Plastic surgery as a graduation gift?

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
I just think it's really expensive and shallow.

some people's rims cost more than boobs but hey if they got the money and can afford it theres nothing shallow about it..
some people have enough mac that can buy rims and tits but who are we to judge if thats what they like to each there own.


Well-known member
Even if it is aesthetic... just do whatever makes you happy

It's your body, if you think there's something that's bothering you (even if it's your breasts), either learn to live with the flaw or correct it.

I had four procedures when I was fifteen and sixteen to eliminate scarring on my right side of my body (not counting skin grafts). Purely aesthetic, I had complete function back in my limbs. The scarring was caused by severe lacerations and burns after an attack in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (car bomber came through the front lobby of the hotel we were checking into).

Just to add:
The recovery time is VERY long, at least for me it was. 8 months before the swelling went away completely, and I still have scarring (mostly discoloration) on my arms, abdomen, and legs. Do your research and find a good surgeon... can't stress this enough.

MAC is love

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
lol way to work the parents

Was she glad she did her surgery?

Yep, she was super happy. I think she got it done in Beverly Hills, at a good it came out nicely. She said she had a "shrek" nose or something...haha

I'm not the type of person that is like, "OMG,'s horrible" I understand that while I might want to spend $3,000 on a wardrobe, someone might want a nose job or whatever. I'm wondering why so many parents agree to it. I'm not sure if I would let my kid do it


Well-known member
i was told that breasts are fully grown until you're around 25... i personally don't need implants, but when i'm older i'd probably be interested in a lift. 18 seems soooo young for surgery. it's a shame how superficial society is today.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
I just think it's really expensive and shallow.

<shrug> You'd be surprised how quickly you can save for something if you really want it. And who are you to judge how peple spend their money? Not to mention what is expensive to you, might be a trivial expense for another.

As far as shallow. What exactly is shallow about caring about how you look? Or wanting to be attractive? The idea that beauty is only skin deep is such a lie. Your appearance is EVERYTHING when it comes to how people first percieve you. And you only have one chance to make a first impression. You can say you dont care about looks, yours or other people's, but subconchiously, everyone cares. And we all make subtle changes in our behavior, and choices depending on the appearance of others. It's not shallow, it's life. You dont get the chance to know EVERYONE. And many people wont even give people the chance, based on how they look. You simply dont have enough time in the day to give everyone a chance. So we eliminate people from our lives based on what information we can get by looking at them. And this isn't just limited to your physica attractiveness, but your clothing, posture, projected confidence, who's around you, etc all pay a big role in that, it's a total package.

Realistically, everyone could benefit from a little nip tuck, no one is perfect, and beautiful people get surgery all the time. But not getting surgery if you REALLY need it is silly. And some people really benefit from a normalization of a physical feature thats well, not. Thats like saying I'd rather walk up-hill, instead of take the free shuttle, on priciple! It's a proven fact, like it or not, that attractive people have an easier life than unattractive ones. People are more open and willing to associate with beautiful people, they tend to get better jobs, and are paid more. Not to mention having a larger pool of people to date in life. Typically you can always date down the ladder if you want, but not up. Which is why when you look at a couple, they tend to be about as attractive as each other. Unless some other factor, like wealth, or power, supercedes physical looks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jerseygirl005
it's a shame how superficial society is today.

So superficial we're all turning into make-up junkies and MAC addicts


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
So superficial we're all turning into make-up junkies and MAC addicts

plastic surgery is wayyyyyy different then putting on make up. you can wash make up off at the end of the day. those saline implants are stuck in there until a doctor takes them out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC is love
Yep, she was super happy. I think she got it done in Beverly Hills, at a good it came out nicely. She said she had a "shrek" nose or something...haha

I'm not the type of person that is like, "OMG,'s horrible" I understand that while I might want to spend $3,000 on a wardrobe, someone might want a nose job or whatever. I'm wondering why so many parents agree to it. I'm not sure if I would let my kid do it

