Pondering Racial Connotations of "Lightful"

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The grass is always greener on the other side. I wish I was shorter, had naturally dark hair, freckles, small feet but it will never happen and I can't do anything about it. It's not just about color. Everyone looks different- face shapes, height, body type, our noses, the hair, the eyes-- but thats what make us stand out. It's so cliche but the world would be so boring if we all looked the same.

I'm very pale (and I've been bullied because of it and many other things) but I don't get pissed because theres self-tanners out there. Noone forced me to use them. We just have to accept how we look and not blame other people all the time. Theres always gonna be idiots telling you youre not good enough-- but who gets to decide whats good enough?

I'm sorry if my english is really bad, I'm Swedish.
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