on the phone while tinkling at home! Never in a public restroom.. ew.. unless I have to make a call in private and the restroom is the only quiet place.. Then I stand near the sinks and make a call. but that is IT!


Well-known member
haha no the worse would be if someone were texting
while on the toilet and wipe then continue texting ..
ewwww !!


Well-known member
I was out clubbing for my friend's 18th birthday and she admittedly got pretty drunk...we went to the bathroom together, and after I had gotten out of the stall, I waited for her....after a while I started getting a little worried about her so I knocked on her stall door and she told me that she was texting and that she'd be out in a second!


Well-known member
I'm not a fan of the cell phone anyway but, like everybody, I have my electronic leash. I will NOT talk on the phone in any bathroom home, office, or public. Nope just not going to happen. That's my private place, a happy place, a place where I can muse on the great question of 'wonder what I ate to make it that color?'.

Funny related story. I used to work with a guy who was on his phone constantly and when headsets were a relatively new phenomenon (yes I was on a first name basis with Noah too). This dude was in his late 50's early 60's when this happened. Anyway we're about to board a 6 am flight and we're at the urinals when his phone, on vibrate, 'rings', but nobody around can hear it. So picture this. A 50'sh, 60'sh male, standing at a urinal, looking down, and says and I quote 'wow YOU'RE up early this morning' into his almost invisible headset.

The looks from the rest of the men in the room were priceless.


Well-known member
I've personally never come across anyone having a conversation in the stalls but outside yea why not, I do it all the time if I can get a reception. If I'm actually about to use the toilet I end the call, the closest I've got is texting in the shower and talking on the phone in the bath lol.