Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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My "LeLe" Look for Today:
Eyes: Base: MUFE Aqua Cream #16 and Shadows: DaBling, Cranberry, Soft Brown, Folie
(Day #10) Lips: MAC Embrace Me lip liner with MAC Scandelicious Kissable Lipcolour
Cheeks: Poised, Melba, and Lightscapade


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Most NYX lip products have been a disappointment for me until the Butter lipsticks. How do you like Hunk? I am loving these!
I'm loving the texture and the pigmentation of the Butter Lipsticks that I own. I only have two Hunk and Licorice. It goes on smooth and leaves the lips feeling great. Hunk is a great purple shade that reminds me of sheered out version of MAC Rebel. I think tomorrow's lippie will be Licorice. maybe


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Day 1: Estee Lauder Crystal Baby - very pretty but sheer, I like that different liners can go with it and change up the look
Day 2: Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy in Desirable - My new favorite l/s and formula, feels like my Tom Ford
Day 3: B&BW Guilty Peach Tart lip gloss - I love their l/g tubes, they don't dry out my lips like most lip products do and they taste so yummy!
Day 4 : Revlon Temptress - I'm not sure if this color is dc'd or not, but it's a really nice wearable every day pink. I'd have to swatch to make sure but it reminds me of MAC Venus. I have it on with Lancome Rose l/l
Day 5: L'Oreal The Queen's Kiss - Every time I pull this l/s out I think, nah this isn't a good color for me and then I put it on and I'm in love again lol!! I just wish it was more of a fine shimmer than a full on metallic frost.
Day 6: BE Marvelous Moxie Get Ready - I love this formula and this color is so perfect for me. Not only do these l/s not dry out my lips like almost everything else does, but it actually improves the texture of my lips. The more I wear it the better my lips look. LOVE!!
Day 7: MAC Force of Love - This might be my first fail. I don't know why I fell in love with this. I don't think the dry, neon, coral-pink is too flattering for me at all.
Day 8: NYX Butter l/s in Fizzies. This just came in the mail yesterday with my Cherry Culture order that I did during the 40% off sale. I love it!!
Day 9: MAC Feed The Senses. This one is a tough one for me. When I first put it on I think I love it, then I feel like I look washed out, then I reach for a brighter blush lol. I also have to keep reapplying it over and over again b/c it just fades on me so quickly.
Day 10: WnW Cherry Bomb. one of the few vampy colors I have. I can't do this straight on the lips though, it's too intense. I kind of mix it with lip balm and I like the color, but it's bleeding on me. I need to remember to put MAC prep & prime lip stuff under it to see if that helps at all.

I almost went to bed and remembered to post my LOTD!!

Day 11: MAC Lady at Play - I go through phases where I like oranges, then I don't like oranges. I like this formula so I will keep this one for the days I'm "in the mood" for orangy lips. :)


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Wow, are we all going to get synched up on our lipsticks like it's that time 'o the month??? :sweat:  3 Snapdragon equinox sightings so far…. Talk about Specktra community!
Lol I didn't even notice I just posted quickly as I forget. I'm noticing a lot of similarities on lists now. Although I'm noticing which lipsticks I'm avoiding as well, not good lol


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Day 9: Estee Lauder sequin lipgloss in Violet Rain. Forgot how beautiful and pigmented it is! Magenta violet shimmery goodness. Almost looks like it's glowing!
that is unacceptable! Considering he was a sitting duck in your section for 4 hours, that was potentially four other people you could possible given better service to. When I waited tables I hated having to work on a game day or fight, becuz people think they can sit in your section all day but tip you for the meal they had, at least keep in mind that thats money the server isnt getting becuz they only waited on one person theri entire shift.

hope your next shift is better, it sucks having to wait tables because you have to treat each day like a new on with a good attitude but when you constantly have to deal with things like this when that is your main income its stressful. I always tip my bartenders, wait staff, busboys, and hostess because ive been in each one of their shoes.


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Mac Collections this first half of the year appear to really suck or that its signs i have more than enough makeup. Soooo im excited that Playland, Magnifcant and probably even Proenza will be a skip although all i wanted was the tan/coral ombre but, after seeing that Alluring Aquatics will be ED I am a big fan of ED blushes and will haul those.

They work beautifully for me and if they have any unique colors and no repeats ima grab them all especially in that packaging. I do have a love hate for the ED, one I love the finish but it takes a lot to getthe color to show up, but it just makes me feel like im actually going through the product so im okay with that.

Oh! also i feel better becasue i have gotten rid of most of my regualr mac blushes for these i use to have 18 and now im down to 8 prob going to go down to 6 becuz Equlibirum is looking muddy on my lately and it has a silver sheen that clashes with my olive skintone, how did i not notice this. That or i love bareness even more. I havent really fallen in love with my tarte palette either tho. Its a must have but i rarely grab it. I need to use it more. Yup but thats all my blushes now, well except for 3 nars ones but those i do use and reach for.

