Sarah Palin


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
No such thing as Freedom of Speech on a privately owned website.

You're not offending me.
You're simply offering unnecessary invective that doesn't contribute anything to the conversation, at all.

You don't have to take her as your VP. Vote for someone else. Same as I don't have to take whomever for my VP, I can vote for someone else, but majority rules are majority rules. If, on a VP level, you don't agree with the person, you'll have to start at the lower level and have people representing you who DO offer some kind of values you stand for.
I'm not a Palin fan or not fan. I'll say that given her position, she IS an intelligent woman, regardless of whether I agree with her, given her history she IS an educated woman, and she's an aggressive woman.

What's important to me is that the thread not be derailed by unnecessary name calling.
I couldn't care less about your language. Everyone here knows I'll drop an F bomb as quickly as I'll look at you. That's fine. But simply saying 'OH MY GOD SHE'S SUCH A CUNT!' isn't really a contribution to the thread at all.
Obviously you don't agree with her.
We got it.

Now please cease with the ad hominum and invective.

If you go back and read my posts you will see Ive made very good points time and time again which many seem to agree with so I dont see how I'm not contributing to the conversation because I called Paling 'a crazy bitch' and a 'dumbass'!! its a bit of a stretch to compare that to the word cunt on here which is just a vulgar word.. I have not been vulgar in any way! and since you are so very concerned with keeping the peace and making sure no one is offended, I hope you speak to stargazer the way you got on me, to keep things fair
thanks alot! she has attacked me directly with the name calling, which by the way I have not attacked anyone on spectra!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
True, not the very first. But the first in my lifetime where it's an actual, feasible possibility. I should've clarified~~

Yeah, first in my voting lifetime, too. And she IS a first on a Republican ticket, so that's something new.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, there have been some serious cracks in the minority/woman glass ceilings and that's a good thing and also something we should thank about about 100 years of activists for. Less than 100 years ago, this conversation would have been a totally moot point for most of us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
! she has attacked me directly with the name calling, which by the way I have not attacked anyone on spectra!

Post number in which I called you a name?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
......if barack was as old as mccain, i'd be paying a bit more attention to biden to see what he's all about and his views and plans rather than barack's. i know anything can happen to anyone. there's no specific age on someone expiring but that's what's out in our faces so yeah, people ARE going to weigh in on palin because what we see is that there's a big chance that she WILL run the country. we can't rule that out.....

A handful of presidents have been assinated whilst in office. Not to be morbid, but concern has been raised about Obama's safety. I would like to think that as a country, we are past that, but the reality is that like McCain, Obama faces risks, so I would pay attention to Biden.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Yeah, first in my voting lifetime, too. And she IS a first on a Republican ticket, so that's something new.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, there have been some serious cracks in the minority/woman glass ceilings and that's a good thing and also something we should thank about about 100 years of activists for. Less than 100 years ago, this conversation would have been a totally moot point for most of us.

That is true, and it is what I keep telling myself everytime I hear all the negative. This election is a landmark in many ways, and unfortunately the media has gotten so out of control that it's easy to let the whole thing be spoiled. But hoping for even, non-gender-biased media coverage is like hoping for MAC to rerelease everyone's fave disco'd items--it just isn't likely


Well-known member
On a general note:

You know what scares me? People who decide they are for one party and so vehemently object to any balanced fact in the opposing party. Extremism is extremism.

If you don't honestly open yourself up to looking at the other side, without being captious, I don't believe that you can have a well-rounded opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
That is true, and it is what I keep telling myself everytime I hear all the negative. This election is a landmark in many ways, and unfortunately the media has gotten so out of control that it's easy to let the whole thing be spoiled. But hoping for even, non-gender-biased media coverage is like hoping for MAC to rerelease everyone's fave disco'd items--it just isn't likely

Very true. I think the problem is that mass-market media has such a broad based consumption by people that they tend to pander to the lowest common denominator, so you have the Today show interviewing Palin's book club because that's what the average viewer wants. I've found much less superficiality in media that isn't really for mainstream consumption. I've also found that a LOT of the mainstream stuff being reported by the media is factually incorrect. CNN actually referred to that doctored photo of Palin in a bikini AFTER it had been debunked. There are a bunch more examples of reputable sites and organizations propogating false stuff about here. I'm a big fan of for that very reason.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
Not once did I call anyone on specktra any names or insult them in any way.. but you have done it to me!

