Pondering Racial Connotations of "Lightful"

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Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
But the issue of whiteness is way the heck more complicated than most people are willing to admit.

Just get a tan GalleyGirl, it will solve all your problems.


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when someone asked for a "porcelain beauty" suforum, there were lots of people who said it was a good idea and that we really need such a section etc. Now, still, we have no PB section, instead if you have a question towards regarding your paleness, you put a "porcelain beauty" infront of the title of your thread. that is totaly okay for me, if I want to read something about porcelain beauty, I do the search or look through the whole forum and often find interesting threads that were not for PB only - its fun, thats what I am here for.

Nobody complained that PB didnt get a subforum automaticaly - why? Dont get me wrong, I do not want to say that the BoC forum should go, and I am not mad at all that I do have to look around a bit - I just wonder why some minorities get different treatment than others.

with the thread moving thing - you know, posting things that could easily pass as "recs" or "rewievs" in the BoC section, is IMO a little like posting a color story in the "MAC Asia" or "MAC Australia" subforum. Sure, this collection will be released in Asia or Australia, too, but members that do not look at this subforum on a regular basis shoud still get a chance to read this thread. But that is just me...

What still kinda bothers me is that some people may label Specktra as a rather "racist" board, "not safe" anymore, you know, that kind of thing.

I really want to say that I have been on some other boards, and lots of them dont even have a BoC section. Specktra has IMO really tried to give "pigmently challenged" people a place to dicuss their problems and talk to others with the same problems.

saying this forum is not safe or you're not welcome to speak your mind, just because threads get moved by the mods and/or some people do not share your opinion isnt fair. No post in this thread has been censored, except one that was insulting, meaning it labeled someone as not very smart. Except that, everyone got to speak his/her mind,dont you think so?

If you want a place to speak your mind in public, you must be prepared that there is going to be people who do not share your opinion and want discuss it. that is not racist, it is just that: people not sharing your opinion.

Please do not label specktra as something it is not - see, RaeRae and Shimmer often dissagree, sometimes they have to agree to disagree
, but when they share an opinion, they still give each other thanks and treat each other with respect, regardless of what has happened in some other thread. I hope that this discussion does not lead to a "divided" specktra.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn

I have been called all kinds of things and most ppl do assume i'm plain stupid (yesssss, theres a blonde and she wears lots of make up plus shes got double D breast - she cant have a brain!). But I do not care. I do not care that I havent yet seen a blonde bombshell playing the smart lawyer in TV.

I don't know if "Law And Order" airs over in Germany, but there IS a couple of BBS attorneys on that program, and man...they can kick ASS with their intelligence


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
Please do not label specktra as something it is not - see, RaeRae and Shimmer often dissagree, sometimes they have to agree to disagree
, but when they share an opinion, they still give each other thanks and treat each other with respect, regardless of what has happened in some other thread. I hope that this discussion does not lead to a "divided" specktra.


Hey Shimmer, can't we just get along


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
love and peace and grouphugs and nachos, anybody?!

*puts her arms out* omg dont come inside my personal space bubble!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

Hey Shimmer, can't we just get along

but our disagreements are SO MUCH more lively!!! If we got along imagine how much the traffic on the site would die down from people not being able to view us going at each other's throats


Well-known member

Originally Posted by sharyn
saying this forum is not safe or you're not welcome to speak your mind, just because threads get moved by the mods and/or some people do not share your opinion isnt fair.

I'd like to know on what other cosmetic forum you would get a chance to have a discussion like this in this manner. We're openly addressing this, trying to work through it, and on the administrative end solve issues members have with BoC... How can Specktra as a forum, as a whole, be considered not safe or racist to some??? The veiled comments to that allude to just that earlier in this thread could not be farther from the truth. That boggles and simply blows my mind because I can't comprehend how it got to that point for some visitors simply because threads were moved to another forum using an organizational structure in place long before BoC inception.

The forum is here for you. You build it with your contributions. You make it what it is. You define your experience. I'm here to help you with that, but you HAVE to communicate to me what it is you need or see is lacking. I'll never know why your dissatisfied with your experience otherwise, and I'll never get the chance to make it right. Threads, or veiled comments, criticizing the way "things work" aren't helpful, contacting me and communicating concerns so that we can directly address your issue is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharyn
love and peace and grouphugs and nachos, anybody?!

disclaimer:I am not anti-mexican.

You had me at nachos for sure!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That wasn't good enough.
There was self-segregation in that a special forum had to be created for WoC. The self-segregation is what bothers me.

*raises hand* oh boy.. here's where u and i disagree james
1st off, I was the one who created the beauty of color forum because i thought it would be great to have a sub forum where women "of color" could discuss cosmetics that work for us. i don't see what's wrong with that
it was not created with the intent of being segregated at all - it was an addition and enhancement of the board imho.

i know for me and or other members "of color" it is a great resource because we no longer have to sort through several threads where nothing pertains to our coloring just to find one or two threads that do. the BoC forum is open to EVERYONE and nowhere is it written that only WoC can post there and no one else. now THAT would be segregation..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by smith130
For the same reason that you dont see nascar commercials in the north (simple comparison but easy to understand) because its just not as popular as in the south.