The summer collections sound promising but i cant think of anything else i would need.

hope i love my limecrime stuff, even tho i didnt buy anything for about 2 months, i feel bad for spending on makeup now.. Im really hard on myself


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Okay my list so far for the 30 day lipstick challenge 1 MAC Hot chocolate 2MAC viva glam VI 3BITE Rhubarb 4MAC captive 5MAC hang up 6MAC hot gossip 7MAC touch 8MAC riri nude 9MAC creme de nude with MAC BBQ l/l 10MAC haute altitude with viva glam VI lipgloss and MAC BBQ l/l then at night i wore MAC Heaux with jordana l/l in cabernet And today is MAC outrageously fun lipstick with Mac currant lipliner


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Quote:Originally Posted by charlotte366

Decided ! Revlon lip butter in sorbet!

Sitting here depotting some blushes, nervous!

I tried depotting a Mac shadow and it was a horrible disaster.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Deesea

I'm not in the best financial position and have recently decided my collection is complete, spare a few elusive htf's.... I have always been able to find "one more" item I "need" (I even did it a sentence ago!). I'll pine after something rare and spend too much time, effort or money (or all 3!) to get it, then it's on to the next conquest and the one I just obtained goes unloved, or rarely loved. I don't need anymore, I need to learn to cherish and use the gems I've spent so long (and so much $) collecting. I'm ocd about keeping everything organized and well presented for easy access to everything yet most goes unused. I think I need to try using at least 1 different product each day instead of going with old faithfuls and playing it safe. My challenge is I'm fairly new to makeup at 30 and feel a bit intimidated by my own collection! Lol. Crazy, no?

I have that same problem but I am happy to say that it has gotten much better. I have been learning to love and wear what I chose if I liked it.


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I admit I have been dreading to post in this thread for the last couple of days since I have shopped a little and didn't want to confess, lol.
I broke down and ordered another Cliniquer Cheek Pop when I saw it online on another site. There were only 2 left. I'm still miffed at the price tag, but this shade looks so much better than the first one I got (that I returned because it was loose in the pan). I'm glad I got it after all, it looks great on me, the formula really is amazing. Nothing like any other blush I have.
I also got the nude Proenza lipstick, but it was a good deal, like half the price I would've paid here, so that's OK. I also bought shoes and random things and now I'm broke.
I know I should skip the Proenza blush now after getting the Clinique, but I don't know if I can... I still want it.

I should get rid of some blushes before I buy more, but I can't decide which ones to let go, I'm not able to part with any right now.

I'm sorry for everyone dealing with hardships, illnesses and crappy people in their life. Big hugs to all of you and thanks again for every kind word, I really appreciate it. I feel bad complaing about my life becuase I know a lot of people have it much worse...
I've been to the doctor and apparently my heart rhythm is a little off (? don't know how to say it in English). I have been noticing it myself in the last couple of weeks, never had that before. The doctor said not to worry about it, but to check it out further if I keep having it. Also dealing with tooth ache and stomach ache in the last days, which is annyoing.

There are so many new releases, it's overwhelming. I feel like my wish list is exploding! The gorgeous MAC summer packaging isn't helping either. At least it's a ED collection, I'm not a fan of that formula, so I won't be too tempted to buy much. But I want 1-2 things for the packaging. I did however talk myself out of the Givenchy bronzer. It's gorgeous, but I don't really need it, not a good idea to buy such an expensive product just because of the pretty pattern that disappears after a couple of uses anyway. I'll rather save my gift cards for something else (probably the Les Beiges powder and/or brush, and maybe a Patentpolish)
I'm not doing well either! went crazy with the Hautelook sales for Tarina tarantino (purchased for 100$ on that site) went to Sephora to purchase a gift card for my friends birthday for next week, walk out with a bill of 166$!!! this is bad! The good news i sold my condo and now my internet time is mostly looking for another house and not makeup. I did removed my box (full of makeup) out of my closet so I can use all my makeup again.
But still NEED to pay my credit card!!!! Oh and another 2 months and I will be finishing paying my student debt. So i'm half way there!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Spikesmom
I will try this! You guys are terrible, giving me new ways to try lipsticks that aren't working. I want to purge lmao!!!

