Originally Posted by flowerhead
I just think it's really expensive and shallow.
<shrug> You'd be surprised how quickly you can save for something if you really want it. And who are you to judge how peple spend their money? Not to mention what is expensive to you, might be a trivial expense for another.
As far as shallow. What exactly is shallow about caring about how you look? Or wanting to be attractive? The idea that beauty is only skin deep is such a lie. Your appearance is EVERYTHING when it comes to how people first percieve you. And you only have one chance to make a first impression. You can say you dont care about looks, yours or other people's, but subconchiously, everyone cares. And we all make subtle changes in our behavior, and choices depending on the appearance of others. It's not shallow, it's life. You dont get the chance to know EVERYONE. And many people wont even give people the chance, based on how they look. You simply dont have enough time in the day to give everyone a chance. So we eliminate people from our lives based on what information we can get by looking at them. And this isn't just limited to your physica attractiveness, but your clothing, posture, projected confidence, who's around you, etc all pay a big role in that, it's a total package.
Realistically, everyone could benefit from a little nip tuck, no one is perfect, and beautiful people get surgery all the time. But not getting surgery if you REALLY need it is silly. And some people really benefit from a normalization of a physical feature thats well, not. Thats like saying I'd rather walk up-hill, instead of take the free shuttle, on priciple! It's a proven fact, like it or not, that attractive people have an easier life than unattractive ones. People are more open and willing to associate with beautiful people, they tend to get better jobs, and are paid more. Not to mention having a larger pool of people to date in life. Typically you can always date down the ladder if you want, but not up. Which is why when you look at a couple, they tend to be about as attractive as each other. Unless some other factor, like wealth, or power, supercedes physical looks.