when someone asked for a "porcelain beauty" suforum, there were lots of people who said it was a good idea and that we really need such a section etc. Now, still, we have no PB section, instead if you have a question towards regarding your paleness, you put a "porcelain beauty" infront of the title of your thread. that is totaly okay for me, if I want to read something about porcelain beauty, I do the search or look through the whole forum and often find interesting threads that were not for PB only - its fun, thats what I am here for.
Nobody complained that PB didnt get a subforum automaticaly - why? Dont get me wrong, I do not want to say that the BoC forum should go, and I am not mad at all that I do have to look around a bit - I just wonder why some minorities get different treatment than others.
with the thread moving thing - you know, posting things that could easily pass as "recs" or "rewievs" in the BoC section, is IMO a little like posting a color story in the "MAC Asia" or "MAC Australia" subforum. Sure, this collection will be released in Asia or Australia, too, but members that do not look at this subforum on a regular basis shoud still get a chance to read this thread. But that is just me...
What still kinda bothers me is that some people may label Specktra as a rather "racist" board, "not safe" anymore, you know, that kind of thing.
I really want to say that I have been on some other boards, and lots of them dont even have a BoC section. Specktra has IMO really tried to give "pigmently challenged" people a place to dicuss their problems and talk to others with the same problems.
saying this forum is not safe or you're not welcome to speak your mind, just because threads get moved by the mods and/or some people do not share your opinion isnt fair. No post in this thread has been censored, except one that was insulting, meaning it labeled someone as not very smart. Except that, everyone got to speak his/her mind,dont you think so?
If you want a place to speak your mind in public, you must be prepared that there is going to be people who do not share your opinion and want discuss it. that is not racist, it is just that: people not sharing your opinion.
Please do not label specktra as something it is not - see, RaeRae and Shimmer often dissagree, sometimes they have to agree to disagree
, but when they share an opinion, they still give each other thanks and treat each other with respect, regardless of what has happened in some other thread. I hope that this discussion does not lead to a "divided" specktra.