Well part of it, is that more and more people are having surgery, and understand the benefits that it gives to their life. ESPECIALLY if their child is born with the SAME physical feature (like a nose for example to stay on topic) and has the same objections to it, that the parent had. Surgery doesn't work on your genes, so if you have a "shrek" nose, and get it fixed, your kids still have a chance at getting the "shrek" nose gene. So I can understand a parent who after getting surgery and had a positive impact on their life, thinking, "I wish I had done this YEARS ago!" So when their daughter asks, "Mommy, i HATE my nose!!! I want to get it fixed." There is a instant connection based on their own personal expierence having that nose, and how their quality of life improved after getting surgery. So they are much more willing to consent to surgery for their teen/young adult, than say, parents who have not had any surgery, or view it as "superficial."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jerseygirl005
plastic surgery is wayyyyyy different then putting on make up. you can wash make up off at the end of the day. those saline implants are stuck in there until a doctor takes them out.

Well, they're still highly aesthetic. I know that make-up isn't as permanent or drastic as surgery but it's still wayyyyy superficial.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jerseygirl005
those saline implants are stuck in there until a doctor takes them out.

Which isn't really a big deal. And Saline is so last year =p Everyone is back on Silicone now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Well, they're still highly aesthetic. I know that make-up isn't as permanent or drastic as surgery but it's still wayyyyy superficial.

Lots of people get premanent makeup too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Emma_Frost
Well, they're still highly aesthetic. I know that make-up isn't as permanent or drastic as surgery but it's still wayyyyy superficial.

not really... make up is suppose to be for accentuating your own look, not permantently and drastically changing your appearance. there is a HUGE difference between the two and if you can't see that there is no point to this conversation. fake titties > make-up when it comes to superficiality.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Thats a lot of, "what if's" to go through...

Personally I'm considering breast augmentation. Why? I can give several parsonal reasons that dont have to do with guy, or society's value on them.

A.) Clothing options. I CAN'T wear many styles of clothing, simply because, I dont have much of a cup size, let alone any clevage. So lots of tops are simply not wearable. Which sucks. It's hard enough finding amazing clothing that I really like, finding something I like, that looks terrible, because it was made for someone with B+ cup size, is even worse.

B.) Appearance. Simply put, women have breasts. While I'm very thin, so having a small cup size isn't the end of the world in my appearance while wearing clothing, as I can wear a padded bra, and clothing choices that work without any breasts. When i'm not clothed, it does make me self-concious. Regardless of i'm with a guy or not at the time.

C.) Looking more my age. I joke with my friends that I have the body of a 16 year old, which is pretty much true. I never got any hips, and I never got any boobs. While some guys may find that attractive, personally, I want to look like a woman in her 20's. Not a teenager.

I could give several more... But those are my top 3. Is it the end of the world if I don't get a breast aug? No. Would I like one? Absoluteley.

I've been thinking about it too... I can't EVER find the right bra for me first, because i have NO BREAST and i'm not even skinny .. so it looks pretty weird... right now i wear 36A but let me tell you, it is knda tight on my back, and i can not even fill my poor A cup ..
38AA??? never seen this size, like you said about the clothing... i swear i don't have any tank top, any strapless... because it looks just bad on me ...
The ONLY reason i haven't done a breast augmentation is because of the money, but as soon as i can... hell yeah i'll go for it!

And what I think about getting "boobs" as graduation gift... well as long as the girl is 100% sure about getting one... why not?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
<shrug> You'd be surprised how quickly you can save for something if you really want it. And who are you to judge how peple spend their money? Not to mention what is expensive to you, might be a trivial expense for another.

