Originally Posted by Raerae
That just doesn't sound that exciting to me...
Yeah, I know. Me neither. But some ladies like it, I guess? (??)
Originally Posted by Raerae
Gay Porn is just i dunno. For me, that's more of a turn off, than a turn on. I think part of the turn on in porn is imagining yourself in the position of one of the people involved in it. So when it comes to gay porn, there is no one for me to identify with. I never really found 2 guys kissing as attractive anyways.
Totally with you on that. Gay porn doesn't do it for me, and neither does slash, but for some girls, it really does. The vast majority of the slash-writers out there are women - and it mystifies me as to why.
Originally Posted by Raerae
Is this like where it would be like not showing her face, and just her body? Like looking down her stomache while a guy (who you can see completely, instead of never (or rarely) showing his face) does his thing?
I guess so - from the front page of the site, it looks like that's the kind of 'flavour' they offer. It doesn't do it for me, but I thought it was an interesting idea, particularly since a lot of the academic chatter about pornography centers on point of view of the camera.
Originally Posted by Raerae
Whats diff about these than just everyday porn?
No idea. But the funny thing is that when I looked up the 'female porn' sites, there were categories to click in the normal pornography sites. The 'For women' category is the shortest category, obviously, and I think this third one was the equivalent of scraping the bottom of the sticky cumbarrel. Er.
Originally Posted by Raerae
lol... couldn't resist... TMI incumming! (lol again)
For me, when I do watch porn, it typically involves "naughty" stuff that I probably wouldn't ever have the nerve to engage in. I don't like any of the gross stuff, since that's just... GROSS! LOL! But things like a 3-somes are pretty hot. Or like sex with guys who are not white (especially hot black men heh) since while I have dated black men in the past, the vast majority of my relationships have been with white guys. But there are some fine black men out there lol!~
The idea of "female porn" being some romantic porn with lots of forplay just doesn't do it for me, at all. I can get that any day of the week. So if it's just vanilla sex, especially if it doesn't have a climax and just fades away, I'm not really into it. Or when the woman is really dominant in the scenes. I'm very submissive in bed, so guys that dont know how to take control really turn me off. So the idea of being all in control in bed doesn't work well with me.
But thats the great thing about porn right? It's like baskin robbins and comes in 31 flavors. So if ever your in the mood, you can always find what does it for you.
Granted, when I'm in a relationship, I rarely feel the desire to watch it. But every now and again (or when Im single and turned on lol) it hits the spot.
I'm pretty varied. Oddly, what I really like is any type of porn (except the bizarro sicko stuff) that involves a woman who is *really* enjoying herself. I guess rather than imagining myself in the room, I imagine myself as 'her', so if she's not having a good time, or if she's just servicing some guy, I'm not into it. If the woman in the porn isn't convincing me she's getting off, then I'm not into it. That means there's very little visual porn that works for me, in reality, unless it's comixxx (which I adore), anime (which sometimes works and sometimes is just completely messed up and horrible), or the written word.