Prolife Or Prochoice


Well-known member
I feel that just because someone CAN have a baby does not mean they should.
I want to have a child when i choose to, on terms i agree to.

Last year i thought i might have been pregnant.I was so scared, but knew i wasnt ready to have a child. It would have been incredibly difficult, but i had made up my mind that if i was, i would most likely abort.

I use birth control. I dont think because either i forget a pill, or the condom breaks i should have to birth a child (who's conception i tried to prevent). Like i said, just because someone can have a baby, doesn't mean they should. Fingernails, or not!


Well-known member
What bothers me about pro-lifers its that they can be so judgmental. Calling someone selfish is making a judgment about them. Saying someone is taking the easy way out, is also judging. Im not saying all of them are, but most.

People say "deal with the consequences" well, there are different ways of dealing with them. What YOU dealt with isn't standard, there are no "standard" ways to deal with something like this.

I had my son very young. I chose that I would handle it this way. Just because this was right for me, doesn't mean its right for everyone.

Seriously some people who judge others are never satisfied. If you chose to have the child and turns out you cant properly care for it, then you are neglectful, but had you aborted you're a murder.

I think the choice is up to the woman. If she decides she isnt ready financially, emotionally or whatever her reasons, well thats her. Because in the end, I'M not gonna go babysit so she can go to school, I'M not the one paying her bills, I'M not the one who is gonna feed her child.. so then why the heck would I care?? Do people ask them selves that? If you aren't helping then why do you care? why do you get involved? why make such judgments.

For those who claim religious beliefs, I believe that God said don't judge others for you are not perfect. May he who is free of sin cast the first stone.. remember? Love thy neighbor. Yeah a lot people tend to forget that part.


Well-known member
i'm pro choice hands down. a woman has every right to make that decision concerning her body, health, etc.....
i won't lie, i've known some women who seemed to be using it as a form of birth control and it made me sick but it's her life and her decision. in the end, she will have to live with that choice. i feel like in cases like these, if a woman is on her second or third it should be reviewed and scrutinized. i'm not saying to take the choice away from her but look at it more closely to see if this is a pattern, if she's using it as birth control, what have you. i guess i'm saying have a limit. i know that's sad to talk about in terms of abortion but hey, the sad truth is that some do that. not all (which is why i'm pro choice) but some do.
i've also had a couple of friends that did it mainly because shit happens, they were young, mindset wasn't on being a mother, etc. i'm not saying abortion was the answer but if they already felt, within the first few weeks that they weren't ready and didn't feel like they could handle the responsiblity of being a mother then there was absolutely nothing wrong with her decision. because you also hear of cases where the mothers are not there for the kids. kids are neglected at every age everyday. i feel that maybe being a mother wasn't the best decision so maybe abortion should have been an option. if abortion was out of the question then maybe adoption. i don't always agree with the reasons for abortion but like i've said, her body, her choice.

bottom line, i don't believe in taking the choice away in situations like these. i don't believe in someone making the choice for a woman on what she should do with her own body/child. like the polls said, there are cases where a woman is raped. there are cases where the child is putting the mother's life at risk. but also from what i mentioned there are ppl who know they aren't ready for parenthood. nationwide, we ALWAYS hear about babies being found in trash cans, on the beach, etc. i'm not saying abortion will lower this risk but it may have an impact on lowering the risk. then again it may not. but in EVERY case i believe the mother should have the power to do what she feels is best for her.

strictly my opinion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous

It irks me somehow that people always mix up the definitions. Pro-choice does not mean you support or would opt for an abortion yourself. It means that the decision of whether or not to abort remains with the biological mother, not the state, and that abortions are legally available to those who choose to do it. It does not mean you would ever have an abortion yourself.

