Question about IMATS, Pasadena 2009.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xcutiepie331x
Sadly, I don't have any documents so I'm PRAYING they offer the procards to anyone. I'm going tomorrow and will let you guys know what happens.

I don't think they're doing this anymore. Some chick in the UK "bought" one, claiming to be an artist, and then blabbed on YouTube how easy it was and stuff. So I heard they're no longer offering the pro card at the IMATS.


I just got back from IMATS and they're absolutely NOT offering the Pro cards to people without all of the documentation. In fact, I heard a couple of the people in charge telling others working the MAC stand that they can't be flexible at all when it comes to the two forms of proof, whether it be a call sheet, license, tear sheet, etc.

Also, FYI the discount offered this year by MAC was 20% (same as the student discount) as opposed to the 40% they apparently did last year and they only brought a portion of the line with them. No eyeshadows or eyebrow pencils, etc.


Well-known member
^^ Well hopefully most people got their F&F items and didn't take a chance on getting a better discount or a pro card without creds


New member
Just got back from IMATS, you do need to bring all required documentation to get a MAC Pro card. If not you'll only receive the 20% discount. Which is still nice, but they just had the SUMO discount a few days ago that offered 25%


Well-known member
I was not impressed with MAC at all today. They didn't have a lot of products (just some pro stuff), and they offered a measly discount of 20%. I missed out on the Sumo sale thinking MAC would give a better discount. On top of that, the pro cards were not offered to everyone. Only to those who have "credentials." I think it was BS - most people brought fake, homemade certificates and such. However, Makeup Forever was offering an amazing discount of 40%. They had a great selection of products. I will be going back tomorrow just for makeup forever products.


Originally Posted by PinkHearts2314
So even without the pro card there's still a 20% discount?

Yes, the show discount was 20% as standard, but last year it was 40%.. Make Up Forever had a huge selection of product there this year with a 40% discount which beat MAC hands down IMHO.


Well-known member
i wanna go just for the makeup forever discount! blehh but i don't wanna drive 1 hour. I'm so tired from my Vegas trip!


You know, People apply by using fake credentials all the time!! I guess it'd be pretty easy to just whip a fake business card and contract on the computer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YSLaddict4
You know, People apply by using fake credentials all the time!! I guess it'd be pretty easy to just whip a fake business card and contract on the computer.

Your business cards need to be professionally printed. I dont believe they accept the computer printed ones.


Well-known member
i was reallllly disappointed too because I came all the way from norcal hoping to get a mac pro card!!
luckily, this happened to be a weekend I had to be in LA anyway so it wasn't a waste of a trip.. MUFE's 40% discount totally made up for it though!!! wayyy better selection and I didn't have to pay a stupid membership fee


Well-known member
Im probably one of the few who is glad that MAC is making it a little harder to get the Pro card. I worked so hard to get valid proof before I became employed, and I don't think its fair for those who make a LIVING out of makeup art. A lot of people love MAC, and just want to get MAC for cheaper, and "occasionally" doing makeup doesn't make anyone a qualified artist.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Im probably one of the few who is glad that MAC is making it a little harder to get the Pro card. I worked so hard to get valid proof before I became employed, and I don't think its fair for those who make a LIVING out of makeup art. A lot of people love MAC, and just want to get MAC for cheaper, and "occasionally" doing makeup doesn't make anyone a qualified artist.

Just my 2 cents.

Despite the fact that I'd love a 40% discount, I completely agree. (My terminology is going to sound dumb here, but idk how else to phrase!!) Makeup "civilians" getting Pro Cards cheapens MAC as a brand... both in product and reputation, if that makes sense.


Well-known member
^^I think I would have to agree too. I love MAC and would enjoy a discount as much as the next person, but isn't a MAC PRO card supposed to be for professionals in the business? Hence the PRO part? I can understand how it may be a little irritating for those who have worked hard to build a client base and get the proper credentials to see someone walk right off the street (or forge documents) and get a PRO card. Now this may seem like selling out to consumers, but I wouldn't mind some sort of rewards program from MAC. Maybe like if you spend $500 or some other fixed number, you get a 10% discount off the next purchase or something. But that's just me daydreaming.


Active member
Originally Posted by iShadow
Despite the fact that I'd love a 40% discount, I completely agree. (My terminology is going to sound dumb here, but idk how else to phrase!!) Makeup "civilians" getting Pro Cards cheapens MAC as a brand... both in product and reputation, if that makes sense.

I agree - I think this is the main reason MAC changed their procedure at the most recent Makeup Shows.

While is was a bit disappointing to not be able to get a pro-card at IMATS, I wasn't totally devastated
bc I pretty much figured this would happen... there was just too much attention on this, what with all the youtube gurus talking about it all the time.

I agree with the previous posters about the MUFE booth - they offered a great discount to EVERYONE and totally kicked MAC's butt. The MAC booth was boring and most of the MUA's there were snobby and rude. I was just looking at one of the pro-card applications and one of the MUA's basically snatched it out of my hand whilst saying/snarling, "honey you can only have that if you have documents."

Hmmmhp!! I only wanted the darn thing to fan my face bc it was so fricken hot in there!

I had fun though, IMATS was awesome, even for a "civilian" like me


Well-known member
The MAC counter at the New York's show did the same

Nobody was going to see them, and the workers there looked very snob and arrogant o_0


yes the people at the mac stand were very rude. I came all the way from europe and i was disappointed in having not bought from their online store where they were having a 25% discount just days before. when i did try to buy a few things, to avoid international fees i only had cash...they were like...No - cards only. I didn't buy a thing and spent 300$ at MUFE who showed up with almost their entire collection.


Well-known member
The MAC stand at the Canadian Makeup Show was exactly the same as you guys were describing. Rude, arrogant, uninviting, hardly any products.

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