Please Ask All Pro Card and Pro Discount Questions Here


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Mac pro card

probably a bit of a daft question but do I really need to be a pro to get this and is it really worth it, i.e can it only be used in pro stores?


Well-known member
Re: Mac pro card

you don't have to be a hardcore pro to get it but you need proof that you actually need it (being a mac addict doesn't count unfortunately) like doing some freelance work and having proof of that, or having done makeup for special events, productions, etc in the past or present (and of course having proof of that)

you can find all of the requirements on the website.

i believe you can use the card at freestanding stores, not just pro (and possibly counters?) i know you can use it elsewhere other than pro stores.


Well-known member
Re: Mac pro card

you have to be either a model,photographer, actor, makeup artist, estitician. ( you also have to be able to provide substancial proof that you are what you say you are)

If you buy alot of makeup then its worth it but you have to be able tto justify the 35$ fee if you dont buy enough to re coup the costs with the discount then its not worth it.

You can only use pro cards at pro stores and some freestanding stores.


Well-known member
Re: Mac pro card

You can use it on the pro website too if you don't have a freestanding or pro store near, like me
The only place you can't use it is at counters like at Macy's or Nordstrom's. It's definitly worth the fee, I save 35$ with one order, but then I buy alot.

You do have to show proof of working in the industry, I used my business card and cosmo. liscense. A friend of mine used a call sheet and a newspaper article lisiting her as an actress in a play.


Well-known member
Re: Mac pro card

You can use the Pro card at all freestanding and Pro stores. It's very worth it if you buy alot of make up.


Well-known member
More on Mac Pro

So I am very intrigued by the whole concept of the Mac Pro discount.
I noticed that models are eligible for the discount, but how the heck can I prove to them that I am a model?
Do I need to submit pics with a watermark, or do I have to be published? With an agency? Etc etc

I really want this pro discount card so i can stock up on all my wants, if anyone has answers I would really appreciate it.

Mods: I searched the site but couldnt find anything, forgive me for this post if it has come up before


Well-known member
Re: More on Mac Pro

If you go to, there's a place where it says stuff you can submit to show your line of work. You could use a letter from someone who employed you to model for them, headshots you've had done, or anything published that lists you as the model. Check out the site for other things you could use.


Well-known member
Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

I want so much of it and it would help if it was on the discount and I could ask a friend to pick it up for me.


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

I imagine it would be...I only know of a few items that don't get the discount.


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

No, you don't get the discount with the barbie, and there's going to be a limit of one per customer.


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

You can use the discount on the actual collection; just not on the Barbie doll.


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

BTW- the lippies should be B2M available. I asked yesterday when I went to see the Mineralized Satinfinish and they said they would be. I plan to take in 6 to get a Barbie lippie,....


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

Originally Posted by mistella
You can use the discount on the actual collection; just not on the Barbie doll.

Yeah, that's what I meant. I was just talking about the barbie doll itself. Sorry if it was confusing.


Well-known member
Re: Will Barbie be sold on Pro discount?

The doll is going to be almost impossible to get anyway. They won't reserve them and they are setting aside most of the dolls for employees. It's the makeup I want the most. Thanks!

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