RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Well-known member
I wish I would've checked out NYX before buying that MAC Red Enriched pencil. I just searched to see what kind of reds NYX had and 2 of them (Deep Red lip pencil and Dark Red retractable lip liner) peaked my interest. I should've given them a try before buying the MAC one. Didn't even think of NYX. Darn. Oh well, maybe I'll love the Red Enriched once I've tried it and won't worry about the others.


Well-known member
Well in the Netherlands some of us did get the same e-mail. So we will have to wait for July I guess... The lady at cs told me that a huge amount of people did not get anything from the Riri hearts collection unfortunately due to oversale... Because of a technical problem.....again. So let's hope we get something nice!
Wow I didn't know that happened. I feel extra lucky now that I was able to order the first minute they went online (with help of MACerette!) and actually got my lipsticks.


Well-known member
I wish I would've checked out NYX before buying that MAC Red Enriched pencil. I just searched to see what kind of reds NYX had and 2 of them (Deep Red lip pencil and Dark Red retractable lip liner) peaked my interest. I should've given them a try before buying the MAC one. Didn't even think of NYX. Darn. Oh well, maybe I'll love the Red Enriched once I've tried it and won't worry about the others.
can't your return it, I know out here everything is a hop , skip and a jump.


Well-known member
Maybe I'm lost in translation again and don't know the correct word for it, lol. On the paper it said something like ''not deliver-able anymore'' if that makes sense in english.
Oh lol I was saying that I was shocked at the note! That's something they could of informed you of before they shipped it! I just thought that was tacky


Well-known member
I just now saw that they emaild me yesterday. I don't check that mail address too often since it's not my main one. They did apologize that the collection sold out so quickly that not all orders could be fulfilled, and they are gonna send me a little gift in 2 weeks to make up for it. I'm glad they stepped up to the plate this time, like I said this has happened before but I didn't get any email then. 
That's good!! Maybe it will be the lipstick u missed out on


Well-known member
I wish I would've checked out NYX before buying that MAC Red Enriched pencil. I just searched to see what kind of reds NYX had and 2 of them (Deep Red lip pencil and Dark Red retractable lip liner) peaked my interest. I should've given them a try before buying the MAC one. Didn't even think of NYX. Darn. Oh well, maybe I'll love the Red Enriched once I've tried it and won't worry about the others. 
I have a couple of mac ll but I can't get over the price the same as the lipsticks.i have to be careful with ll because I get a allergic reaction to some of them. Nyx have some great ones and jordana have some great ones for a $1.99 here is a swatch of jordana Sedona red


Well-known member
Love RiRi Boy on you Atie

Ok I'll try to keep this short. Just got off the phone w Laura in CS at MAC. I called them since I hadn't heard back and my "48 hours" had passed. She was very nice! And VERY frustrated. She did not hesitate with multiple apologies, which honestly was so helpful in and of itself. She told me to give them 48 more hours to sort it out. She had a mile long spreadsheet she was referencing. She said they are basically trying to sort out what orders were damaged, cancelled, backordered, etc. She said they are dealing with people with damaged items first. Then they will address the BO's if they have any stock left over. So she said there may be a chance they can replace my damaged lipsticks, but I am waiting 48 more hours to find out.


Well-known member
Well a good note for me: still have not got my call back from the supervisor from yesterday BUT I had a very sweet young lady on here, who offered her extra lipsticks to me and they came in the mail today!!!! I'm sooooooooo thankful there are nice people in the world still! And they came in great condition all the way from Canada!! So I doubt again this is a heat problem! Idk if she wants me to say her name but if its ok let me know lol!! Yayyyyyy!!! I'm still going to wait n see ab my case with MAC bc I had lustre drops I want


Well-known member
Well a good note for me: still have not got my call back from the supervisor from yesterday BUT I had a very sweet young lady on here, who offered her extra lipsticks to me and they came in the mail today!!!! I'm sooooooooo thankful there are nice people in the world still! And they came in great condition all the way from Canada!! So I doubt again this is a heat problem! Idk if she wants me to say her name but if its ok let me know lol!! Yayyyyyy!!! I'm still going to wait n see ab my case with MAC bc I had lustre drops I want
Wow that was so nice of her what a angel


Well-known member
Thoughts ab the drops?
I really havent had a chance to play with them but they look nice. I have the Sun Rush drops as well (thought they would be similar in color) but they are different colors . I plan to play around with them this weekend, I'll mix them with my foundation and see how that goes. Overall Im glad I purchased them and I hope your order goes through so you can have them as well.


Well-known member
I got both of my riri lipsticks! Heaux is In perfect condition but RRB looks all smudged like someone got thier fingerprints all over it! I can tell its not fingerprints buts that's the only way to describe this! ima clean it and just keep it I think. unless they want to send me another one! and my funds finally cleared up so I can order some more nail polish!!
Keep your lippies and get your nail polish Naughtyp
You don't need anymore aggravation from this collection.


Well-known member
If people want to buy products from MAC that are "selling out", why not just manufacture MORE PRODUCTS? They'd make more money anyways....

on a brighter note, DOMA was found unconstitutional and Proposition 8 was struck down :)



Well-known member
Have any of you ladies had luck with getting a new lipstick shipped out to you if it was damaged?

My friend got hers (I placed the order on her behalf) and it was fine when she got it. A couple days later it broke in half. Shes asking me to contact mac and try to get a replacement. I know last week I was seeing you ladies say they weren't doing anything about it since Heaux is back ordered.


Well-known member
One of my Woos from this round had a big hunk of that on it! Nasty!
Is that some type of emollient or wax that congealed during processing? Very unsavory looking. This didn't happen to
all lippies from this collection, so perhaps MAC can identify the bad batch from which these originated. Epic fail here
MAC, epic fail!!!


Well-known member
I wonder if someone was eating something super greasy while making the lipsticks and dripped the grease onto the lipstick batch? Gross, just gross. MAC definitely needs to fix this for everyone who received ones like this. Even though my boyfriend said mine were fine, I don't know how to feel about it since people are getting ones with gross chunks of "fat" or grease on it. I saw on someone's picture that had one that broke where their lipstick on the outside did not have the white greasy thing on it, but when flipped around, it was all around the INSIDE of the lipstick.. =/
That has to be one of the dumbest things that I've yet to read on this forum

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