RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
My local MAC opens at 10, but I'll be there at 9:15. For every other LE collection there have only been 2 or 3 other people besides me early and i've always been the earliest (at 9:30 or 9:45). But i suspect this collection will be drawing people out of the woodwork.

So far i still only want 4 things:
-- Lipliner in Talk That Talk
-- Lipstick in Talk That Talk
-- Lipstick in Nude
-- Cream Colour Base in Diamonds

I'm not usually a Quad kinda guy (i only have two), but i'm considering Her Cocoa. I suspect i have plenty of shadows in those colors, however, so i'll probably skip it, unless there is something truly extraordinary about it, and i don't mean the packaging...


Well-known member
:barf:[COLOR=FF00AA]:Oh RiRi! That mullet needs to go..:wtf: I like that lippie tho. Such a beautiful, stunning woman, but she needs to just leave her hair alone already. I like it short or long. I'm not a fan of extensions, wigs and excessive color for myself. She just needs to stay natural and stop playing already.:pooh:[/COLOR]
Talk that Talk I'm guessing: Man, that hair is atrocious, but that's a separate issue.
Such a pretty girl, but that hair :wtf:


Well-known member
I like that lippie tho. Such a beautiful, stunning woman, but she needs to just leave her hair alone already. I like it short or long. I'm not a fan of extensions, wigs and excessive color for myself. She just needs to stay natural and stop playing already.
i dont understand how all these celebrities cant take care of their own natural hair. like good hair products are expensive but is not like they cant afford the best stuff in the world. thats why i never give a thing when they have "new hairs styles" its not their hair. all they do is change their wigs or cut their extensions. or dye their wigs and their extensions!

Ana A

Well-known member
After the Marilyn Monroe drama I'll take the waiting room over waiting outside the store any day of the week
Plus if its being "released at all locations", doesn't that mean we can also catch it at Nordstroms and Macys online?


Well-known member
After the Marilyn Monroe drama I'll take the waiting room over waiting outside the store any day of the week :nuts:  Plus if its being "released at all locations", doesn't that mean we can also catch it at Nordstroms and Macys online?


Well-known member
I'm so ready for this collection to be over and done with.

After this I hope the holiday one sucks. I'm tired of seeing her lol.


Well-known member
So is everybody purchasing online or store thoughts? I'm indecisive because I want to actually swatch
in store for sure. i don't like to buy before i try plus i've got a good relationship with my store, so i don't have to sweat being down there at the crack of dawn or anything like that (although I sure started out like that).

i say you're better off swatching in person if you feel indecisive, especially since everything has a price bump due to special packaging.