Plastic surgery as a graduation gift?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
What a crappy graduation gift! Think of all the mac make up you could buy with the money it costs to have your boobs all cut up and bruised out!! Ewww! Or even go on holiday! Fake boobs?:eek2: Where's the good in that?


Bruises go away, and scars are minimal or invisible depending no the point of incision.

And if you dont have any, there great =p


Well-known member
wow its sad how quick people are to judge these days. I agree that a 17 should wait but it doesnt mean i am going to judge and asume that she is shallow, people do things for many different reasons some to enhance their looks some need it. but who are we to judge someone else. passing such harsh judgement only makes you the ass. just because you dont like implants or whatever doesnt give you the right to judge someone else for it.

If it makes you happy do it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by triccc
I think it's silly. I would rather get a car.

You get that at 15, so you can learn how to drive it b4 you get your liscense at 16, not at graduation


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
You get that at 15, so you can learn how to drive it b4 you get your liscense at 16, not at graduation

no, you get a new car after you graduation because when you are 15, you crash your PARENTS car, not yours
so when you're 18, you have experience driving. not that it won't stop you from crashing your new one, and daddy buying you another one.

oh the world some of you grew up in... i will never know and never want to know *laughs*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
How do you know if you'll truly be flat-chested? I didn't get breasts until long after high school, after weight gain, birth control and finally being less active.

Me neither...mine came in during my late 20's after I had my son...they went from a low B to a full C/low D..the baby weight (it was not much, but still) went a long time ago...the boobs stuck around! .Ya never know!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
How is this ANY different than getting a breast aug? So it's OK for you to get a breast lift to get rid of saggy boobs, so you'll feel better about yourself. While it's NOT ok for someone who has small breasts, to get an aug for the same reasons?

Nice double standard you have going there.

Not all of us want monstrous breasts eigther. Just because you get an aug, doesn't mean you have to go from an A to a DD. Not all of us wanna look like Posh Spice

I don't have a double standard, if you read my post, I don't have anything against plastic surgery, except in the cases of young girls as graduation gifts because their bodies are still growing and it could be dangerous. I didn't say it wasn't okay for someone to get plastic surgery if it makes them feel better. A lot of girls that get implants after high school go for gold, at least 2 cup sizes if not more, which is a huge change to go through in a small amount of time. I have friends and relatives that have had breast implants; do I think it's wrong? No. I never said that. I don't appreciate you putting words in my mouth.

I simply say I don't agree with girls getting implants as graduation gifts, for the sake of the health of their still-developing bodies, and you take it to a new level and nearly call me a hypocrite because I might make the decision to have what i consider to be corrective surgery? After losing the amount of weight I want/need to lose, the extra skin I risk having will make it very difficult for me to wear clothes properly and it adds weight to the body, weight I don't want or need. I'm not a 17 year old HS senior, my body is done developing. I'm not going to grow anymore, my boobs are pretty much done growing except for what switching birth control or having children years ahead will do to them. My feet will stay their size until I lose weight, they'll get smaller. I'm 5'6" and I'm gonna stay 5'6" until I'm in my 70s and 80s, because then I'll be hunched over, so I'll be 5'4".

In case it wasn't clear, I'm not against plastic surgery in general, because eventually I plan to invest in correct procedures for myself, not just some quick fix to my body issues. I don't agree with buying tits for a 17 year old girl whose body isn't done growing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So you dont appreciate your Christmas/Birthday presents because you didn't pay for them right?

yes i do appreciate them, but ive seen way too many kids that dont have a clue bout money and what its worth and therefore do not appreciate the fact that such an OP cost thousands of dollars and what its actually worth. its just a gift from daddy, isnt it? thanks daddy. and im not even talking bout really rich kids, but some really spoiled people my age. my family was never poor but with things this expensive i support the view of my parents:

if you want to buy this, go earn the money.

(thats why i still have no car, its not necessary so i wont save for/buy one, unlike most of my classmates who got one from their parents)

from my own experience you appreciate things youve reached yourselves more than just getting it always handed to you on a silver plate. i love getting presents, i love making presents, but this is an appreciated extra. satisfaction primarily comes out of the things i worked my butt off for.

if a person on this planet wants to have a plastic surgery, go ahead, get it, ill even support you, if you really want it. i dont want one for myself and therefore do not necessarily see the point in making such a change, but thats just my opinion which only affects my body. and the body of my children as i will surely not present them a plastic surgery as their graduation gift. if i have children one day in the future, that is.
on the other hand i have experienced quite often how fast young people can change their minds, and i do not think that theyre fully grown up (mentally wise) with 18 (i know this from personal experience). one could be doing something one will regret later. and even if its possible to change it afterwards, its been a lot of money thats down the loo. but hey, if you have it, go spend it if it makes you happy.

all i was saying that I wouldnt do it.