i agree 100%
it seems to get mixed up (not all the time but a lot) that pro-choice means we support abortion. what i support is that a woman should be able to make up her own mind.
i posted not long ago on this thread and described different situations of ppl i know or have known getting abortions. some i didn't agree with and some i felt abortion may have been the best option due to many circumstances. we never know what is going on in someone else's life to say that abortion is right or wrong. i don't think this should come down to whether it's right or wrong. i just personally feel that it should strictly be the woman's choice. i know i also said i think if a woman is on her second or third maybe it should be reviewed. why? i honestly don't know. i think i said it more as saying i don't like/agree with it being used as a form of birth control. BUT
i believe it's the woman's choice.

that being said, i know i didn't start posting until like the 15th page of responses, lol, but i think we just have to post with a little more tact. i.e. making sure that even if we don't agree with someone, we aren't attacking someone for their personal beliefs or telling someone they're wrong or right. we don't know what ANYONE has been through so we can't make that decision of whether someone is wrong, right, justified, or not.



Well-known member
this probably is over sharing but im at a point where i can talk about it...when i was 16 i got pregnant (nearly 6years ago) and i had an abortion, so im prochoice. some of the comments in this thread annoy me because the way i saw it was just because i got pregnant didnt mean id be a good mother or that i have the RIGHT to be a mother. it was an accident that myself and my bf at the time took FULL responsibilty for, the way i saw it was if i had that kid i was be impairing its life because i was at college, waaay too immature and was basically still a kid myself - there was no way i could of brought a baby up successfully. the kid wouldnt of had a good life and i didnt want to have to rely on government handouts. i see it as the most responsible thing i could of done in the circumtances.

i know some people do regret it though, i was once told that a friend of a friend had an abortion and regretted it so much she went and got pregnant again very quickly then had a miscarrage but then got pregnant again a little while later and kept it. so its not a desicion to be taken lightly

it really annoyed me that one person kept refferring to her kid and making it all personal - just because it was the right thing for YOU to have a baby doesnt make it right fo anyone else. and NO abortion is not murder. and no-one was saying she should of had an abortion. every woman has the right to choose what is best for her

no-one has the right to tell another person what they should do with their unborn baby. the only thing i do disagree with is how late you can abort in the uk, i think the limit should be lower.

also i think the father should be allowed a say in what happpens. it takes two to tango and if the father has valid reasons (i stress VALID REASONS) for not wanting a baby i think they should be considered and not dismissed just because hes not the one carrying it.


Well-known member
I am a strong believer is birth control and sex ed - from an EARLY age! In fact, I think BC should be free.
I would rather not pay extra taxes for poor women who chose to get pregnant.
I heard of something - paying drug addicts that keep getting pregnant and can't care for their babies to get sterilized... not a bad idea.
I believe in allowing men and women to get sterilized when they choose, even in their 20s.
I believe in abortion in cases of rape and incest.
I think that if the woman knows a pregnancy will endanger her health, she should get sterilized. (Obviously not for teenagers)
I don't think abortion should ever be used as birth control.
I don't believe in partial birth abortions.
I believe a fetus is human as soon as they have a heart beat.
I believe that as long as abortion is legal, a man should have a choice. If he wants an abortion and the woman doesn't, he should be able to sign away his rights to that baby. If a woman has a choice, so should the man.
If the female does not want or cannot afford a baby, she has the resposibility to take every precaution necessary to NOT get pregnant.
I believe men need to actually wear the damn condom and stop trying to convince the girl otherwise.

Of course, nothing is foolproof. There will always be unwanted pregnancies. There will always be abortions. I, personally, do not believe abortion is the way to go, except in the cases I mentioned above... rape and incest. Life is beautiful and babies are a gift. I think we need to be less careless with life. I love being a mother but I do not judge women that felt they had no other choice than to abort their baby. I just think the first step is prevention.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
this probably is over sharing but im at a point where i can talk about it...when i was 16 i got pregnant (nearly 6years ago) and i had an abortion, so im prochoice. some of the comments in this thread annoy me because the way i saw it was just because i got pregnant didnt mean id be a good mother or that i have the RIGHT to be a mother. it was an accident that myself and my bf at the time took FULL responsibilty for, the way i saw it was if i had that kid i was be impairing its life because i was at college, waaay too immature and was basically still a kid myself - there was no way i could of brought a baby up successfully. the kid wouldnt of had a good life and i didnt want to have to rely on government handouts. i see it as the most responsible thing i could of done in the circumtances.