Well, for the record, you did. I don't think you necessary meant to insult anyone, but some of your comments (especially those directed at Stargazer) were more of personal attacks than any statement of fact. Here - I have bolded some of them:

Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
OMFG!!! I dont understand people who can support a person who is an obvious idiot, and liar!!! holy shit we made that mistake with Bush!! obviously some of us still dont get it!! STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES!! seriously people on here were upset because I called Palin a bitch, when really who cares??? this should be about what I said to back up why I call her that in the first place!! the issue is not that she has a vagina, so what?? a dumbass is a dumbass no matter whats between the legs, and in my opinion palin is a dumbass!! and for those of you upset because I'm calling her that, you must not have been keeping up with the news!!! I'm so glad that most of us ladies have opened up our eyes and want whats best for this country.. for US

Here, you imply that anyone who doesn't like your use of the word "dumbass" directed at Sarah Palin is not sufficiently educated. Of course those who feel she is not a dumbass would be somewhat insulted by this claim.

Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
stargazer wanting whats best for this country means a common interest.. what benefits ALL of us!! would you not agree that we all want the economy to improve? do you see how a trigger happy idiot can hurt us all? I'm not sure how much research you do babe, but , this Country is in alot of trouble financially and its getting worse. We need someone strong, honest, and intelligent. Most politicians fib here and there but Palin is absurd!! this woman also thinks God put dinosaurs her to play a joke on us.. I understand you want to stand behind your GOP but at what cost? we have to make good and smart decisions now.. we need to think who is honestly the best person for the job at this time!!! and please if you disagree with me tell me why.. tell me whats so great about Palin that I should ignore everything she has done and said, something that makes me want to say 'wow, she should be our next VP, and possibly my president'!!

Here, you claim Stargazer did not do her research, that she is a member of the GOP, and as a result is not making "good and smart decisions". So by that argument, you are implying that her decisions are bad and stupid, and based on a lack of research. Those are direct insults towards another member, so understandably she was upset. I don't think she had any right to insult your maturity or intelligence in return, but you have to understand not to open the door for personal attacks in the first place in a heated debate like this. I hope this helps


Well-known member
If the best you can do is insult people who don't plan on voting the way you do, you won't win many people to your side. You've made nothing but assumptions (erroneous ones at that) and then have the nerve to question my research habits?

stargazer the above quote is what YOU said and I responded to.. I'll ask you again, please DO NOT put words in my mouth!

And since you have do so much of your research I had expected you to know the 'gun happy idiot' I was referring to is Palin.. after all SHE is the only person I have been speaking of!

And yes, its very misleading to not know you are against Palin when you always come to her defense.. very very very misleading!

you have questioned my intelligence time and time again.. and now I must question yours! what on earth do you mean I dont have to take Palin as my VP if I dont like her? if she wins I have no choice which is why I'm speaking my mind so passionately now and begging to keep her out of power!

Please lets not be petty and concentrate on me when the issue at hand is Palin!! like I've said in previous posts LETS STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES! I had to defend myself against you and shimmer because I am being attacked but you two have said what you had to say to me and I've responded so please lets be adults and go back to the debate at had


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
On a general note:

You know what scares me? People who decide they are for one party and so vehemently object to any balanced fact in the opposing party. Extremism is extremism.

If you don't honestly open yourself up to looking at the other side, without being captious, I don't believe that you can have a well-rounded opinion.

SERIOUSLY. Thank you for posting that. I couldn't agree more.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
If the best you can do is insult people who don't plan on voting the way you do, you won't win many people to your side. You've made nothing but assumptions (erroneous ones at that) and then have the nerve to question my research habits?

stargazer the above quote is what YOU said and I responded to.. I'll ask you again, please DO NOT put words in my mouth!

