Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Challenge recap... 1 Lovecraft liptar 2 Vacant lipgloss 3 Restrict 4 Snapdragon Sun: N/A 5 Venus 6 Lavender whip 7 Pet Me Please 8 Sweet and Sour Got stiffed on a $93 check tonight. Wtf is wrong with people!
Dammit! Again? Assholes. I hope they weren't the same people.


Well-known member
unsubscribed from a load of threads, sadly from maleficent, wtf is up with that collex...!
so no collections are really wowing me, which is good, i want to be less about being reeled in by collection marketing and more about individual products i like or work for me.

so far my low buy for this month isn't fab, but my purchases are a lot healthier and there's less duds.
buying an estee lauder foundation and blush was what will tip this month over reason but i genuinely love both so it's all good.

i'm thinking i might do another lipstick cull soon as i've just got two added to my collection from b2m and an estee lauder gwp, most of the lippies im not really gunna wear are mac ones
i might do what i did with my perfumes and lay them in rough order of like and then get rid of the bottom ones!


Well-known member
Day 9: NYX Mega Lipgloss in Tea Rose
Day 10: NYX Butter LIpstick in Hunk

The lipgloss is going to have to go. It did NOTHING for me. It looked like vasline on the lips. I bought the color at IMATS NYC and it's beautiful in the tube. However I would get the same results from carmex. It's the first of my 30 lippies in 30 days to go.


Well-known member
Day 9: NYX Mega Lipgloss in Tea Rose
Day 10: NYX Butter LIpstick in Hunk

The lipgloss is going to have to go. It did NOTHING for me. It looked like vasline on the lips. I bought the color at IMATS NYC and it's beautiful in the tube. However I would get the same results from carmex. It's the first of my 30 lippies in 30 days to go.
Most NYX lip products have been a disappointment for me until the Butter lipsticks. How do you like Hunk? I am loving these!


Well-known member
Yesterday's lippie: Snapdragon over a S.Style pink stain.

today: MAC Ablaze..

just wanted to come in and report in.
My lipstick yesterday was Snapdragon too. Vernal Equinox meant a full FoF look! Did an eye like the Jeremy Scott runway look, except with Sassy Moss + the seafoam green Crushed Metal pigment - that came out great. Plus Petal Power on the cheeks. I'd like to grab Snapdragon again today, it's a pity to move on to something else when I'm craving more of it. However, I'm off to see the Patentpolish pencils in action, so bare lips for me until then!

Tonight, I think I'm going to go for Sushi Kiss or Reel Sexy, since I'm going out to a darkly lit club for some underground music from Chile.


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Oh no. Stiffed just means he didn't tip me. He paid his tab. Sorry, I used server terms, dur to me lol. Only thing I can think of why he did that is he had drank quite a bit. So the manager told me to slow service. But thing is, it was for one dang beer. Had been feeding him drinks for 4 hours and just sucked down another drink in mere minutes before he asked for the beer. So it wasn't my fault. Was just doing my job, not to mention legally. Every day it seems to get harder to be there. So I busted out a bold lip today to make myself feel better... Day 9: Estee Lauder sequin lipgloss in Violet Rain. Forgot how beautiful and pigmented it is! Magenta violet shimmery goodness. Almost looks like it's glowing!


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I admit I have been dreading to post in this thread for the last couple of days since I have shopped a little and didn't want to confess, lol.
I broke down and ordered another Cliniquer Cheek Pop when I saw it online on another site. There were only 2 left. I'm still miffed at the price tag, but this shade looks so much better than the first one I got (that I returned because it was loose in the pan). I'm glad I got it after all, it looks great on me, the formula really is amazing. Nothing like any other blush I have.
I also got the nude Proenza lipstick, but it was a good deal, like half the price I would've paid here, so that's OK. I also bought shoes and random things and now I'm broke.
I know I should skip the Proenza blush now after getting the Clinique, but I don't know if I can... I still want it.

I should get rid of some blushes before I buy more, but I can't decide which ones to let go, I'm not able to part with any right now.