Originally Posted by Raerae
Also what about people who got teased for having huge ears, or a huge nose, or a huge chin or whatever? You know who those kids were. They all had nicknames at school, and people made a POINT to make them aware that they looked different. So surgery may be very good way to eliminating a constant reminder of something that was painful for a big part of their life.

Agreed. I myself used to be constantly teased in school because of my protruding ears. I`d love to get an Otoplasty and would absolutely jump at the opportunity to get it done.
People don`t realize how much kids with little imperfections such as prominent ears or a larger nose go through during their childhood. The constant teasing and ridicule from their peers can be very damaging, causing insecurity and low self-esteem.
I think if a person feels that they will be more comfortable with themselves after getting plastic surgery, then that`s fine. They`re the ones going under the knife, not you. If you`re completely comfortable in your own skin, then more power to you.

There`s more to plastic surgery than just a new pair of boobs.


Well-known member
I always feel that people who are busy having plastic surgery have spent too much time looking in the mirror and not enough time in therapy. Everyone wants to get their nose tweaked or their breasts enlarged to "feel better about me!" but no one wants to suck it up and go to therapy where they might actually learn how to deal with the teasing they suffered in middle school or the way their mother made fun of their chin.

I've got news, if your still scarred by the way the cool girls teased you about your jug ears or your wonky nose 10 years after the fact, your problem isn't your ears. Be happy you weren't born in Darfur or Bangladesh and step away from the mirror.

And for the record, I have big-ass nose myself. Believe me, I know children can be cruel. But the beauty of being an adult is that your self esteem is no longer dependent on who gets picked last in dodge ball at recess. Grow up and move on.

Beauty isn't everything. It will eventually fade and you had sure as hell have something else going for you when it does.


Well-known member
And what about the people like me for instance?
I couldn't give a shit less what people think about the size of my tits.
However, *I* like nice C cups, AND I like fake breasts. On top of that, buying clothes for a woman with an A cup and a bubble butt (I'm not pear shaped by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a bubble butt, much like Britney Spears back in the day. Remember the Esquire shoot with the white sweater? Yeah, I have a bubble butt like that. It's not wide, it's bubbly...) is a pain in the ass. Buying clothes that fit the fact that I'm broader shouldered and flatter chested is a pain in the ass.

Besides, I'm admittedly vain, and I like proportion.

I'd do it in a heartbeat, and it's not about therapy, low self esteem, or any other pseudopsychological 'condition'.

I like boobs.
I like fake boobs.
I like boobs on me.
Therefore, I will get boobs. Know how that affects anyone else besides my husband and any female I decide to sleep with?

It doesn't.


Well-known member
Realistically, everyone could benefit from a little nip tuck, QUOTE]

Realistically, everyone could benefit from a little trip to the cognitive behavioral psychologist. Its easier to pump yourself full of saline than admit you've got mental issues and too much time to yourself though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
And what about the people like me for instance?
I couldn't give a shit less what people think about the size of my tits.
However, *I* like nice C cups, AND I like fake breasts. On top of that, buying clothes for a woman with an A cup and a bubble butt (I'm not pear shaped by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a bubble butt, much like Britney Spears back in the day. Remember the Esquire shoot with the white sweater? Yeah, I have a bubble butt like that. It's not wide, it's bubbly...) is a pain in the ass. Buying clothes that fit the fact that I'm broader shouldered and flatter chested is a pain in the ass.

Besides, I'm admittedly vain, and I like proportion.

I'd do it in a heartbeat, and it's not about therapy, low self esteem, or any other pseudopsychological 'condition'.

I like boobs.
I like fake boobs.
I like boobs on me.
Therefore, I will get boobs. Know how that affects anyone else besides my husband and any female I decide to sleep with?

It doesn't.

