Prolife Or Prochoice


Well-known member
Careful guys. It's a debate, not an agreement session by one side of the discussion. Phrasing like "Those people" is not conducive to a healthy discussion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX

And please again don't throw stones at me, but you can't "kill" what didn't exist in the first place. I don't say that to sound harsh or rude or whatever but its just what I think and believe.

Actually, all cells are alive, so it does exist, so you can kill it. I think you're looking more to the point of where you believe life begins.


Well-known member
I haven't read this whole thread because that would just take forever... and what I'm about to say may have already been said but... there are so many children in the system already! Every child that is born and put up for adoption is just lowering the chances of adoption for the children that have been in the system for years. I don't see how killing a fetus with a nervous system that isn't even fully developed could be any worse than denying children and teens that have already suffered unfortunate lives for years the chance to ever have a loving family.


Well-known member
i am pro-choice in theory. i never ever would judge someone who has had an abortion and i believe everyone has the right to choose. but i voted undecided because i am not sure how i would react if i were in the situation. i do realize that still makes me pro-choice but i sometimes go back and forth on the topic. in the end i stay with pro-choice cause it gives a woman a choice. i know many people who have had abortions and their experiences and reasons differ..


Well-known member
Well I think that you should have an abortion only if you were raped. If it's your own stupidity, aka not using protection or whatever, then you should keep your child.


Well-known member
So many quote-ables so little time.

I've been a teen mom (apparently when condoms fail it's called being stupid), a woman with infertility and in a couple years I'll be an adoptive parent , in my view abortion should always be a woman's choice, and I've had the privilege of seeing it from more sides than most and no matter what I choose for myself, I will NEVER force my choices on others.

Someone said that adoptive parents want kids, yeah they want babies!
I go to the adoption websites so many older kids need homes, but no one wants them! When I say I'm adopting when my toddler is older and a child who will be close in age, ppl ask why not a baby
that's always the first choice

Someone else said abortion is selfish, so is becoming a parent!

Anyway my question is if you make it illegal what punishment are you going to give the mothers, Scarlett letters?
Until someone can answer that question, I think people need to deal with their fertility and their issues and stay out of the fertility of others.


Active member
I was a long time prochoicer, until I started planning a family. As soon as I got pregnant and read up on all the growth and development going on inside my womb, I changed to prolife.

To each her own.


Active member
Chiming in late but just wanted to add my two cents.

As mentioned by several others before, I am pro-choice but also pro-sex education and pro-birth control.

There's a certain misconception about those who seek an abortion, and I held some of what the stereotypical notions until I actually interned at Planned Parenthood while in college (women's studies minor). I was STUNNED that the majority of those that came in where married women who already had children and were from deeply religious backgrounds/family planning wasn't something that could be discussed with the spouse, yet they sometimes came with their mothers. Which is not to say we didn't get the occasional irresponsible teenager who was on their 3rd/4th abortion. As pro-choice as I am, I find it appalling when people choose that as their method of birth control because it just creates fodder for those who seek to make abortion illegal. But like any system, it will/can be abused but it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. I'm glad I didn't grow up pre Roe v Wade but my mother, who is also pro-choice, has told me several horrifying stories of the lenghts women/girls went to in order to obtain abortions.

Blame it on women's studies background, but it really chafes my ass that people pass laws governing women's bodies, and still somewhat hold on to the notion that women shouldn't/don't have sex for pleasure, and pregnancy is the appropriate punishment for "sluts," I'm sure viagra doesn't exist because an old guy out there want to go forth and procreate some more. I understand the need to regulate abortions to a certain extent (re: late term abortion) but to make it illegal will not solve anything, and will make things only worse.

Re: selfishness mentioned. To each their own, pregnancy shouldn't be a punishment, but something a woman willingly chooses, I don't see the point in forcing motherhood on a person especially since we know the horrors that come out of that, Caylee Anthony anyone? That might be an extreme examples but it's still a fact.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I really thought I already replied to this thread coz it's quite old, but I guess I haven't. Pro-choice here

Originally Posted by rarity
I was a long time prochoicer, until I started planning a family. As soon as I got pregnant and read up on all the growth and development going on inside my womb, I changed to prolife.

To each her own.

To each their own that's right! That's why ppl should be able to choose to have a baby or not (of course after you got pregnant despite using birth control). A pro-life law contradicts the whole "to each their own" thing.

Like many folks have said it before, I'm grateful to live in Canada. This topic is not even up for debate here!


Well-known member
I'm firmly pro-choice (NOT pro-abortion), but I respect and understand why many people are pro-life.

If someone's BC fails and they're not parent material, they should be able to get an abortion. I'd rather they go and get the abortion then abuse the poor child. Sure, adoption is an option, but there are hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions?) of children who are waiting to be adopted around the world.. Why add another one in there?

This is just my two cents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
I am pro-teachsexeducationearlierbecauselittle12yearoldsare havingsex.

Ay ay! Agreed.


