Question about CCO's


I've only been there once and they didn't have anything...


Well-known member
I was there in March and picked up alot of good stuff! 3 glitterliners, Violet and Blue Storm Pigments, Rio de Rose, some lipglees, CCBs, Shimmersnad s/s, Royal Hue s/s. They had a ton of shadesticks, a few paints in the singles box, tons of lipstick and lipglass, foundation (dark shades only), pan glitter cream stuff, body bronzer, few blushes, couple of bags, 236, 187, and 174 brushes. SO I'm sure they don't have the same stuff, but maybe they'll still have some stuff!


Well-known member
PS- When at CCOs always chat with the sales people and then ask if they have any more stuff behind the counter. I found Moth Brown, glitterliners, and a Pigment set by doing this! Sometimes they just don't have all their stuff out and if your nice, they'll be more likely to go searching for you. *Just a tip!* Good luck!


Active member
Calabasas, CA CCO Pigments, lipglazes and MSF"s


So the MSF's were $12, lipglazes were $13 (had most of the unpopular ones, dark grape and bright pink/sheery nude colors) tons of Pro Glosses, and the Rebel Rock pigment for $12, shimmersouffle, Ingenue Blue, Irridescent dusk, tons of origins and probably half the clinique line.

Picked up two Disc CCB's (pink and cool pink, super pretty) and Stila fruitpunch lipglaze, along with tantalope, bright coral and strobe pink Gloss Cremes, Angelwing and blue memory lipglass all for less than $100!


Active member
Has anyone checked up on this CCO?

I'm planning on heading there in the next few days, i'd like to know what's there! ... well, especially because i want to know how much i'll spend, haha.

i'm only in Woodland Hills, and i'm pretty close, sooo it won't be a huge let-down if there's not much to get. but tell me good things!!! pleeeease!!!!!!!

x/o hannah.


Well-known member
did anyone ever find out an address/ph# for this place? i'd like to stop by there this weekend, if i can.


Active member
I think this is the address:

Camarillo Premium Outlets
740 E. Ventura Boulevard
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 445-8520

I checked google maps and it's about 28 min. from Calabasas.


Well-known member
yeah but Calbasas is nowhere near have to go over a giant hill to get between the two places
anyone actually driving through/from this area could not get the two confused.

i was hoping for a 2nd CCO nearby because the Camarillo one is the one i go to all the time


Well-known member
Camarillo CCO is, like, the most defficient CCO ever. they have some awesome salesgirls there that helped me out one time, though...they've always got a handful of good lipsticks, lots of dark foundation, unpopular blushcremes and nail polish...never the good stuff tho.

i want pigments, fluidlines and good lipglosses, but i get no love


Well-known member
i went on saturday and the super sucked!!.....the only things i got were the oil control lotion from MAc,and tinted lip cond., and Lash XL from estee lauder, they always have like non-popular mac stuff...but then the other makeup store its called Designer Fragrances and Cosmetic that one is the shiz!!!I bought tons of Lancome makeup and ...this is good..... My loved Shu Uemura lash curler for ....gasp.....ten bucks!!!!....i got three!!!lol....they came w/ the silver case!!...yup...good buy!!!


Well-known member
ITA with everyon on Camarillo's CCO. They had a lot of Clinique and Estee Lauder sets when I went, but that's about it...the CCO at the Block in Orange County is awesome (it's hidden in the Off 5th store). If you are ever in that area, try that one.


Well-known member
i was there today and they had a ton of cool mac stuff.

pigments - softwash grey, night light, azreal blue
eyeshadows - aquavert (don't remember others)
lip gelee - dame in a dress
fluidlines - lithograph, nightfish, non-conformist, royal wink, blue peep, blita and glitz, new weed, most colors.

that's all i remember. if you're in the area, stop by!


Well-known member
made my way down there on Sunday, thanks to missmarkers advice (MAN, the place was CRAZY) and they still had softwash grey, night light, azreal blue

e/s: aquavert, light ray, fountainbleu, rio de rosa and, uh....sushi flower, i think. damn, they had five and i con't remember the last one. i want to say it was an orangey one.

f/l: all the ones she listed plus Sweet Sage! i think they were out of lithograph tho, didn't see any.

lots of lipgloss and lots of lipstick, but nothing really exciting. they had all 4 of the Patternmaker glosses, tho, so i picked those up...SO PRETTY!

they also still had 3 of the 4 Pettifour (or whatever they're called) gloss pots...and a handful of cream blushes.

wish i could get down there more than two or three times a year, but it's probably for the best that i can't