RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
Can I throw Nikki Minaj in there as well?

On the other hand, that lippy looks gorgeous. Sigh, I feel I will give in and get TTT anyhoo. And I am still stoked for Diamonds CCB.
YES! she needs to go away lol
I want Diamonds too....even tho I have never used a ccb. how would I use this if I got it?

Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881

Her lashes are jacked!

She just has the lipstick tagged so


Well-known member
/animal squeals

I don't care what anyone else says - I think that packaging is dope.

I can't wait to try this color on finally. It looks like the sort of color that is going to look different on everyone and will be equally hard to photograph. I've got pleeennnnty of vampy lip colors now (and to think I used to be very selective about them and would buy only here and there), but there is now officially no way I'm skipping this one.


Well-known member
Okay, I have a question...out of all the pics we have seen, does anybody have a pic of the actual packaging (boxes) of the items? I am usually not picky about the packaging but if this particular collection comes in the regular MAC black boxes then I am actually going to be MAD! LOL!!


Well-known member
Those tags are real classy by the way. No irony in there whatsoever.
Thank you! I was feeling so old when I read them. I was like, "Do people really write this stuff on the forever-net?!" I mean complete with pictures so folks have no question it was you?

Listen up kids (and adults who are acting like it): I work in HR. Companies/individual search committee members are plugging you into search engines to see what they find. They think you're foolish and are not offering you interviews and jobs based on your terrible judgment. Scholarship committees are passing on you b/c you wouldn't represent them well. (Or they know another kids will represent them better.) I know what you do on your own time is your own business, but you are making it the world's business when you put it on the internet. You may not recall, but www stands for WORLD WIDE WEB. Stop it!


Well-known member
Thank you! I was feeling so old when I read them. I was like, "Do people really write this stuff on the forever-net?!" I mean complete with pictures so folks have no question it was you?

Listen up kids (and adults who are acting like it): I work in HR. Companies/individual search committee members are plugging you into search engines to see what they find. They think you're foolish and are not offering you interviews and jobs based on your terrible judgment. Scholarship committees are passing on you b/c you wouldn't represent them well. (Or they know another kids will represent them better.) I know what you do on your own time is your own business, but you are making it the world's business when you put it on the internet. You may not recall, but www stands for WORLD WIDE WEB. Stop it!
Thank you for this. Couldn't agree more!


Well-known member
Pfft. Now you know that $1.50 will be well worth it for those that want to store their Red Cherry and Ardell Wispies in that container.

sh$t you better recycle that container paying that extra $1.50 for them especially since they're already pricey

Talk that talk
Love it!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by martiangurll

Am I the only camper who doesn't think its purple enough? It looks like a darker version of heaux
Although it does look like a darker version of heaux and not as purple than I expected it's still a gorgeous color. It looks like a black cherry.