Please be VERY VERY Careful

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Well-known member
raerae you must remember you are not the only one to ever get modded.

Your lucky. At least you get an explanation. When I get modded my posts go Poof. They are nowhere to be found.

As long as you agree with the mod, it's OK to push the line on the TOS, and might even get a "thanks" for it. But if your opinion is different, watch out, because your post is going to be under a microscope. Thats why you dont get very many people posting conflicting opinions, because they dont want to get on the "bad side" of a mod. So rather than posting what they really think, they dont post at all. Or just keep those opinions to PM's, where they can say what they really believe w/out being modded.

and sweetie I gotta say you are really sounding like you believe there is some conspiracy going on.

There have been many many times with mods that I have disagreed and I told them that. But I think it's really how you do it. I mean you can't just make a sly little "snotty" (forgive the term but its the only one i can think of right now) remark and expect that its ok. *shrugs*

But on that note- lets try not to turn this into a pick on raerae thread. I don't think it is necessary, or useful to pick on one member of the community even if we do vehemantly disagree on the topic at hand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Unfortunately for you, your opinion of what is or is not over the line, or on the line, isn't ultimately the deciding opinion. You're not the one tasked with moderating the forums and interpreting the site's rules.
The site doesn't take on moderators based on member vote, the site determines who will best represent the interests of the site, and in doing so, chooses people based on certain criteria.

If your interested in my reply PM me. But this is getting into an area where I'm not interested in airing out my opinion publicly, as it's not appropriate.

I will however say that the mod on this site typically do a fantastic job in the majority of situations. As thankless of a job as it is.


Well-known member
no I definately don't want to pick on raerae I merely wanted to point something out..



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
If your interested in my reply PM me. But this is getting into an area where I'm not interested in airing out my opinion publicly, as it's not appropriate.

I will however say that the mod on this site typically do a fantastic job in the majority of situations. As thankless of a job as it is.

You are, as always, welcome to PM me anytime with any questions or concerns.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
raerae you must remember you are not the only one to ever get modded.

Never said I was

Your lucky. At least you get an explanation.

Perhaps thats something the mods could start doing to everyone. If your going to delete a post, a reason why is probably a good idea. PM if necessary.


Well-known member
This was taken straight from FAQ

We reserve all rights to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation. If you have any questions about guidelines, rules, etc listed in this post please contact one of the staff members or an Administrator.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
no I definately don't want to pick on raerae I merely wanted to point something out..

Realistically I didn't even know I was being picked on. I dont tend to take much personally. <shrug>


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
This was taken straight from FAQ

I know it's there lol... I've read that TOS plenty.

Speaking generally:

I was merely pointing out that maybe people would better understand WHY they are being modded, if the person modding them provided an explanation.

I dont believe most people set out to break the TOS. So when they get modded, and dont get an explanation, it's possible they may repeat the offending remarks again, since they dont know why they were modded. And simply quoting the TOS doesn't really help, as it's not written very explicitly and is subject to interpretation. I've refered to that style of modding in the past as, "Mommy Modding" for a reason. "Because I said so", doesn't help people avoid future violations. Or help them understand and accept being modded.

Not to mention if a post is simply deleted and the person who wrote the post doesn't go back to that post ever again, they wont even know they were moderated. I know I've found posts of mine that were moderated weeks prior, and I didn't even know it, because I forgot about the thread, and I was never PM'd that I was modded. And at that point, I dont even remember what I posted, so I have no idea what I was even modded for.


Well-known member
Thanks i rather like it myself
thought it was funny when i ran acrossed it on the net... reminds me of something my dad would say.. hrmmm not sure if its the whole military dude or the comment he is saying holding a nice cup of Joe.


Well-known member
Because this is a privately owned site i'm sure the administratiors can tell the mods how they want things done. And sometimes there are things best to be PM'd about or asked about and sometimes it is a very clear violation of the TOS so they really don't need to put anything there.

Theres no need to attack hyper because you don't like her sig.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I know it's there lol... I've read that TOS plenty.

Speaking generally:

I was merely pointing out that maybe people would better understand WHY they are being modded, if the person modding them provided an explanation.

I dont believe most people set out to break the TOS. So when they get modded, and dont get an explanation, it's possible they may repeat the offending remarks again, since they dont know why they were modded. And simply quoting the TOS doesn't really help, as it's not written very explicitly and is subject to interpretation. I've refered to that style of modding in the past as, "Mommy Modding" for a reason. "Because I said so", doesn't help people avoid future violations. Or help them understand and accept being modded.

