RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Its the kind of smell hard to describe but to me it is like the smell is vanilla scent burned
That could be from exposure to the higher temperatures. It happens when i melt a lipstick too much when i depot them.
All of mine smell like they added extra vanilla, they all came intact though.
This! Just opening the box i can smell the vanilla. Then when i take the lid off the tube i get a woosh of vanilla goodness! It's the only time i like the vanilla smell-in mac lip products. Other than that i hate the smell.


Well-known member
maybe spray some alcohol on it? idk... maybe cleaning it would make you feel more comfortable


Well-known member
just got around to trying on my LIPPIES! i love them both heaux is GORGEOUS!

what would you say to use as a lip liner with each color tho??


Well-known member
Ahh yes, fat is exactly what it looks like on both of mine. That isn't gross MAC, really
Mines was like that too but smaller specs. Sumthing not rite mayb why launch was postpone. Mac really didn't do her collection no justice for all the trouble to get them.


Well-known member
All but one of the pending authorizations on my PayPal have released! Haaaa-lle-lu-jah!

I picked up my first order today and the lipsticks were all in tact. No fatty/waxy deposits on them at all, but I still put them in the refrigerator for good measure. We'll see if MAC makes good on their back orders, and I hope that they'll honor those orders which were legitimately made after launch.


Well-known member
All but one of the pending authorizations on my PayPal have released! Haaaa-lle-lu-jah! I picked up my first order today and the lipsticks were all in tact. No fatty/waxy deposits on them at all, but I still put them in the refrigerator for good measure.  We'll see if MAC makes good on their back orders, and I hope that they'll honor those orders which were legitimately made after launch.
Yay! Glad they were in tact! Did you back order any Heaux?? You probably know why I'm asking! :p Xx


Well-known member
Did you back order any Heaux?? You probably know why I'm asking! :p Xx
I do know and I've been keeping you in mind. The ones I do have are already for other CPs. I'm still waiting to see if my other orders will be reinstated, and/or my back orders will come through. If all goes well, then I will have an extra Heaux for you. I'll let you know either way. I'm hoping to hear back from MAC by the end of the week. They better tell me what I want to hear -- and it better be true!


Well-known member
Aww that's great!! Thank you so much!! I do hope they honour everyone's orders!! It's the least they can do after everything else that's gone wrong in this collection!!


Well-known member
My ririboy looked short too. I noticed that right away I thought I was trippin so I checked my Heaux and it looked shorter too. I have not compared them to my older mac lippies yet but upon glance when I rolled them up I was like why does this lipstick look short lol. Thank goodness that was all I had to complain about. The lipsticks do not roll up smoothly. It feels like I am going to break something rolling them up so I stopped rolling them up for fear of them getting stuck while they are rolled up. My riri boy had a small bump at the tip of it but there was no white on top of that.
Ikr I'm just happy that I don't have a broken one so I'm not complaining I just thought that was odd


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Staff member
I finally got my box. Guess what... Heaux is missing!!! Just a note on the receipt that it's not available anymore. I think I'm gonna complain to them this time. This has happended a couple of times over the years, but I'm so tired of it.
I feel especially bad since I told a fellow Specktrette that she was going to get it.

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