Porcelain Beauties: Highlighters/ Products to give you that "GLOW"


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The Inglot highliter bricks are beautiful. I have number 83 wich is a peachy one, but theyve got a pinky one and a goldy one as well


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I just recently started using Benefit High Beam and so far I'm in love!


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Becca's Pressed Shimmer Powder in Nymph is absolutely gorgeous - I use it for cheekbone & eyebrow highlighting - it's not chunky or glittery, just a smooth & gorgeous subtle shimmer...perfection!


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I'm going to be experimenting with some el cheapo bronzer in the next few days and I'll take pictures and tell you what I think. =]

I'm a w1 (In aromaliegh's viole foundation) and not even a NC15 in MAC.


Active member
I bought Chanels Blanc Universal and I am in love.

I've been using it under my normal foundation (Select spf15) and it is fantastic. My skin looks airbrushed and glowing and even makes my freckles and dark circles way less obvious. I'll have to use it for another week at least to make sure I don't break out - but I haven't so far! Woo hoo!


Well-known member
^ You're referring to the one in white, right? As far as I know, there's also a Bronze Universal IIRC... but anyhow, I LOVE BLANC UNIVERSEL! It acts as a great base with long lasting power.
I'm only living off a sample, though when I have $$, I will think about purchasing the full tub.


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Shimpagene looks like a bronzer on me and Pink opal Piggie look super pink, when i once applied it on my eyes (as a highlight-yah right!) My BH asked me if i cried LOL ...so pale beauties beware, in daylight it's pretty pink!


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I've been pretty pleased with shimmertime pigment. Shimpagne looks like a bronzer on me too (someone above said the same thing!).


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Clinique, for me at least, just has a little shimmer and not the "shine," and this is a shimmer type blusher.


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Too Faced Pink Leopard Bronzer. This is FINALLY a bronzer and highlighter that doesn't look like MUD on fair skin. It gives me such a warm, sun-kissed glow.


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BB Shimmerbrick Beige gives that just right candle lit glow without too much colour

TBS Shimmerwave in blush, more colour but good as an alternative to bronzer

I missed out on Lightscapade, Glissade, Shimpagen and Porcelain Pink so I hope they come around again


Active member
I'm another pale person. A tiny bit of High Beam mixed into foundation gives me a great glowy look. I've also discovered Winter Radiance Meteorites, which show up much more on me than the Mythic shade, and highlight beautifully. This summer, the Barbie Pearl Sunshine powder gave me a bit of a sun-kissed look.


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I personally am not a MSF fan at all!
For that "Glowy" look, I use The Beauty Powders.
One of my fav is from BLM in "Pearl Sunshine". My HG!!!


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Ooh I forgot, my fav beauty powder which is Yogamode, for a nice glow.

I've just tried Glissade finally and its brilliant, just a hint of peach glow, not too glittery.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by _trimm_trabb
Too Faced Pink Leopard Bronzer. This is FINALLY a bronzer and highlighter that doesn't look like MUD on fair skin. It gives me such a warm, sun-kissed glow.

I have that too and I LOVE it! It gives such a pretty glow!


Well-known member
I just got a new-to-me product yesterday, by smashbox...called Artificial Light. I'm in /love/ with it.

(I'm too pale to wear NW15, if that helps...)


Well-known member
- strobe cream for all over
- lightscapade or shimpagne
- PORCELAIN PINK! doubles as a blush AND highlighter all in one. HG all the way!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by goodbyexxkitty
I have that too and I LOVE it! It gives such a pretty glow!

me three! I absolutely love it.

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