Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst


Well-known member
joke ever.

I've wanted to do a thread like this for a long time- i think theres one around here but when i searched I couldn't find it. :/

SO Let's see who has the worst joke ever!

I'll start off:

Joke #1

A butcher was taking his wife to a dance. When the butchers friend asked him what kind of a dance he was taking his wife to - the butcher answered " The Meat Ball". (groan)


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

What a great idea for a thread! I can never remember jokes, so can't contribute, though.


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Q: What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?
A: "Where's my tractor?"



Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Originally Posted by prinzessin784
Q: What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?
A: "Where's my tractor?"

I know this is not a good thing to say but... I think its funny.

this thread is gonna be fun thx Hawkeye!


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Okay I just heard this one like two years ago in school and I died laughing and everyone looked at me like I was retarded.

There are two sausages in a pan and the first sausage says to the second sausage "Oh my god it's hot in here!" and the second sausage says "Oh my god a talking sausage!"

Ah I'm so easily ammused.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

my cousin told me this 'joke' i find it funny because its silly lol

Q. Why did the orange cross the road?

A. To get to the chicken pie



Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

(meant to quote prinzessin)

Ha! That reminds me of one.

What do you call a black doctor?

A doctor you fucking racist!


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

hahaha. all of these jokes r killin' me! lol....lemme see if i kan think of one...


Q: What did the dog say to the bartender??
A: I'm lookin for the man who shot my Paw!

lmao, kills me every time =-]


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Perfect thread for a funny subforum....


Well-known member
Q: What to vegetarian zombies eat?

hehehe, that one is best done in person, with arms outstretched whilst yelling 'grains!" lol.

Here's another:

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel hanging from his...uh...nether regions. He sits down and orders a drink (rum, we assume). The bartender sets the drink in front of the pirate and gives him a funny look. "Sir," the bartender says, "did you know there's a steering wheel hanging from your groin?"
The pirate slams down his drink, looks up at the bartender, and says, "Aye, 'tis drivin' me nuts!"


I love stupid jokes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by medusalox
A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel hanging from his...uh...nether regions. He sits down and orders a drink (rum, we assume). The bartender sets the drink in front of the pirate and gives him a funny look. "Sir," the bartender says, "did you know there's a steering wheel hanging from your groin?"
The pirate slams down his drink, looks up at the bartender, and says, "Aye, 'tis drivin' me nuts!"



Well-known member
Originally Posted by medusalox
Q: What to vegetarian zombies eat?

hehehe, that one is best done in person, with arms outstretched whilst yelling 'grains!" lol.

THATS AWESOME!!! HAHA!!! sweetness

What's brown and sticky?
A Stick.

What do you get when you cross Darth Vader with an Elephant?
An Elevator.

I freakin love bad jokes. One of my guy friends is the best at telling them and he makes up his own and he made me lose my laugh once from laughing to hard....


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

this joke seriously cracked my group of friends up in high school. i think we were a bit delirious with all the exams on at the time.

Q: Why can't Jack drive?

A: Because he's a fish.

*boom tish*


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

YAY my turn!
ok... here goes...
what do u call a deer with no eyes?
"i have no idea'r!!"


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

LOl hahahahah here we go this has to be by far the worst joke ever..

Q: why did the pig go into the kitchen?

A: Because he was Bacon...

Tada. get it (bacon) = (baking)

this was so retarded lol


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst


* Why are pirates, pirates?
- Because they (puts on pirate voice) YARRRGGGHHHHH!

Yeah haha... lame I know


Well-known member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Ok here's one told to me by the first minister I ever dated,

Q: Why don't Baptist make love standing up?
A: God might mistake it for dancing.

Yeah I know. Really stupid. But that is what this thread it is about. Oh, and he is a Methodist minister.

(No offense intended to any dancing Baptist)


Active member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Here's mine:

A man walks into a bar ...

... and says "Ouch!"


Active member
Re: Put your very very bad jokes in this thread and lets see who comes up with the worst

Oops, two more (both from elementary school):

What has four wheels and also flies?
(A garbage truck)

And ... what's black and white and red all over?
(A newspaper ... though this works better when you say it b/c of the homophone)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
Ok here's one told to me by the first minister I ever dated,

Q: Why don't Baptist make love standing up?
A: God might mistake it for dancing.

Yeah I know. Really stupid. But that is what this thread it is about. Oh, and he is a Methodist minister.

(No offense intended to any dancing Baptist)

Um... how many ministers have you dated!?