i know some people do regret it though, i was once told that a friend of a friend had an abortion and regretted it so much she went and got pregnant again very quickly then had a miscarrage but then got pregnant again a little while later and kept it. so its not a desicion to be taken lightly

it really annoyed me that one person kept refferring to her kid and making it all personal - just because it was the right thing for YOU to have a baby doesnt make it right fo anyone else. and NO abortion is not murder. and no-one was saying she should of had an abortion. every woman has the right to choose what is best for her

no-one has the right to tell another person what they should do with their unborn baby. the only thing i do disagree with is how late you can abort in the uk, i think the limit should be lower.

also i think the father should be allowed a say in what happpens. it takes two to tango and if the father has valid reasons (i stress VALID REASONS) for not wanting a baby i think they should be considered and not dismissed just because hes not the one carrying it.


a) This thread was obviously drudged up because no ones really posted in it forever.

b) I know you're talking about me so if yo're going to refer to me- dont beat around the bush

c).Yes, people WERE telling me to have an abortion. The father even got his mom to call and pretend to be me and make an apt for me in hopes that he could convince me to get one.

d) You've never lived my life, or been through my choices, so if you want to talk about me in this forum- maybe shoot me a PM if you really have a problem with the way I feel about things.

e) I have already apologized for the way I handled things. And any of these girls will tell you that the one thing this thread taught me is that I need to start being more aware of other people's feelings and respect their judgement calls on things- just because I dont agree with it (and no, Im not prochoice, because I do not believe that abortion should be allowed. I dont believe anyone should have the choice to end someone else's life.) doesnt mean I have a right to judge their decision. Im not God. Just because someone does something I dont agree with doesn't make them a bad person. It makes them someone who made a different decision than me. Im sure I do things that piss people off all the time becase I make a decision they dont agree with.


Under NO.
NO circumstances.... should the father have a SAY in whether a child gets aborted. That's bullshit. That completely contradicts your decision of being "pro choice."... so the mother should have the choice to have an abortion or not. Great..... And if she doesnt want to have one? And the father does? So now we're taking the choice to NOT have an abortion away from her if for SOME REASON that situation were to ever exist.


If my son's father had his way and THAT was the case--- then my son wouldn't be alive right now.. And not only would he have been robbed of his lief, but I would have been robbed of my right to choose not to have an abortion.

Once again, if you have anything you want to talk to me about, please feel free to shoot me a PM, Id be more than happy to have an intelligent discussion with you. Do not, however, make snarky comments about the way I reacted to something over 6 months ago, or ASSUME you know anything about my situation with my son or his father.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxAngelxx
I am a strong believer is birth control and sex ed - from an EARLY age! In fact, I think BC should be free.
I would rather not pay extra taxes for poor women who chose to get pregnant.
I heard of something - paying drug addicts that keep getting pregnant and can't care for their babies to get sterilized... not a bad idea.
I believe in allowing men and women to get sterilized when they choose, even in their 20s.
I believe in abortion in cases of rape and incest.
I think that if the woman knows a pregnancy will endanger her health, she should get sterilized. (Obviously not for teenagers)
I don't think abortion should ever be used as birth control.
I don't believe in partial birth abortions.
I believe a fetus is human as soon as they have a heart beat.
I believe that as long as abortion is legal, a man should have a choice. If he wants an abortion and the woman doesn't, he should be able to sign away his rights to that baby. If a woman has a choice, so should the man.
If the female does not want or cannot afford a baby, she has the resposibility to take every precaution necessary to NOT get pregnant.
I believe men need to actually wear the damn condom and stop trying to convince the girl otherwise.