Lol, I don't know whether to hope it works or fails for you, purging does feel good though


Well-known member
So I have been shopping my stash and worn these lately:

1. Mac So Supreme Sheen Supreme - Playtime (I actually thought this was too neon at first and hadn't given it much love, I wore it 2 days straight and will keep using this)
2. Mac Sheen Supreme Insanely It, topped up later with YSL Rouge Volupte #10 (which actually made my lips burn- might be the strong fragrance)
3. Mac Sheen Supreme Full Speed
4. Too faced Marshmallow Bunny
5. Chanel Rayonnanate, later topped up with much neglected MAC Milan Mode which was very vibrant
6. Chanel L'Ecletante (loved very much)
7. Rouge Dior #777 Fantasque- I have had a love/hate relationship with this colour lol, it's a very complex shade which I wanted to appear true to colour but it leans more red, but I wore it yesterday and appreciated it for what it is.
8. YSL Rouge Volupte Perle #114 Sparkling Fuschia- love this shade and no irritation!
9. Lancome 343B Rouge In Love (new purchase- heavily discounted with a voucher though!)
10. Make up forever Rouge Artist Intense #33
11. MAC How Darling! Creemsheen
12. MAC Riri Pleasurebomb
13. MAC Force of Love

I feel less and less desire to add more when I am enjoying my gigantic lippie stash so much.

I also gave away MAC Raspberry Swirl to a friend's daughter and a Dior Lippie to my friend which I had way too many back ups of- felt good!

Said friend also bought me Chanel Tumulte blush for my bday and I treated myself to Malice today- I use Chanel blushes non stop so no regrets.

After Playland's lippies, I am not too excited about anything but must admit the Alluring Aqua packaging looks beautiful but I only care about the lippies.

Best thing is shopping your stash is free- and you will likely rediscover alot of great shades and distract yourself from getting more!


Well-known member
This challenge is going well but so far i like everything so no help with the purge!

Day 1: Naked 2 UD
Day 2: Revlon Lip Butter Cupcake, NYX natural
Day 3: YSL Glossy Stain Violene out of Control 108
Day 4: NYX line natural, Kate Moss Rimmel 14 and NYX Tiramisu
Day 5: Mac Underage Lipglass
Day 6: MAC Naked Bliss + Pink Noveau
Day 7: Mac Mellow Mood
Day 8 Mac Flat out Fabulous
Day 9: Maybellline Color Vivids in Pink Pop

Day 10: Bobbi Brown Pink Sugar
Day 11: Mac Boyfriend Stealer with WNW Dollhouse pink in the center
Day 12: Maybelline Truffle tease


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Day 12: MAC Lustering Some of you may giggle but this is the brightest lipstick I own and I never wear it. Pretty but too bright for me lol. Totally happy about play land collection as it's an easy skip for me.


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I am having a restless urge for something new and exciting make-up wise but I have no idea what it is. My sale/swap thread is pretty much over. I made a few sales over the past couple days but I mostly swapped. Perception is everything as it was hard to say swapped so it seemed like buying with a few other sellers. I was also gifted a few unexpected items. Learning to use stuff that I was afraid to use as I feared never being able to afford to replace them once they are all gone (thanks for the support on that issue my friend). All in all making better choices and realize that impulses can be controlled and suppressed. I noticed that a lot of folks are able to resist things they want and it made me aware that I can do that too. The sell/swap excercise was meaningful in every sense of the word. I have skipped Mac collections this year so far. I may get a gloss or two from Playland and Sultana Lipgloss Pencil. I have forever been on the hunt for the perfect opaque pigmented peach/coral/orange gloss that looks perfect on my skintone. Most that I have experimented with are just too sheer. The Playland glosses are not a 100% certainty as yet until I see them in-person . I am curious to try the self sharpening pencil so will probably satisfy myself with one to experience the formula. I had a Taupographic pencil that dried out on me many years ago so I fear that happening again. Plus for $20 each getting multiples is not a option as I would rather invest in the AA Extra Dimension Collection in May. I will be totally skipping Proenza, Maleficient and By Request etc. Got busy, gotta run, love you fab ladies. I am secretly doing the daily lippie stuff but using lipglosses, lol


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Day 12: MAC Lustering Some of you may giggle but this is the brightest lipstick I own and I never wear it. Pretty but too bright for me lol. Totally happy about play land collection as it's an easy skip for me.
Lustering is one of my favorite lipsticks ever! Such a gorgeous color!


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Lustering is one of my favorite lipsticks ever! Such a gorgeous color!
I love it now too!! I waited for spring to wear it again but I should wear it more. I used to think it was so bright, but after today I'm enjoying it more than I have ever and actually reapplied too. Loving this 30 days of lipsticks challenge. I'm finding new favorites. It goes perfect with my new radiant magenta blush yay!!


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I actually made it ALL of 2014 so far without buying any makeup (except replacement eyeliner because I replace mine often) until I had to buy some more UD setting spray yesterday. Oops! I know I'm about to go HAM during Sephora VIB anyway, I already have a list of stuff I want

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