And since you have do so much of your research I had expected you to know the 'gun happy idiot' I was referring to is Palin.. after all SHE is the only person I have been speaking of!

And yes, its very misleading to not know you are against Palin when you always come to her defense.. very very very misleading!

you have questioned my intelligence time and time again.. and now I must question yours! what on earth do you mean I dont have to take Palin as my VP if I dont like her? if she wins I have no choice which is why I'm speaking my mind so passionately now and begging to keep her out of power!

Please lets not be petty and concentrate on me when the issue at hand is Palin!! like I've said in previous posts LETS STICK TO THE IMPORTANT ISSUES! I had to defend myself against you and shimmer because I am being attacked but you two have said what you had to say to me and I've responded so please lets be adults and go back to the debate at had

I didn't have to "put words in your mouth." I used your own quotes.

As for me being "very, very, very misleading," you apparently missed the post on the second page of this topic where I stated that I don't like Palin. Don't claim that I'm misleading people because you got something wrong.

Assuming that me (or others) pointing out fallacies in arguments about Palin means that I (or others) automatically support that person is misguided.

Also, where is your support for your assertion about Palin and dinosaurs being a joke?


Well-known member
It amazes me how so many people are so adamant about people having rights, etc., but are against others having differing opinions. Furthermore, they go so far as to name-call and curse those who think differently. Sarah Palin is not the only one who has acted in ways that might be perceived as hypocritical.

Also, when did it become wrong to believe there is a right and wrong?


Well-known member
If I'm offending anyone, I am truly sorry!! its not my intention at all!! I've just being trying to get an answer.. so for the third and final time to all those who are supporting Palin 'why do you feel that the things she has done and said are non issues? why do you think she should be VP?'..

Mac_whore has said "On a general note:
You know what scares me? People who decide they are for one party and so vehemently object to any balanced fact in the opposing party. Extremism is extremism.
If you don't honestly open yourself up to looking at the other side, without being captious, I don't believe that you can have a well-rounded opinion."

So why are people standing so strongly behind Palin? what does she bring to the table?

I also want to make peace with stargazer and shimmer and just clear things up.. I was never attacking you and if you felt that way I am sorry!! I hope no hard feelings!!

I just want to understand why someone would choose to ignore what Palin is about.. I would like to know your reason for doing so! or if your not ignoring it, tell me your reasoning for still standing behind her.. I dont have to agree with you, I just want to understand you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
If I'm offending anyone, I am truly sorry!! its not my intention at all!! I've just being trying to get an answer.. so for the third and final time to all those who are supporting Palin 'why do you feel that the things she has done and said are non issues? why do you think she should be VP?'..

Mac_whore has said "On a general note:
You know what scares me? People who decide they are for one party and so vehemently object to any balanced fact in the opposing party. Extremism is extremism.
If you don't honestly open yourself up to looking at the other side, without being captious, I don't believe that you can have a well-rounded opinion."

So why are people standing so strongly behind Palin? what does she bring to the table?

I also want to make peace with stargazer and shimmer and just clear things up.. I was never attacking you and if you felt that way I am sorry!! I hope no hard feelings!!

I just want to understand why someone would choose to ignore what Palin is about.. I would like to know your reason for doing so! or if your not ignoring it, tell me your reasoning for still standing behind her.. I dont have to agree with you, I just want to understand you

OK I wasn't going to get involved because this isn't my country or vote, but I have to say something. The people who are getting on your case aren't supporting Palin. They object to the way in which you're presenting your argument. It is possible to agree with someone and object to the way they are debating. If you want to get straight, serious, and well thought-out replies to your question, don't ask it in a paragraph filled with exclamation marks and insults. If you don't want to offend people keep phrases like 'crazy bitch' to a minimum. Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just letting you know that no one is going to take you seriously with the way you've been posting.