Of course, nothing is foolproof. There will always be unwanted pregnancies. There will always be abortions. I, personally, do not believe abortion is the way to go, except in the cases I mentioned above... rape and incest. Life is beautiful and babies are a gift. I think we need to be less careless with life. I love being a mother but I do not judge women that felt they had no other choice than to abort their baby. I just think the first step is prevention.

I totally agree with this.

I dont think they should have a choice whether or not the woman should get an abortion. That goes completely against everyone's "my body my choice" mantra...

However, Ive begged my son's father to sign over his rights.. he refuses to do it. He now is going after joint custody of my son specifically to spite me. (and no im not guessing thats why he's doing it, he literally told me that he's going after joint custody specifically because I didnt get an abortion and he's mad that i didnt.)

Men. Pshhhh.


Well-known member
why would i PM you. the discussion is here. and i didnt drudge the thread up it was posted on recently by other people before me. im just as entitled as you to post my opinion!

its not a thread about you, stop taking it personally! im not attacking anybody! i didnt say i KNOW you...youve never lived my life either but u are saying im snarky which i wasnt being. how would you know me to say im snarky? i expressed an OPINION i wasnt name calling or judging you. its a thread for everyone to post on. my point is that you shouldnt take anythin in this thread personally because its a broad discussion and a sensitive subject. i dont take it personally that people are pro-life and dont agree with my discision.

i didnt say a man should force a woman to have abortions i just think if they have a valid reason then they should be listened to...

to flip it around...sometimes men dont want the abortion and women do - whos to say a man shouldnt have an opinion? i said VALID reasons aswell, i was saying that he has a right to voice his opinion IF it was a valid and sensible opinion. it takes two to tango! im not saying a man has a right to force a woman into a abortion or to keep it.

i believe in better education and better education of all contraceptive methods and not just the morning after pill but i also believe a kid has a right to a good life and people that KNOW they cant give that then they feel they have no choice but to abort. its not an easy choice for anybody.

again can i just stress that im not aiming to insult anybody!! just my humble opinion!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
why would i PM you. the discussion is here. and i didnt drudge the thread up it was posted on recently by other people before me. im just as entitled as you to post my opinion!

its not a thread about you, stop taking it personally! im not attacking anybody! i didnt say i KNOW you...youve never lived my life either but u are saying im snarky which i wasnt being. how would you know me to say im snarky? i expressed an OPINION i wasnt name calling or judging you. its a thread for everyone to post on. my point is that you shouldnt take anythin in this thread personally because its a broad discussion and a sensitive subject. i dont take it personally that people are pro-life and dont agree with my discision.

i didnt say a man should force a woman to have abortions i just think if they have a valid reason then they should be listened to...

to flip it around...sometimes men dont want the abortion and women do - whos to say a man shouldnt have an opinion? i said VALID reasons aswell, i was saying that he has a right to voice his opinion IF it was a valid and sensible opinion. it takes two to tango! im not saying a man has a right to force a woman into a abortion or to keep it.

i believe in better education and better education of all contraceptive methods and not just the morning after pill but i also believe a kid has a right to a good life and people that KNOW they cant give that then they feel they have no choice but to abort. its not an easy choice for anybody.

again can i just stress that im not aiming to insult anybody!! just my humble opinion!!

All I did was suggest that if yo had a major problem with the way i handled things here (which ive apologized about and worked out with pretty much everyone) that you shoot me a pm- i just would rather not have it get brought back up into a "melissa isnt being very open minded" thing again.

my point for saying it was drudged up is because 6 months ago this went down, i learned from it, and i got a little upset that all of a sudden theres a post saying "well one girl kept using her baby to make things all personal."....... you couldnt know that things had been resolved since then, so im not mad at you--> i just am taking the precautions to make sure that everyone knows that im aware of how i handled the situation. I still stand by my poisistion 100%, but im aware that i could have handled it better.

As far as the father thing goes- I agree with the PP that said that if men want a woman to have an abortion and the woman doesnt want to, then the man should be allowed to sign over his rights. Id give anything to just have my son's father sign over his life but like i said, hes purposely being vindictive and going after joint custody for the sole reason of "getting back" at me for not having an abortion.