Well-known member
There are so many interesting opinions on this thread. My friend was totally prochoice, didnt want a baby AT ALL. There was a point where she had a lot going on, issues with her father etc etc And she kinda went off the rails and got drunk every night and did stupid things. She fell pregnant(she did use a condom) and she opted to have an abortion due to her not wanting any children. Well she was so depressed after it she swore she would never have another. She didnt realise how much she did actually want a baby and it really shocked her, she felt guilty for aborting it.
Move along a year or so she has a new bf of 2 weeks and she falls pregnant(the condom split and she took the morning after pill) She stated straight away that she wanted to keep the baby. I was shocked and we had loads of talks about what would happen if she split up with the bf, how she would manage financially, mentally etc. I gave my full support in whatever she wanted to do. Now she has a lovely little girl and is pregnant with another.
I on the other hand dont see children in my future, the thought of pregnancy actually terrifies me, i am severely frightened of anything medical and the thought of something growing inside me makes me come out in a cold sweat. I might get over it later on, i might not. But i know right now i am not ready for a child, i barely have enough time to see my family and friends let alone take care of a baby. It doesnt make me selfish for not wanting a baby. To me a child is a lovely gift in life, not something you have to have because you somehow got pregnant. Abortions should not be used as a form of bc, that is disgusting but then why should a woman who would use it as a form of bc be made to have the sure they would make a great parent!?
A baby isnt a punishment for having sex. Sex isnt only used as something to procreate. As long as you are safe about it then you should have the choice to abort if you were to get accidently pregnant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jade09
Chiming in late but just wanted to add my two cents.

As mentioned by several others before, I am pro-choice but also pro-sex education and pro-birth control.

There's a certain misconception about those who seek an abortion, and I held some of what the stereotypical notions until I actually interned at Planned Parenthood while in college (women's studies minor). I was STUNNED that the majority of those that came in where married women who already had children and were from deeply religious backgrounds/family planning wasn't something that could be discussed with the spouse, yet they sometimes came with their mothers. Which is not to say we didn't get the occasional irresponsible teenager who was on their 3rd/4th abortion. As pro-choice as I am, I find it appalling when people choose that as their method of birth control because it just creates fodder for those who seek to make abortion illegal. But like any system, it will/can be abused but it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. I'm glad I didn't grow up pre Roe v Wade but my mother, who is also pro-choice, has told me several horrifying stories of the lenghts women/girls went to in order to obtain abortions.

Blame it on women's studies background, but it really chafes my ass that people pass laws governing women's bodies, and still somewhat hold on to the notion that women shouldn't/don't have sex for pleasure, and pregnancy is the appropriate punishment for "sluts," I'm sure viagra doesn't exist because an old guy out there want to go forth and procreate some more. I understand the need to regulate abortions to a certain extent (re: late term abortion) but to make it illegal will not solve anything, and will make things only worse.

Re: selfishness mentioned. To each their own, pregnancy shouldn't be a punishment, but something a woman willingly chooses, I don't see the point in forcing motherhood on a person especially since we know the horrors that come out of that, Caylee Anthony anyone? That might be an extreme examples but it's still a fact.

Hells freakin yes!
I wanna love you (and your opinions) allll night long.


Well-known member
I personally think abortion is very wrong, but what's more wrong is the idea that a bunch of men and women in suits being able to tell you that you cannot have an abortion because a doctrine that they follow is interpreted to be against it. That's a complete repression of rights.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kabuki_KILLER
I personally think abortion is very wrong, but what's more wrong is the idea that a bunch of men and women in suits being able to tell you that you cannot have an abortion because a doctrine that they follow is interpreted to be against it. That's a complete repression of rights.

Very well said.


Well-known member
Did anyone see the gallop poll results? It shows that more Americans identify as pro-life rather than pro-choice. I find that very interesting and wonder what really sparked the shift. At the same time, they interviewed under 2000 people and I wonder if that can truly be indicative of a the entire nation with only a 3% error margin. In essence, was the sample really large enough to report that trend?


Well-known member
If I had to choose on the poll, I would say "Pro-Choice variable dependent"...but I have to add that (a) I could never have an abortion. I just couldn't. I do believe that is a life that is growing inside of a woman, a life that a 'higher being' had part in putting into this earth. That said, (b) I refuse to judge another woman who is caught in a situation where having the child would negatively impact her life/health/well being/future...I get sick at all of the condemnation and judging from the "pro-lifers" I know (I am not saying ALL pro-lifers are this way), and the pedestals they put themselves on. I say don't judge anyone until you have walked a hundred miles in their shoes. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone can get stuck in situations they never would have wanted/planned for themselves. Value the woman's life too. (c) It's so bizarre to know that many of those "pro lifers" I have met don't approve of sex education/birth control education in schools! Many parents are blindly pretending their kids don't know a thing about sex. What time/age do they think their kids are living in? Last but not least (D) More than anything I wish less women considered abortion as their choice for birth control....I think if you are mature/responsible enough to have sex you should be mature/responsible enough to get protected or to bear the responsibilty/consequences of your actions. Mistakes happen...and birth control measures aren't 100% either...There are situations where abortion seems like the only choice, I get that. But there are also women and men who don't take any precaution and just think "oh well we'll just get an abortion". Taking it that lightly... I don't judge...but that doesn't mean it doesn't make me sad/mad. Whether you call a fetus a "life" or a "potential" for life growing inside a woman....I think that's one thing that should really be held sacred...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kabuki_KILLER
I personally think abortion is very wrong, but what's more wrong is the idea that a bunch of men and women in suits being able to tell you that you cannot have an abortion because a doctrine that they follow is interpreted to be against it. That's a complete repression of rights.

I don't know about more wrong, but 'equally wrong' , that I can agree with
Great post.