Please Ask All Pro Card and Pro Discount Questions Here


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Re: MAC Pro Discount

Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
Ok I got it now! I logged off and signed in again and it's now showing the discount.


It happens like that for me sometimes. I log in the first time and no discounts were reflected in the shopping cart. I log out and then back in and it gave me the discounts.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Pro Discount

Originally Posted by ExquisiteImages
It happens like that for me sometimes. I log in the first time and no discounts were reflected in the shopping cart. I log out and then back in and it gave me the discounts.

Yeah that's really weird :shrug:


Well-known member
PRO card question: letter of employment should be from a company right?

or it could be from a person? I'm a freelance MUA, and I just did wedding MU for a person, so technically i was hired by her, so if she wrote me a letter of employment, does that count? or does it HAVE to be from like a company? Thanks in advance!!


Well-known member
Re: PRO card question: letter of employment should be from a company right?

You should check out the Pro Card Thread in the Specktra FAQ forum


Active member
PRO Card: How much is too much?

I have a question about my Pro Card that I don't think has been covered yet. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum!

Last week my apartment flooded and I lost over $1000 worth of make-up in my professional kit. I've been collecting for about five years and about 95% of what I lost was purchased before I received my PRO card. I have receipts to prove some of this. Now, I did lose quite a bit of LE/Discontinued items, but most of it can be replaced by purchasing the same color or something very similar. Since receiving my PRO card I have used it very infrequently, probably only purchasing about $200 worth of make-up.

My question is this: If, after quite some time of simply using my PRO card here and there, I suddenly go and buy $1000 worth of make-up with it, will they flag my account and/or deny my purchase? Should I call MAC PRO ahead of time and let them know what happened? Would they even believe me? I'm not trying to be some alarmist, but I've lost my livelihood and it would be adding insult to injury (to say the least) if they thought I was buying so much to resell instead of replace and revoked my card accordingly.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



Well-known member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

I have no idea how this works, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry your apartment got flooded and that you lost so much makeup


Well-known member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

If you check out the Pro Card Thread in the FAQ area it does give the buying limits/amount of time for the pro card.



Well-known member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

If you are getting somewhere near your limit or you are worried - call your local store and talk to the manager. Explain your situation - you might get lucky or a manager who is seriously hurting in the numbers department and is willing to help you out.


Active member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

Thank you for the info, guys!

I am worried about reaching my monthly limit and I can't work until I replace what I lost. My biggest concern now, though, was that my account would flagged for "suspicious" activity because I've had it for a while and haven't used it much and then suddenly had a major purchase. For example, I have a credit card that I never used and then I picked it up one day and bought a laptop with it and Visa declined the purchase because they thought it was stolen. Anyway, I just don't want MAC to think I'm doing something shady and taken my card away, so I should probably call them first.

Thanks again for the advice!


Well-known member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

Yes, calling them would be the best. Then perhaps there could possibly a note attached to your account. Though they could stay firm and say to heed those limits. Sorry about all your losses and hope things turn around for you. Good luck!


Well-known member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

I would also suggest getting something in writing from your apartment manager. I assume they are taking care of the flooding, etc. At least you would have back up documentation if necessary. CCO's (if you have any near you) are also great for rebuilding your collection/kit. I've been able to find some great, hard-to-find items. I'm sorry for your loss.


Well-known member
Re: PRO Card: How much is too much?

Originally Posted by MsCuppyCakes
I was also suggest getting something in writing from your apartment manager. I assume they are taking care of the flooding, etc. At least you would have back up documentation if necessary. CCO's (if you have any near you) are also great for rebuilding your collection/kit. I've been able to find some great, hard-to-find items. I'm sorry for your loss.

couldn't agree more. i would order through the phone or fax after you talked to a rep.
i'm soo sorry for you and your losses. i hope you 'll recover from the trauma soon
I've lost a lot of things when i moved here from a differnt country and the moving company just gave me a check! it was so devastating, loosing personal itmes is very heartbreaking and money can't replace everything. so a 'big hug' to you


Well-known member
Can You Use A Mac Pro Card At Cco?

i just found out last month that there is a few cco's in tx...(yea im late) and i was just wondering if i ever go to one, can you use your mac pro card there?




Well-known member
Re: Can You Use A Mac Pro Card At Cco?

No. The items are already about 30% off.

I view it as an opportunity to buy d/c and le items because it actually costs me more than buying at the MAC store.


Active member
hi guys i want to apply for mac pro card need help!!

hi, guys i am freelance makeup artist i do makeovers ,birthday parties and prom but all of my clients are just regular people i have not done any thing for a company yet , i do have a business card and i am thinking of sending professional letters from my clients to prove that they hired me to be there makeup artist for there events , do you think that will be good or not ? please help !!


Well-known member
Re: hi guys i want to apply for mac pro card need help!!

There are pretty extensive threads on what documentation you need to provide to get a MAC pro card.

MAC pro card FAQ that has an extensive discussion.


Well-known member
MAC PRO card question for MAC employees!

I don't know if this thread belongs in this section but I think the MAC workers can answer me best.

I'm a regular customer at my freestanding MAC store and has always been using my PRO card to get the discount. When I make my purchase, the MUA would ask if I'm in the register and type my name in and ask for my ID (not my pro card) and scan my items and the discount is automatic. so I was guessing that it was in the computer or something that I was a PRO member? Like, one time I told the MUA that i forgot my pro card but I had my ID, and I asked her if that was ok and she said yes. Well the past couple times it hasn't been doing that, like they would look me up in the registry, scan the items and things would be full price. so today when I made my purchase, it happened again and I was just wondering why because the past like million times , the discount just popped up. so I asked the lady "Oh, I didn't get my PRO discount yet?" and she goes "Well, I have to see your card, you know" so i give it to her and she's like "yeah well next time, just give it to me first" and i told her "oooh ok well it was just because before they would just always just ask for my ID but not for my pro card so I just thought it was in the computer or something" and the guy standing next to her gave me the meanest attitude and said "um, it doesn't work that way. you need the card AND id to get the discount" I was just puzzled

so to the people who work at MAC~ what pops up in the computer when you bring up a customer's name on your registry?? does it show that you're a PRO member or no?? do you usually ask for the card AND an ID or just an ID?? just make me understand this!! thanks a bunch!!!