Not to mention if a post is simply deleted and the person who wrote the post doesn't go back to that post ever again, they wont even know they were moderated. I know I've found posts of mine that were moderated weeks prior, and I didn't even know it, because I forgot about the thread, and I was never PM'd that I was modded. And at that point, I dont even remember what I posted, so I have no idea what I was even modded for.

honestly Rae... Mods do at times PM members.." why the post either has been deleted or edited".. i dont feel like we are here to hang and dry members. i might be a good thing to Pm members why things have been moved or edited.. Ive found myself doing this plenty. Its just that sometimes we cant get to everyone


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I know it's there lol... I've read that TOS plenty.

Speaking generally:

I was merely pointing out that maybe people would better understand WHY they are being modded, if the person modding them provided an explanation.

I dont believe most people set out to break the TOS. So when they get modded, and dont get an explanation, it's possible they may repeat the offending remarks again, since they dont know why they were modded. And simply quoting the TOS doesn't really help, as it's not written very explicitly and is subject to interpretation. I've refered to that style of modding in the past as, "Mommy Modding" for a reason. "Because I said so", doesn't help people avoid future violations. Or help them understand and accept being modded.

Not to mention if a post is simply deleted and the person who wrote the post doesn't go back to that post ever again, they wont even know they were moderated. I know I've found posts of mine that were moderated weeks prior, and I didn't even know it, because I forgot about the thread, and I was never PM'd that I was modded. And at that point, I dont even remember what I posted, so I have no idea what I was even modded for.

I've been reading this and remaining quiet cause I really don't have much to say about what this post has turned into, but I do agree with RaeRae here.

While, I completely respect the TOS of this site and understand the need for rules and regulations, I do think that it would be problematic to slap someone's hand and not tell them why. They may honestly not know exactly what it was they said that was deemed against TOS and may repeat it later. And a repeat offense might get them in more trouble. So while moderators of any and all private sites are well within their rights to moderate at will, sometimes a gentle explanation might be helpful to the offender, particularly if they don't have a history of posting inflammatory, against TOS remarks and running, KWIM?

I think most of the time people probably do get an explanation and if they don't, I'd be surprised if they requested one and got told to "shove off."

Either way, moderating can be a crap job as I know from personal experience, so cheers to the mods for the great job they do when we dissolve into our frequent poop-flinging debates


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hawkeye
Theres no need to attack hyper because you don't like her sig.

Who says I dont like it?


Well-known member
Who says you do?

BTW I do agree that there be some explanation on modded topics. I have many posts that are out in oblivion and they were damn good posts too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
honestly Rae... Mods do at times PM members.." why the post either has been deleted or edited".. i dont feel like we are here to hang and dry members. i might be a good thing to Pm members why things have been moved or edited.. Ive found myself doing this plenty. Its just that sometimes we cant get to everyone

I think your overstating the tone of my post. I was merely making an observation, not raising hell about it ;p


Well-known member
its okay u guys
what i might find funny.. others might not.. but if u was offend by it Raerae.. : I hope not
then i will say "Sorry


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I think your overstating the tone of my post. I was merely making an observation, not raising hell about it ;p

Ahh ic


Well-known member
Staff does what needs to be done to keep the site orderly and well maintained. Please keep suggestions for improvement in the proper area (suggestions forum), or as requested in the TOS in a PM directly to the staff member or administration. This is the only way that I can reliably track and resolve complaints.

Rae - We've gone over this many times. This isn't productive, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of you publically dragging staff through the mud on just about every occasion you get. The staff does an EXCELLENT job of keeping the forum clean and well maintained. As Trunk Monkey mentioned previously, staff is modeling the sites' administration when decisions are made. (#1)It is extremely hard find quality people to staff a site AND (#2)whom model and share your administrative beliefs. I count on them (staff) to keep the site functioning when, increasingly, I am unable to be here.

Quite frankly you are disparaging staff members, which I won't tolerate. I'm a liberal and sympathetic admin, but I will put my foot down and tell you this is a last warning. If in the future you have a gripe with the staff, take it up via PM with an administrator (myself, dawn aka holstrom4, or nina aka juneplum).
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