Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I love it now too!! I waited for spring to wear it again but I should wear it more. I used to think it was so bright, but after today I'm enjoying it more than I have ever and actually reapplied too. Loving this 30 days of lipsticks challenge. I'm finding new favorites. It goes perfect with my new radiant magenta blush yay!!
I totally agree! This challenge rocks! Oh I can see Lustering pairing beautifully with Radiant Magenta! Perfect for spring :D

Audrey C

Well-known member
I actually made it ALL of 2014 so far without buying any makeup (except replacement eyeliner because I replace mine often) until I had to buy some more UD setting spray yesterday. Oops! I know I'm about to go HAM during Sephora VIB anyway, I already have a list of stuff I want
I stocked up on brushes, staples and skincare in the US last week at a lower cost than VIB sales, so I don't plan on bothering with Chic week. If you've made it this far without buying a thing, you've done really well!


Well-known member
Today's lip is MAC Hot Gossip. A staple for me.
This lipsticks needs more love! I rarely read about it, even though it's great. Love it. Lost my first one during my holiday but I repurchased it and I've been happy with it since.

I've sold three unloved lipsticks now (Speed Dial, Craving, and Lustering) and one of Escada's fragrances (Cherry in the Air). I should give up on Escada fragrances because the only thing I get from them is a headache. I love their scents but all of them give me a freaking headache.
I'm feeling a bit frustrated right now because I haven't bought anything in a while. I need to stock up on skincare and what not next month but I'm trying to not buy anything makeup related.
Oh, good news: I got a coupon for a free Chanel mascara in the mail today. And I nearly have 6 empties for B2M. Not sure which lipstick I should get, though.


Well-known member
So far I haven't put a lipstick on today. It's just kind of a chill day for me. My son and I have had a hectic week preparing for his huge State Wrestling Tournament tomorrow. So today is kinda the calm before the storm!
If I put on a lippie, I'll report back. But it's looking like today will just be a skip day on my challenge. I'll pick back up tomorrow!

Happy to see so many of you having fun with this challenge! Even if it's not helping you purge, you're still learning about and using your stash. Hopefully rekindling a love for older lippies that will help you resist adding new ones! And if it IS helping you purge... BRAVO!! Either way... I feel this challenge is a winner!


Well-known member
Awe thanks love. You hit it right on the head! Thats why I don't work Sundays. Not worth the hassle. Yesterday was like a wakeup call. I really felt I was going to burst. Wanted to just walk out. It just drives me to get the heck out of serving. Positive note...I got tons of compliments on my the lippy I was wearing. Made me feel good :)
that is unacceptable! Considering he was a sitting duck in your section for 4 hours, that was potentially four other people you could possible given better service to. When  I waited tables I hated having to work on a game day or fight, becuz people think they can sit in your section all day but tip you for the meal they had, at least keep in mind that thats money the server isnt getting becuz they only waited on one person theri entire shift.  hope your next shift is better, it sucks having to wait tables because you have to treat each day like a new on with a good attitude but when you constantly have to deal with things like this when that is your main income its stressful. I always tip my bartenders, wait staff, busboys, and hostess because ive been in each one of their shoes. 
Hope he does well! :cheer: I know how ya feel, my husband owns an mma (mixed martial arts) school. He did one fight in the cage. Was really hard to watch. And I get all nervous when the fighters he trains fight as well.
So far I haven't put a lipstick on today. It's just kind of a chill day for me. My son and I have had a hectic week preparing for his huge State Wrestling Tournament tomorrow. So today is kinda the calm before the storm! If I put on a lippie, I'll report back. But it's looking like today will just be a skip day on my challenge. I'll pick back up tomorrow! Happy to see so many of you having fun with this challenge! Even if it's not helping you purge, you're still learning about and using your stash. Hopefully rekindling a love for older lippies that will help you resist adding new ones! And if it IS helping you purge... BRAVO!! Either way... I feel this challenge is a winner! 


