POLL: What commercial do you absolutely *HATE*? Which do you think are OK?


Well-known member
I gotta admit there are some commercials that I hate with every fiber of my being and there are some that I think are OK.

ANYWAY: So which ones do you love? Hate? They can be local

One that I hate: The lava life commercials. I hate those. And I really hate Burger King Commercials. They drive me nuts!

The ones I like (Well not love but they are ok) is the Geico Caveman commercials. They are sorta funny.


Well-known member
I never saw these commercials in NY but here in NC they are everywhere.. but it's the HEAD ON commerical. OMG.. it's so f*cking annoying.


Well-known member
The one with those damn salesmen singing to the departing showroom cars. I HATE that commercial and they were running it in the ground!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alumeze
I never saw these commercials in NY but here in NC they are everywhere.. but it's the HEAD ON commerical. OMG.. it's so f*cking annoying.

Head on! Head On! Head On!


Well-known member
OMG Those are horrible commercials! UGH! HEAD ON! APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! lol sometimes I just wanna say- oh dear lord apply it directly in your @$$ and shut up!

lol and the one where they are singing so long farewell *shudders* you know those actors are secretly wanting to just crawl in a hole and die!!!

Another one I hate- Is the Rooms to Go where they are singing to the tune of Annie's Tomorrow- *shudders* just- nails on a chalkboard!


Well-known member
THE ONE WITH the blonde girl that says....

DIRTY MOUTHS??? grrrr i hate it!!!!!! also that one that says

"EASY ON ,EASY ON, EASY ON, BAM!" --- it's some cleaner for the shower. it's just sounds so stupid!!!! and that woman looks really stupid too LOL


Well-known member
^That reminds me of any commercial with Billy Mays....

"BILLY MAYS here to show you the power of Orange Glo!!!!"

Dude, why the hell are you shouting!?!?!


Well-known member

I've wondered that too. I mean geez- anything with that commercial....

and the tostido commercials. they drive me nuts!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I can't think of any commercials off the top of my head that I hate, but here are some I like.

-Old Gap commercials where they'd use popular music in them and celebrities. I liked the Daft Punk one using the song Digital Love and Juliette Lewis. I don't even like Juliette Lewis, but I liked the commercial.
-The Mac/PC commercials. They're simple but kind of funny and clever.
-This last season's commercials for Nip/Tuck using Gold Frapp (spelling?) and The Real Tuesday Weld music
-The Sex and the City commercial with Bjork's Oh So Quiet

I think it's mostly the music and the theatrics that get me.

I initially liked the iPod commercials, but they became old quickly. Now that I thought more about it, I hated the commercials on FX for that show, Dirt. It wasn't a great commercial to begin with and then they played it all the time during Nip/Tuck.


Well-known member
arghhh i HATE that special k crisp bar commercial.. where she's like "it's only 90 calories.. that's equal to 20 minutes of.. well.. you know
" & the other girl is like "what??? no. i don't know?" & she's completely oblivious to what the girl is getting at. c'mon.. NO one is that stupid.
grrr!! so annoying.

i love the superbowl kevin federline commercial. i think it's absolutely hilarious! i have a tiny bit more respect for k-fed after seeing that he's capable of laughing at himself.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I love the Little Richard and "guy from the movies" Geico commercials. "Mashed potatos, gravy, WHHHoooooo!" LMFAO...

And I second the awful Burger King commercials. Freaky and horrible.


Well-known member
+ The Geico cavemen crack me up!
+ A couple of cell phone commercials crack me up: The one where the guy says it has a built in crime deterent and throws it at the guys head. I also like the one where the two roomates are talking about why one has the other's girlfriend in his fave 5 list. The guy tells him to relax, then she calls and the ringtone is "Secret Lovers"

Yeah, those Burger King "King"commercials are scarey. The king is one creepy looking dude.

Other than that, I don't know. I generally mute the TV when commercials are on. Try it. Much more peaceful.


Well-known member
I really like the Nicoderm commercial where the flight attendant tries to quit smoking, but ended up flipping out at people. So she started using the patch and she calmed down.

I hate the Burger King commercials. You know it's bad when I had a nightmare about it.


Well-known member
I HATE the Geico caveman ones! They are SO overplayed and stupid. I want to kick the cavemen in the face!!

The ones I kinda like and think are funny are the Aflac ones. I like the duck haha.


Well-known member
The Head On Commercials are pretty dumb, and they even have one where the guy is like your commercials are stupid, but I love the product.

Here in South Carolina they have these stupid car commercials, all of them are pretty dumb. But, they have one where the guys are dressed up as super heroes and they are trying to get you to come and by a car. Pretty stupid.

I agree, the Burger King guy is scary.

I usually change channels when I see commercials...so I dont' really have any I like right now.


Well-known member
I universally hate erectile dysfunction treatment commercials. The more they try to avoid actually saying "so you can have sex," the dirtier the commercial sounds. I'm also thoroughly annoyed by that irritatingly perky girl on the NuvaRing commercials.

I love the Coors Light press conference commercials with football coaches. Those are hilarious. There's also a pregnancy test commercial that makes me laugh, the one that ends with "The most advanced piece of technology you'll ever pee on." I appreciate it when commercials are honest about things. There is one part of one of the Geico caveman commercials I like, the bit where he's talking to a therapist and his phone rings, and he says, "It's my mother. I'll put it on speaker phone."


Well-known member
Most Banking/Investment commercials irritate the heck out of me. "Head On" is almost, but not quite, almost as bad as the "Lakota" commercials (a product sold in Canada) - every time I hear that loon call (a bird loon, not a person), my teeth grind.

I love the "Secret Lovers" campaign, I also like the cel phone "I love you" campaign. Mac computers are always so cute. The Mac guy is so engaging, and the Windows guy, well, you just want him to be happier.

My favourite commercial of all time was "Herding Cats" - it made me laugh, it was so cute, too! http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...41025419743765


Well-known member
Originally Posted by prinzessin784
I HATE the Geico caveman ones! They are SO overplayed and stupid....

Oh, so you're one of those anti-caveites whose bashing has their psyches damaged so! So cruel!

Originally Posted by moonrevel
I universally hate erectile dysfunction treatment commercials. The more they try to avoid actually saying "so you can have sex," the dirtier the commercial sounds....

Shhhh...don't call it by name. We refer to it as "E.D." now. Haa haa! You're right. They will do everything to avoid saying you done broke your boner and you can't do it!

I forgot about the "pee" commercial. The Coors light is pretty funny too.

Originally Posted by Deirdre
.....My favourite commercial of all time was "Herding Cats" - it made me laugh, it was so cute, too! http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...41025419743765

Thanks for posting that. I forgot about that. That commercial is so frickin' hilarious! I have four cats and can't get them to do anything at once, hell I can barely get one to take a pill.


Well-known member
another one i hate other than the E.D. Commercials are the ky jelly commercials! That woman looks crazy and scary as hell!!! *shudders* And bad acting to boot!!

and i hate the target commercials and old navy commercials.