As far as shallow. What exactly is shallow about caring about how you look? Or wanting to be attractive? The idea that beauty is only skin deep is such a lie. Your appearance is EVERYTHING when it comes to how people first percieve you. And you only have one chance to make a first impression. You can say you dont care about looks, yours or other people's, but subconchiously, everyone cares. And we all make subtle changes in our behavior, and choices depending on the appearance of others. It's not shallow, it's life. You dont get the chance to know EVERYONE. And many people wont even give people the chance, based on how they look. You simply dont have enough time in the day to give everyone a chance. So we eliminate people from our lives based on what information we can get by looking at them. And this isn't just limited to your physica attractiveness, but your clothing, posture, projected confidence, who's around you, etc all pay a big role in that, it's a total package.

Realistically, everyone could benefit from a little nip tuck, no one is perfect, and beautiful people get surgery all the time. But not getting surgery if you REALLY need it is silly. And some people really benefit from a normalization of a physical feature thats well, not. Thats like saying I'd rather walk up-hill, instead of take the free shuttle, on priciple! It's a proven fact, like it or not, that attractive people have an easier life than unattractive ones. People are more open and willing to associate with beautiful people, they tend to get better jobs, and are paid more. Not to mention having a larger pool of people to date in life. Typically you can always date down the ladder if you want, but not up. Which is why when you look at a couple, they tend to be about as attractive as each other. Unless some other factor, like wealth, or power, supercedes physical looks.

This whole post made me extremely angry.
If you aren't want most people consider 'beautiful' who cares? Fuck them!


Well-known member
I say to each her own, but at the same time getting them after high school graduation (So, 16 to 18 years old?) is just too young to get them. Your body is still growing and still changing. Your body could reject the implant because it's trying to grow its own breasts, it's a very dangerous operation to have at such a young age.
And I don't buy the whole "fix it" nonsense: "My boobs are small and my dad has money...that'll fix it." I didn't have much of a bustline until after high school either, and now I have even more of one because i'm on birth control, but not by much. The only plastic surgery I'm thinking of having is to tighten up some loose skin and lift (not augment) my breasts after I reach a 75 lb weight loss goal, and thats a personal choice I'm making to make myself not only look and feel better, but be healthier. Not because I want to have monstrous breasts at 17.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
The only plastic surgery I'm thinking of having is to tighten up some loose skin and lift (not augment) my breasts after I reach a 75 lb weight loss goal, and thats a personal choice I'm making to make myself not only look and feel better, but be healthier.

How is this ANY different than getting a breast aug? So it's OK for you to get a breast lift to get rid of saggy boobs, so you'll feel better about yourself. While it's NOT ok for someone who has small breasts, to get an aug for the same reasons?

Nice double standard you have going there.

Not because I want to have monstrous breasts at 17.

Not all of us want monstrous breasts eigther. Just because you get an aug, doesn't mean you have to go from an A to a DD. Not all of us wanna look like Posh Spice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
This whole post made me extremely angry.
If you aren't want most people consider 'beautiful' who cares? Fuck them!

Nah, recommend them to a good surgeon. =p


Well-known member
I think that the difference is age... Just graduating high school, many parts of your body aren't completely developed, and that's why people might want to consider waiting, until they see how they turn out.

On the other hand, other parts don't change, (like your nose), so I don't see why it's not ok!

Plastic surgeons have to make a living somehow don't they?

To each his own.. If it doesn't directly affect you, why put so much energy into hating it?


Well-known member
Not to get into the debate about whether breast implants are good or bad, but I think 17 is probably too young. Between 17 and now (23), I went from practically flat to C/D-- and that's without gaining significant weight (still fit into my HS jeans), and without ever taking the pill. Since so many women continue to grow and develop into their 20's, it seems like a gamble. Why not wait until say, your college graduation? Maybe you'll only grow into a B, or maybe you'll embrace your body as it is in that time. Overall, I think it's probably better to wait for the girl to mature physically and mentally/emotionally before trying to fix her self esteem with surgery.

Also, I don't quite understand how parents think to reward their daughters with boobs. For academic achievment, no less. What happened to encouraging your child to have self esteem and values that go beyond looks? God knows the culture at large is already providing enough stress and reenforcement to look a certain way without parents jumping on that bandwagon, too.

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