I have to say that I was one of those who saw the link and waited. I just KNEW there was no way MAC was going to allow only the lipsticks on early and nothing else legitimately. Especially after they were cancelling some peoples riri woo orders because of them ordering over and over. I think people who are saying how much money MAC lost in this aren't considering the big picture.
I'm sure this mornings MAC meeting went something like this: "Tech guy who accidentally put the lipsticks up early, youre fired. Online sales team, lets inconvenience those few 3 lipstick buyers who thought they were cheating and make them start over. Lets make room for people who will buy it all so we can sell EVERYTHING out today, not just the lipsticks.Our plan is to make the cheats wait to see if their orders have gone through, the real buyers will get everything else 5 at a time. That equals more sales for us.They'll still get a few lipsticks if they're lucky after we cancel their orders. People will stay loyal to us no matter how stupid the waiting room idea is because we're MAC! Can't wait for fall!

I really believe this is the sales mindset that went on today at their headquarters lmao