RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
Also i was just researching what to do with broken lipstick incase mac does not replace the screwed up ririboy and heaux and found some people melt them down to a z pallete... Anyone ever done this? I dont want to waste $30 of beautiful lipstick but then I have to wonder if it will still look the same on since its a retro matte formula....


Well-known member
Whenever I have to stalk anything, he stays up with me on Skype and we're stalking together! lol.

Also, that's great your boyfriend stays up with you hahaha. I knew my boyfriend was a keeper when he got on the site in the waiting room for me while at work hehehe. Now...when I ship too many things to him at his job that's a different story. Then he really realizes how much I'm buying. Gotta be sneaky


Well-known member
Thank you :) first picture up ever in a board of myself but all the other brave ladies do it! And I love seeing how other people wear the same color! Always looks so different.


Well-known member
Omg I just browsed the ririheartsmac hash tag on IG and some of the lipsticks people are getting are beyond broken they're so gross. Like patches of fat just chillin on the side of the tube. Definitely feeling lucky now.


Well-known member
Omg I just browsed the ririheartsmac hash tag on IG and some of the lipsticks people are getting are beyond broken they're so gross. Like patches of fat just chillin on the side of the tube. Definitely feeling lucky now.
Holy sheet! Gross. What in the world went wrong with this batch of lippies?


Well-known member
Yeah I just don't want them to get ruined. Definitely not leaving them in my purse or a car ever. Hopefully all goes well when I swatch them tomorrow :)
Yeah just twist em up enough to where the slant clears the tubing so that the tube doesn't scrape against your mouth or hand when swatching. As these are a retro matte, they take a bit more force to apply, so just take your time and use gentle pressure.
Also i was just researching what to do with broken lipstick incase mac does not replace the screwed up ririboy and heaux and found some people melt them down to a z pallete... Anyone ever done this? I dont want to waste $30 of beautiful lipstick but then I have to wonder if it will still look the same on since its a retro matte formula....
Yup! I melt all my lipsticks (and concealers) for my kit. Only frosty or shimmery lipsticks slightly change when melted, as the shimmer bits slightly move around and can settle into one area when it dries. But that's it. As long as the melted lipsticks don't boil, you're fine.


Well-known member
I got both of my riri lipsticks! Heaux is In perfect condition but RRB looks all smudged like someone got thier fingerprints all over it! I can tell its not fingerprints buts that's the only way to describe this! ima clean it and just keep it I think. unless they want to send me another one! and my funds finally cleared up so I can order some more nail polish!!


Well-known member
I got my riri 's mac stuff today!yay! But the black part of the lipstick has a noticable scratch on it (this is heaux lipstick btw)I don't think I'm going to call cs because the inside of the lipstick is fine but I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.i'll put in a picture so you can see it.


Well-known member
They look lovely on you! I love your hair btw! :)
Thank you!
They both look really nice on you MACJunkie85. How are you liking them? 
I like them so far! I think I'll wear RRB tomorrow. Well it depends on what I decide to wear tomorrow.
:eyelove: ....fabulous, MACJunkie85!!!! I love both lippies and you! And your shirt matches RRB perfectly :bigthumb:
Thank you! Now I know what to wear with RRB!
HK looks flattering on you! Pretty! How do you like the bronze shade? Are you finding it's hard to get good pigmentation? Love 'em on you! 
Thank you!
MACJunkie you look great!! Very pretty Serenity ;)
Thank you!


Well-known member
Ahh I'm now regretting not getting Barbados Girl after scrolling through IG. I'm going to just have to wait until Fall.


Well-known member
One of my Woos from this round had a big hunk of that on it! Nasty!
:( I heard some people who received theirs like that said it smelled nasty like food that's been left out for a while.
I wonder if someone was eating something super greasy while making the lipsticks and dripped the grease onto the lipstick batch? Gross, just gross. MAC definitely needs to fix this for everyone who received ones like this. Even though my boyfriend said mine were fine, I don't know how to feel about it since people are getting ones with gross chunks of "fat" or grease on it. I saw on someone's picture that had one that broke where their lipstick on the outside did not have the white greasy thing on it, but when flipped around, it was all around the INSIDE of the lipstick.. =/


Well-known member
I wonder if someone was eating something super greasy while making the lipsticks and dripped the grease onto the lipstick batch? Gross, just gross. MAC definitely needs to fix this for everyone who received ones like this. Even though my boyfriend said mine were fine, I don't know how to feel about it since people are getting ones with gross chunks of "fat" or grease on it. I saw on someone's picture that had one that broke where their lipstick on the outside did not have the white greasy thing on it, but when flipped around, it was all around the INSIDE of the lipstick.. =/
I think I just threw up a little...smelled???

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