That's fine. You're free to like fake tits. I personally don't and I wouldn't admire you or endorse your decision. Just like you, I have opinions about why people do things and what would be a better choice. I always think the best choice is to not have unnecessary surgery b/c of ideas about beauty, the fetishization of breasts or b/c I'm bored. And that's fine too. Just go to a hospital where they at least have back-up plans if something goes wrong. It's so creepy that people do it in a doctor's office somewhere.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
People don`t realize how much kids with little imperfections such as prominent ears or a larger nose go through during their childhood.

Are you advocating that if a child goes up to his/her parent and requests plastic surgery that it's fine to let them go through with it?

Children are cruel, cruel beings a lot of the time. If they aren't making fun of you for how you look (odd proportions, height, beauty marks, hair, race, being too thin/fat, developing early/late), they'll make fun of you for anything they can think of. What you're wearing, what you're not wearing, how you speak, anything under the sun.

I would never, ever advocate changing yourself because of how cruel people can be and I certainly would never allow a child to undergo an unnecessary surgery just to stop the teasing.


Well-known member
Not everyone who gets elective surgery is a basketcase.

Not everyone who wants to do it is for fetishist, ideas about beauty, or boredom.

It's psychologically ingrained in the human brain to seek out symmetry and proportion. Aside from that, i like the way breasts fit and look under a top when proportional to the body they belong to.

There's nothing wrong with that, and to intimate or insinuate that there is is just plain...wrong, to be honest.

Agreed that having it done in a proper environment is important, however, in my case, I'm picky enough and experienced in the medical profession enough that I know what I want, what to look for, and how to get it done in the safest and most beneficial manner.

But please don't villify the women who choose surgery for good reasons. They don't deserve it.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's psychologically ingrained in the human brain to seek out symmetry and proportion.

There have been many studies done that the most beautiful faces are the ones that are most symmetric.

I think proportion is one of those biological things that helps indicate a good mate, but I'm not sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Are you advocating that if a child goes up to his/her parent and requests plastic surgery that it's fine to let them go through with it?

Children are cruel, cruel beings a lot of the time. If they aren't making fun of you for how you look (odd proportions, height, beauty marks, hair, race, being too thin/fat, developing early/late), they'll make fun of you for anything they can think of. What you're wearing, what you're not wearing, how you speak, anything under the sun.

I would never, ever advocate changing yourself because of how cruel people can be and I certainly would never allow a child to undergo an unnecessary surgery just to stop the teasing.

You say that, but have you been in that situation? Where your child comes home every day near tears because s/he was made fun of all day? Or, later in their education, around middle school, they start withdrawing from the groups because people make fun of the jug handles, or by high school, there's no true socialization ever been achieved because the child has been the brunt of jokes and cruelty his or her entire life? By that tiime the damage to a child's self esteem is pretty severe, and it could have been avoided by a relatively simple surgery.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
There have been many studies done that the most beautiful faces are the ones that are most symmetric.

I think proportion is one of those biological things that helps indicate a good mate, but I'm not sure.


My brother had a speech impediment growing up, couldn't say "L"s or "R"s at was really really bad, and compounded by the fact that his first and middle names were comprised of both letters and our last name started with an R.

He was in speech until 6th grade. In 7th grade he said fuck it. Some how he got over it, but now, if you even REMOTELY tease him in an Elmer Fudd voice he will rip your fucking throat out, shit down your neck and then feast on your bloody windpipe.

You don't just 'get over' stuff you spend your entire life being teased for. It doesn't just 'go away'.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I was made fun of from elementary school through middle school for being Asian and short; my brother for being Asian and fat. It sucked but I got through it; asshole kids in public sometimes even make asshole comments towards me. If I had the ability to go back in time and change my eyes, get my height adjusted, etc., I would not. It would be a quick fix for a problem I'm glad that I learned to deal with: people are awful and you need to learn how to handle that. I had friends in school who were made fun of constantly for being Hindus, but I would never suggest they'd change religion.

If you want to change yourself through cosmetic surgery for yourself, good for you. However, I really don't think it's a good idea for children.

You don't just 'get over' stuff you spend your entire life being teased for. It doesn't just 'go away'.

Of course, it doesn't go away. Childhood pains of all kind haunt people. I just don't agree with the idea of changing yourself for other people. I think it's a terrible lesson. If you want to be completely plastic because that's what you want, good for you. If you're doing it to gain approval of others, I think it's a serious issue. Where will you stop?

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