There's lots of Nascar commercials up in the North. I actually see them constantly. There's also a HUGE following for it around here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
the BoC forum is open to EVERYONE and nowhere is it written that only WoC can post there and no one else. now THAT would be segregation..

To be fair though, there has been a few comments about white girls 'invading' the WoC sub-forum and that non-WoC commenting in the WoC sub-forum is an abuse of colour and other assinine remarks like that. I fully concur that that the forum is an accessable resource to everyone, but that may need to be communicated more clearly to the primary users of that forum. Specktra is not a segregation-based community, self-directed or otherwise.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
To be fair though, there has been a few comments about white girls 'invading' the WoC sub-forum and that non-WoC commenting in the WoC sub-forum is an abuse of colour and other assinine remarks like that.

i must have missed something.. where are those comments lara, because that's something we don't have tolerance for.. that's ridiculous and we as admins won't stand for that at all..


Well-known member
If you look through the threads you can find such comments.

I guess I'm just frustraited because (back on topic) why is it ok for them to pull such racist remarks slurs like that but the moment a white person would make one- and it be unintentional or something like this deal with mac it's a federal case. I mean don't they see thats racism as well? But then again, I forgot- as long as a PoC says something like that its OK and the PoC doesn't have to worry about making racist remarks.

*Grrr* Sorry I don't mean to be so bitchy today it just infuriates me. I will even dare say that white people are just as equally subject to racism as black people are because nobody can let go of the hate. They want to punish whoever it is for the sins of the fathers when you know what? I think that people can choose for themselves if they will be accepting. But no- because someone is white they must look at everyone of color that as less then they are so therefore they can't be accepted as they try to accept us.

That's the biggest load of B.S.


Nina, I know why you initally started the forum, and I think it was a good idea, but nobody can escape racism from sneaking in because there is just way too much hate and too much love for racism for it to begin to be an equal opprotunity deal.


Well-known member
I am the one that said that non-WoC (even though it was not in this threatd) have invaded the BoC forum to tell WoC what their experiences should be. I am not one to exclude anyone, everyone is always welcome to contribute to the discussion, but in particular there have been many non-BoC coming into the BoC forum to hold court on how invalid the BoC concerns and questions are. That is an invasion because it is an attack that says, "because your concerns aren't important and/or are bothersome to me, you should no longer be talking about them".


Well-known member
i'm a little late on replying to this, but i saw what beauty mark said, and i have to interject.

it seems to me that people have selective memories these days. because you know, there were plenty of endentured servants back in the 1700s and 1800s, even into the 1900s who were white. many irish people were victim of this. they were brought over on crowded boats and barges, just as the african slaves were. they were beaten and abused just as the african slaves were.

so, i'm not trying to sound brash...but the struggle of coloured people has not been more devastating. it was just on a larger scale..well, not even that. it's just that the government chooses now to teach us only about the strife of the coloured people, and choose for some reason to leave out the hardships of irish, norwegian, and other caucasian slaves.

the bottoom line is: white people struggled. african people struggled. hispanic people struggled. asian people struggled. and each group has put each other through equal hell at some point or another. but that was in the past, it is not today. it is not our generation. and sorry, but i don't feel like i should pay for the sins of my forefathers. but that's just me.


Well-known member
I guess I am a little disappointed and sad that people brought up the ideas that Specktra wasn't safe or that we are now divided and suggested racism, yet are no longer participating in the conversation. Those are pretty weighty things to throw out there and walk away from the conversation. This conversation initially involved a lot of people and it is now just a few.


Well-known member
I guess I am a little disappointed and sad that people brought up the ideas that Specktra wasn't safe or that we are now divided and suggested racism, yet are no longer participating in the conversation. Those are pretty weighty things to throw out there and walk away from the conversation. This conversation initially involved a lot of people and it is now just a few.

it's a very very scary thing to look at and since the word itself is a little unnerving they don't want to take it on and tackle it. It's one of those things that takes equality on both sides to get the big monster out of the way. But many would rather run from it than take a stand against it. *shrugs*


Well-known member
I'm not touching the bigger stuff here, not because I'm afraid of it, but because I think most of the big angles have been not only covered, but rounded off pretty bluntly.

When I saw the Lightful line I thought: "Omg, I wonder if it would reduce the look of my uneven skintones?" See, I was a bit of a tanner back in the day, and well, it's messed up my pigmentation somewhat, so now I'm always on the hunt for something that will reorganize those stubborn little cells! I'd be glad to be all brown, or all sallow (my usual color), but all one thing please!

It didn't even occur to me that the promotion had any tones, other than, "awww, here's another way to Hoover money outa yer wallet, you aging, insecure, dear." Seriously.

I guess we take on whatever tone that hits our thin spots, eh? I have enough issues. I try to respect those of others, and keep my outrage to a minimum. If everyone just acted like a human being and with a little common sense, little twists of language wouldn't trip us up.
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