Well-known member
Stopping real quick: 11: Betty bright!!!!!! And my nails are the same color hello spring! Hello 60 degrees! Yessssssss


Well-known member
What is this spring you speak of? *points to snow still outside her window*
A awwww I'm sorry. We were snowed in for a while too. Today there was 60 deg and everyone was outside w tshirts and shorts. (Ull see them tomorrow w a bad cold tho). .. Hang on! Only a few more weeks


Well-known member
Day 1: Estee Lauder Crystal Baby - very pretty but sheer, I like that different liners can go with it and change up the look
Day 2: Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy in Desirable - My new favorite l/s and formula, feels like my Tom Ford
Day 3: B&BW Guilty Peach Tart lip gloss - I love their l/g tubes, they don't dry out my lips like most lip products do and they taste so yummy!
Day 4 : Revlon Temptress - I'm not sure if this color is dc'd or not, but it's a really nice wearable every day pink. I'd have to swatch to make sure but it reminds me of MAC Venus. I have it on with Lancome Rose l/l
Day 5: L'Oreal The Queen's Kiss - Every time I pull this l/s out I think, nah this isn't a good color for me and then I put it on and I'm in love again lol!! I just wish it was more of a fine shimmer than a full on metallic frost.
Day 6: BE Marvelous Moxie Get Ready - I love this formula and this color is so perfect for me. Not only do these l/s not dry out my lips like almost everything else does, but it actually improves the texture of my lips. The more I wear it the better my lips look. LOVE!!
Day 7: MAC Force of Love - This might be my first fail. I don't know why I fell in love with this. I don't think the dry, neon, coral-pink is too flattering for me at all.
Day 8: NYX Butter l/s in Fizzies. This just came in the mail yesterday with my Cherry Culture order that I did during the 40% off sale. I love it!!
Day 9: MAC Feed The Senses. This one is a tough one for me. When I first put it on I think I love it, then I feel like I look washed out, then I reach for a brighter blush lol. I also have to keep reapplying it over and over again b/c it just fades on me so quickly.
Day 10: WnW Cherry Bomb. one of the few vampy colors I have. I can't do this straight on the lips though, it's too intense. I kind of mix it with lip balm and I like the color, but it's bleeding on me. I need to remember to put MAC prep & prime lip stuff under it to see if that helps at all.
Day 11: MAC Lady at Play - I go through phases where I like oranges, then I don't like oranges. I like this formula so I will keep this one for the days I'm "in the mood" for orangy lips. :)

Day 12: Maybelline Hot Plum - this is one of my favorite purple l/s, definitely not going in the purge pile!!


Well-known member
oy time has been working against me.. anyway wanted to post my lippie for today -- I wore CD 999, classic red and not much else.. lol I am liking the sheers again I do own which are mostly from CD, Armani and YSL..

simple burnished gold eye.. for lunch with Bert and hanging out.

this is helping me rotate my stash.. tomorrow I will finish up some more organizing in the am.

hope everyone is well!


Well-known member
I really love this 30 day lipstick challenge. It is revealing to me the colors that work well with my skin tone and the finish of lipsticks I don’t care for. I also was able to see that a 99 cent blush can look just as good on me as a 25 dollar blush. Actually we should do these challenges for all of our makeup. I know the blush had nothing to do with the lippie challenge but it has made me break out a few blushes to match up with my lippies. I’m sad that my Runway Hit lippies is not a runway hit for me. This is not a matte lippie I refuse to believe it. It’s so streaky and uneven. I haven’t seen these challenges done in this thread yet. Hopefully when the lippie challenge is done we can keep it going. * Lip gloss 30 day challenge * Blush 30 day challenge

Audrey C

Well-known member
I stocked up on brushes, staples and skincare in the US last week at a lower cost than VIB sales, so I don't plan on bothering with Chic week. If you've made it this far without buying a thing, you've done really well!
I take this back. I just read that NARS Douceur is being discontinued. I just finished the Douceur I bought in August 2012 (completely finished it). I wasn't going to replace it until I'd made more of a dent in some of my other blush, but I'm going to need to get another while I still can.

WHY would they DC this one?


Well-known member
AudreyC, I can't ever make rhyme or reason of the products that beauty companies decide to discontinue. Almost always it's some beloved and/or cult favorite that is everyone uses regularly . Maybe it's to encourage binge buying and to force consumers to try new things.

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