

Well-known member
Obviously you can say whatever you want, but it just makes you look judgmental and condescending when she wasn't asking anyone's opinion on her being sexually active or not, and I honestly don't see how that's anyone else's business but her own. This isn't about censorship at all.


Well-known member
ahh! this isn't the specktra i know & love... it never used to be this hostile!!
all the girl wanted was an answer to her question...


Well-known member
Haha true, let's get back to the original topic, probably better. I just felt bad for the girl getting all jumped on and lectured.


Well-known member
lol. The OP is probably like

Ummm... I just wanted to know about... queefing. :/

Originally Posted by MissChievous
Obviously you can say whatever you want, but it just makes you look judgmental and condescending when she wasn't asking anyone's opinion on her being sexually active or not, and I honestly don't see how that's anyone else's business but her own. This isn't about censorship at all.

The truth: you speak it.


Well-known member
its embarrasing trust me,i just laugh it off but i make sure to tell him that was not a fart! lol


Well-known member
You know, I don't think I've ever queefed during sex..but if I did (and I was comfortable with the guy), I'd probably just crack up. Sex is always better when you can be kind of goofy and laugh stuff like that off. You just need to push past being self conscious about it and listen to your boyfriend when he says he doesn't care. It's not like it's a fart..it's just air!


Well-known member
It's a risk you take when postingon a public message board, that there will be people who have something dissenting to say.

Of course people are going to remind the girl she's only 16, if she gets pregnant, she changes a lot of avenues for her future, or she faces a difficult decision in choosing to abort or adopt. That's not to mention the reality of infection, and their potentially life long or life lasting impact.

Words of caution should be said, because truth be told, if one isn't comfortable discussing harmless things like queefs, or experiencing them, what sort of REAL issues are being ignored?

Just be nice when you say it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
lol. The OP is probably like

Ummm... I just wanted to know about... queefing. :/



Well-known member
I queef during sex sometimes, particularly when doing it "doggy" style. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's normal! My boyfriend and I just laugh it off and continue.

I remember when I first started having sex (I was 15) and remember my first queef, as weird as that sounds. I was mortified and claimed I cracked my back. After that I got over it. It's definitely embarrassing, but like I said, it's normal!

I'm glad you're on the pill and using condoms, by the way.. Better safe than sorry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
lol. The OP is probably like

Ummm... I just wanted to know about... queefing. :/

HAHAHAHAHA!! WHEREEEE do you find these random things?!
That just seriously made me laugh out loud! THANK YOU!!


i got queefs too. if the air doesn't have anywhere to go, it sure is coming out. the first time it happened, we just stared at each other like
, and then a second later, i said "OOOOPS hahaha." But he knew i didn't fart. He knows me well enough that if i did needed to fart, i'll squeeze and let it out later (not in the middle of a hot session)...that's just not how i would roll
But don't worry about it! It's not like it's happening b/c something's wrong with you. It's normal and it happens to a lot of women!


Well-known member
I must be the odd ball out, because I'm not understanding what does her age have to do with queefing?
Anyway I remember the first time ( and only time so far) that has happened to me, I didn't know what happened I was sooo embarrased but it's part of life hun, and if your man would make comments about it, u shouldnt be banging him <3


Well-known member
Misschevious is 100% TRUTH!!! ITA with EVERYTHING u said hunny ( Sorry I just read all pages hehe)


Well-known member
This poor girl. She's prolly like "uhhhh I'm never posting here again." hahaha!

As far as the queefing.. the first time it happened to me I didn't even know what it was! I was like "wtffff???" hahaha. I must admit I do hate when it does happen though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
I must be the odd ball out, because I'm not understanding what does her age have to do with queefing?

I'm simply answering from my perspective but I think as you get older you don't worry about things like queefing in front of your lover. If he is mature enough, you're confident enough, and you are in a comfortable, accepting relationship then the queefing shouldn't in any way be a problem. Just sometimes that stuff comes with age and time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I'm simply answering from my perspective but I think as you get older you don't worry about things like queefing in front of your lover. If he is mature enough, you're confident enough, and you are in a comfortable, accepting relationship then the queefing shouldn't in any way be a problem. Just sometimes that stuff comes with age and time.

age time and experience
this is her first sexual relationship
or does everyone forget what it was like for them? that is why she is asking for advice
i'm pretty sure if she was 20 and this was her first sexual partner she'd still be pretty embarassed


Well-known member
Honestly, I think it's hilarious. But then again, I find farting funny, too! Just laugh it off... it's really not that embarassing. It's just air, and if it happens to me, it just means I was having a good time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FiestyFemme
Honestly, I think it's hilarious. But then again, I find farting funny, too! Just laugh it off... it's really not that embarassing. It's just air, and if it happens to me, it just means I was having a good time.


Tashona Helena

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Verient
He loves me completely for who I am. I don't have much self confidence, so it's my problem, not his. We've talked about it and he said not to worry because it's natural. It's just a silly mind block I have. He's my first but we had sex in feb, so have been doing it for a while.

:: ignoring everyone else :: lol

Ok so we get to the real reason
I understand now. Almost every girl has that moment when she's embarrassed about something whether it be sexual or anything and she starts to doubt herself with every little thing in the relationship. I've even dated a guy that was so insecure, not just during sex. If something would happen during sex, it would make me uncomfortable as well when I would be like "OMG...not a big deal!" You just got to put yourself in his shoes. If he loves you for who you are, you think a little noise (that he's has partly caused) would affect your entire relationship? That's good you guys talked about it.

Please don't look at this forum the wrong way lol...obviously we're opinionated girls with MAC in our hands but we're all girls with MAC in our hands at the end of the day whether we agree or not.
I think most of us just got worried because a. we're mothers. b. we've been there or c. both! I've never been embarrassed about queefs (I'm so goofy anyway the weirdest people that I know say I'm weirder than them so I need to stop thinking everyone else is weird like me) but I've sympathized with other people who have been embarrassed during sex. I've been pissed off during sex, and for a moment I did feel bad about getting my hood pierced because of the mixed reactions from guys. But I stepped back and was like you know what, this is my body, and I"m rockin it. Just step back and rock it girl you'll be fine lol.