I'm sorry for everyone dealing with hardships, illnesses and crappy people in their life. Big hugs to all of you and thanks again for every kind word, I really appreciate it. I feel bad complaining about my life because I know a lot of people have it much worse...
I've been to the doctor and apparently my heart rhythm is a little off (? don't know how to say it in English). I have been noticing it myself in the last couple of weeks, never had that before. The doctor said not to worry about it, but to check it out further if I keep having it. Also dealing with tooth ache and stomach ache in the last days, which is annyoing.

There are so many new releases, it's overwhelming. I feel like my wish list is exploding! The gorgeous MAC summer packaging isn't helping either. At least it's a ED collection, I'm not a fan of that formula, so I won't be too tempted to buy much. But I want 1-2 things for the packaging. I did however talk myself out of the Givenchy bronzer. It's gorgeous, but I don't really need it, not a good idea to buy such an expensive product just because of the pretty pattern that disappears after a couple of uses anyway. I'll rather save my gift cards for something else (probably the Les Beiges powder and/or brush, and maybe a Patentpolish)


Well-known member
Today's lipstick is MAC Ravishing!!! Wanted a coral and this is beautiful! Thanks for the rec @pixiedancer! I went to the mall and didn't buy a thing! I back to Mac'ed for Ravishing and window shopped at Sephora but didn't spend a penny! I just swatched some things I've been eyeing so I can go home and look at my stash for dupes. ;)


Well-known member
Went back and counted up the days, I think it's right.

Day 1: Revlon Matte Balm in Elusive
Day 2: Viva Glam III, Revlon Snow Peach
Day 3: MAC Strawbaby
Day 4: Clinique Chubby Stick in Roomiest Rose
Day 5: Nothing
Day 6: L'oreal Colour Riche Balm in Plush Plum, MAC Mellow Flame
Day 7: MAC Punk Couture, Estee Lauder Rose Tea
Day 8: Nothing
Day 9: MAC Dramatic Encounter

Also day 9: I ended up deciding to wear Heroine over Nightmoth lipliner. It made the most beautiful purple... I ended up wiping it off before leaving the theatre after eating lots of popcorn and nachos :p

Day 10, today: Wet n Wild Megalast in Cherry Picking. Soooo beautiful. And inexpensive!!


Well-known member
I went to the mall and didn't buy a thing! I back to Mac'ed for Ravishing and window shopped at Sephora but didn't spend a penny! I just swatched some things I've been eyeing so I can go home and look at my stash for dupes.

ATTA GIRL! Went into the dragon's den and came out unscathed? Miraculous! WAY TO GO!

Happy Friday to all my fellow Specktrettes!


Well-known member
I admit I have been dreading to post in this thread for the last couple of days since I have shopped a little and didn't want to confess, lol.
I broke down and ordered another Cliniquer Cheek Pop when I saw it online on another site. There were only 2 left. I'm still miffed at the price tag, but this shade looks so much better than the first one I got (that I returned because it was loose in the pan). I'm glad I got it after all, it looks great on me, the formula really is amazing. Nothing like any other blush I have.
I also got the nude Proenza lipstick, but it was a good deal, like half the price I would've paid here, so that's OK. I also bought shoes and random things and now I'm broke.
Those clinique cheek pops are soooo cute...

Today's lippie is Out for Passion for Lele.

I don't know what day we are on anymore.


Well-known member
I swatched Hourglass Mood Exposure blush at Sephora and came home - Benefit Rockateur is almost identical! Definitely a skip for sure now. Phew. Dodged a bullet.


Well-known member
Shopped my stash today! I've been wearing the same look over and over recently, but today I have on:

Clinique CC cream as a foundation (Very light)
Chanel Poudre Universal Libre (20 clair)
MAC Golden bronzer
Benefit the Rockateur
Rimmel Moisture Renew in Fancy

I am loving the combination of Golden bronzer and The Rockateur on my cheeks. It is making my skin look so glowy and flawless. I am also loving the Rimmel lipstick in Fancy - I bought a huge bag of drugstore products a couple of weeks ago (another post-nightshift decision) and forgot I even got this until this morning. It's actually a great colour, I think it might be similar to MACs Morning Rose. At the very least it is the colour I wanted Morning Rose to be, so I'm happy. No eyeshadow today, because I have had an allergic reaction to something and have dermatitis ON MY EYELIDS
I haven't been able to wear eye colour for weeks!

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