Rae Rae-
I work as a prosecutor in Kings County, Brooklyn and before that, I worked in Richmond County, Staten Island. I could produce you pages upon pages about how ludicrous and tight our gun control laws are and pages and pages more about how any moron hell bent on getting a gun can obtain one anyway, shoot someone over a pair of Nikes or a crack pipe and then be rescued from responsibility by people with minds so open their brains fell out whining about how America is a culture of violence and we need tighter gun controls. If anything, we need tighter parental controls, but that is another story for another day.
Most people who take the time to go through legal channels to obtain firearms are responsible, thoughtful gun owners. Most people involved in gun crime are in illegal possession, DESPITE INCREDIBLY RESTRICTIVE GUN CONTROL LAWS. Idiots, not guns, are responsible for gun crime. And if you think making guns totally illegal will solve anything, see exhibits A, B, and C: drugs, child porn, and prostitution.
Finally, as passionate as you are on the subject, I hope you are seriously lobbying your legislature to impose higher mandatory sentencing guidelines for people who commit firearms-related felonies. In addition, you should be writing your local DA about why he or she doesn't vigorously prosecute multiple felons who are arrested again and again in illegal possession of firearms (Snoop Dogg anyone) and encouraging him to devote time and resources to doing so. And that is where the trouble lies.