Do i think he should have to take responsibility for my son the way i do? Absolutley. But if he doesnt want my child then i want whats best for my child. It was MY choice to keep my son, and on the flip side i can see my son's father not feeling as though he should have to pay out the ass every month because i chose not to get an abortion. Unfortunatley--> he does have that option to sign over his rights, never pay a cent, and go on with his life... but hes too damn vindictive to just do whats best for everyone.

It sucks for my son and other children that have to deal with that.... its annoying that people cant be mature about situations.bringing the father into the whole abortion decision would make it way way messy..more messy than the decision already is.


Well-known member
I agree, let's move past remarks that were made a long time ago - if something new is to be contributed to the discussion, fine, but please let's not dredge up old remarks...people may have changed their stance, I have to remind people this is an old thread, so please respond accordingly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
its not a thread about you, stop taking it personally! im not attacking anybody!

To be fair and truthful, you made the discussion about her when you referred to her. Its not a thread about her, but you choose to refer to her, and thats when the conversation will flip.

You may not agree with her posts, but it was months ago that this happened, and we all put it to rest. Lets not dig this grave up.


Well-known member
i'm pro choice because sometimes people do find themselves being pregnant even though they've been careful with birth control and stuff. that said i am against the people who use abortions as a form of birth control - one girl who i used to work with did not go on the pill, injection, or use condoms because she was lazy and stupid. she got pregnant 3 times in about 6 months and each time had an abortion. quite frankly i think that is disgusting. after the 3rd time the hospital did a birth control injection then and there because they said not only was she damaging her body but it wasn't fair to behave this way.


Well-known member
I'll be honest. I had an abortion in my first marriage, due to heavy influence from my then husband.

It really messed me up in the head for a while. I still think about it from time to time, and it makes me sad.

While it's not a good choice for me, I think every woman should be able to decide what's best for her body. It's not my place to shove my religion, morals, or beliefs onto someone else.

However, I just wanna slap some of these women who keep getting knocked up and then using abortion as birth control.


Well-known member
Very pro-choice, and totally down with abortion on top of that (though, like everyone else, I think it should be the "last line of defense" AFTER birth control has failed, NOT the birth control method itself).

My mom told me that when she found out she was pregnant with me, she'd considered aborting me and she decided not to. I feel so very lucky and loved that I was *chosen*, that I was a blessing, something that was wanted, and not a "consequence" or a "punishment" for having sex. I would love to live in a world where every child got to feel that way. It'll never happen, but it would be pretty awesome.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I totally agree with this.

I dont think they should have a choice whether or not the woman should get an abortion. That goes completely against everyone's "my body my choice" mantra...

However, Ive begged my son's father to sign over his rights.. he refuses to do it. He now is going after joint custody of my son specifically to spite me. (and no im not guessing thats why he's doing it, he literally told me that he's going after joint custody specifically because I didnt get an abortion and he's mad that i didnt.)

Men. Pshhhh.

I just wanted to say I wish you the best of luck if your son's father decides to take you to court to obtain joint custody.


Well-known member
OK so I think this is an old thread, but i am bored and have to do something so I will say this.

I am pro-Life, I don't agree with abortion for serval reasons, people use it as a form of birth control, it doesn't help people realize the effects of there actions, I grew up in a Christian home, and so on and on.

Now with this being said, my best friend in the whole world not 2 weeks ago found out she is pregnant. We have talked about the abortion thing many times(she has had one before when she was very young) She knows where I stand on it. I have also told her that NO MATTER what she decides, I love her and will be there by her side through all of it! I am not judge and jury. Bottom line right now is that its not illegal, its a womans constitutional right to decide this for themself, and while I don't agree with, I will fight tooth and nail for your right to do it! Thats what freedom is!


Oh God. I know I could NEVER have an abortion (I just don't have it in me, all I've ever wanted in life is children). However, my period is late.

One of those moments of doubt?