RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Wowwww. I don't think I've ever seen a blob like that on a lipstick. I didn't have that on mine so I just now went to check again to make sure. I've seen spots on lipsticks where it looks like the lippie has sweated a bit but nothing that resembles a blob like that. I sure hope my RRW backup doesn't have that on it when it arrives. I'm not liking how that looks.

That lady who's suing MAC must've put a hex of some sort on the RR lipsticks. LOL.


Well-known member
I wonder if someone was eating something super greasy while making the lipsticks and dripped the grease onto the lipstick batch? Gross, just gross. MAC definitely needs to fix this for everyone who received ones like this. Even though my boyfriend said mine were fine, I don't know how to feel about it since people are getting ones with gross chunks of "fat" or grease on it. I saw on someone's picture that had one that broke where their lipstick on the outside did not have the white greasy thing on it, but when flipped around, it was all around the INSIDE of the lipstick.. =/


Well-known member
My lippies i got today looked like that too, little finger smudges. i know thats not really what it is,one of the little smudges had a small gob of fat on it so im guessing the smudges are the greese starting to separate out of the lipstick. kinda nasty, even if there is fat in lipstick i dont want to see it :barf:
I got both of my riri lipsticks! Heaux is In perfect condition but RRB looks all smudged like someone got thier fingerprints all over it! I can tell its not fingerprints buts that's the only way to describe this! ima clean it and just keep it I think. unless they want to send me another one! and my funds finally cleared up so I can order some more nail polish!!


Well-known member
:( I heard some people who received theirs like that said it smelled nasty like food that's been left out for a while. I wonder if someone was eating something super greasy while making the lipsticks and dripped the grease onto the lipstick batch? Gross, just gross. MAC definitely needs to fix this for everyone who received ones like this. Even though my boyfriend said mine were fine, I don't know how to feel about it since people are getting ones with gross chunks of "fat" or grease on it. I saw on someone's picture that had one that broke where their lipstick on the outside did not have the white greasy thing on it, but when flipped around, it was all around the INSIDE of the lipstick.. =/
I think I just threw up a little...smelled???
I didn't notice a smell at all. In fact, they smelled strongly of vanilla. And the blob actually breaks down. I think the sweat on the lipsticks is actually this blob melting. It's hard to describe. I opened all the lipsticks to make sure they weren't broken, and by the time i got back to the blob one, it had already broken up and began melting :dunno: It's got to be some sort of ingredient that obviously didn't get mixed in properly during the production. Could be why the lippies are breaking and smashing.


Well-known member

I got a RRW like that today, with just a bit of what you guys are calling "grease" at the top. I think what this is (after brushing it off and looking at it) is wax or maybe the lipstick base that was melted or a botched lippie. I don't think anything is wrong with them. The waxy "grease" came right off mine, and it seems fine now. I would not worry if I were you guys, but keep me posted if you find out otherwise.


Well-known member
Also, these lippies are embossed or engraved with Rihanna's signature. This could also explain the formation of the lippies changing and the uneven distribution of the wax and color additives, mixed with the heat, humidity, and other variables.


Well-known member

I got a RRW like that today, with just a bit of what you guys are calling "grease" at the top. I think what this is (after brushing it off and looking at it) is wax or maybe the lipstick base that was melted or a botched lippie. I don't think anything is wrong with them. The waxy "grease" came right off mine, and it seems fine now. I would not worry if I were you guys, but keep me posted if you find out otherwise.
Yeah it could be just wax. Just doesn't look nice though.


Well-known member
Yes rancid smell to my heaux!!!!!
Maybe they made them with old wax then. Eww.

My RRW smells nice and vanilla-y. I hope my next one will be the same. I swear if I had heard about these smells and saw the blob pics, I would've just stopped while I was ahead and not ordered a backup. Geez. It's probably bad wax or something.


I wonder if someone was eating something super greasy while making the lipsticks and dripped the grease onto the lipstick batch? Gross, just gross. MAC definitely needs to fix this for everyone who received ones like this. Even though my boyfriend said mine were fine, I don't know how to feel about it since people are getting ones with gross chunks of "fat" or grease on it. I saw on someone's picture that had one that broke where their lipstick on the outside did not have the white greasy thing on it, but when flipped around, it was all around the INSIDE of the lipstick.. =/
My God that's disgusting. I was lucky, I ordered two RiRi Boys and both are fine.

Everyone who has modeled their RiRis look absolutely lovely!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by allthingsglam

O I know we talked about this but my riri boy is shorter then my heaux

My ririboy looked short too. I noticed that right away I thought I was trippin so I checked my Heaux and it looked shorter too. I have not compared them to my older mac lippies yet but upon glance when I rolled them up I was like why does this lipstick look short lol. Thank goodness that was all I had to complain about. The lipsticks do not roll up smoothly. It feels like I am going to break something rolling them up so I stopped rolling them up for fear of them getting stuck while they are rolled up. My riri boy had a small bump at the tip of it but there was no white on top of that.


Well-known member
fingerprints on extra dimension and now fat on riri lipsticks....what's next? crap at this point MAC is completely losing their integrity!

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