Member I could go on and on but will make this short and sweet. I was NOT happy with McCain's choice for VP! I am not one of those "fluffy women support women" types. I don't care what sex you are, you have to earn respect, not just have it be given to you due to your sex. However, I will take the Republican ticket anyday over the Dumb-icrats. Quite frankly they scare the hell out of me. They are all about the government taking care of everyone and supplying them with food, shelter, and free money. I personally think that is the individuals responsibility, not the governments. They also want all of these "freedoms" as long as they fit into their person situations otherwise they don't count. What good are the freedoms anyway if we do not protect this country with EVERYTHING we have? That doesn't neccessarily mean war although I do believe the Afganistan stint was not only justified but a must. Clinton should have handles Obama...oops, I mean Osama way back in his administration but that in itself is a whole other topic. He chose to turn the other cheek when given the intelligence. They knew Osama was behind the first trade center bombings as well as the USS Cole and many other attacks.

We are fortunate enough to have all of the freedoms we do. It was because we were not afraid to stand up and fight for them. Why do think people from these repressed countries are fleeing to our GREAT country. This peace, love, and granola stance sounds nice, but is not realistic. We should be doing everything we can to keep the threat of another attack on US soil from happening. These extremists are born and bred to hate and kill the American people and I do not think they will be standing with a pen and paper asking wether or not you are a democrat or republican.

Ok...this is getting to controversial for me so I will stop. At this point I am trying to condense everything I have to say into a short clip and it is not coming together well. I think people will get the jist of where I stand and what I am getting at. I personally do not care for politicians in any form, but I am forced to choose the lesser of the 2 evils and for me, that is McCain. I hope I didn't get too blabby and offensive.

By the way, I am a registered Independant. Thanks for listening to my rant!


Member I could go on and on but will make this short and sweet. I was NOT happy with McCain's choice for VP! I am not one of those "fluffy women support women" types. I don't care what sex you are, you have to earn respect, not just have it be given to you due to your sex. However, I will take the Republican ticket anyday over the Dumb-icrats. Quite frankly they scare the hell out of me. They are all about the government taking care of everyone and supplying them with food, shelter, and free money. I personally think that is the individuals responsibility, not the governments. They also want all of these "freedoms" as long as they fit into their person situations otherwise they don't count. What good are the freedoms anyway if we do not protect this country with EVERYTHING we have? That doesn't neccessarily mean war although I do believe the Afganistan stint was not only justified but a must. Clinton should have handles Obama...oops, I mean Osama way back in his administration but that in itself is a whole other topic. He chose to turn the other cheek when given the intelligence. They knew Osama was behind the first trade center bombings as well as the USS Cole and many other attacks.

We are fortunate enough to have all of the freedoms we do. It was because we were not afraid to stand up and fight for them. Why do think people from these repressed countries are fleeing to our GREAT country. This peace, love, and granola stance sounds nice, but is not realistic. We should be doing everything we can to keep the threat of another attack on US soil from happening. These extremists are born and bred to hate and kill the American people and I do not think they will be standing with a pen and paper asking wether or not you are a democrat or republican.

Ok...this is getting to controversial for me so I will stop. At this point I am trying to condense everything I have to say into a short clip and it is not coming together well. I think people will get the jist of where I stand and what I am getting at. I personally do not care for politicians in any form, but I am forced to choose the lesser of the 2 evils and for me, that is McCain. I hope I didn't get too blabby and offensive.

By the way, I am a registered Independant. Thanks for listening to my rant!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaconnie80
If I'm offending anyone, I am truly sorry!! its not my intention at all!! I've just being trying to get an answer.. so for the third and final time to all those who are supporting Palin 'why do you feel that the things she has done and said are non issues? why do you think she should be VP?'........

......I just want to understand why someone would choose to ignore what Palin is about.. I would like to know your reason for doing so! or if your not ignoring it, tell me your reasoning for still standing behind her.. I dont have to agree with you, I just want to understand you

It's nice that you want to understand why people support Palin, but statements like, ......I just want to understand why someone would choose to ignore what Palin is about..", don't sound like you are too open-minded about it.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but honestly, no one owes you an explanation of why they like or don't like Palin. Voting is a personal preference and you've clearly made up your mind.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DejaVu I could go on and on but will make this short and sweet. I was NOT happy with McCain's choice for VP! I am not one of those "fluffy women support women" types. I don't care what sex you are, you have to earn respect, not just have it be given to you due to your sex.

I do agree with ~a few~ things that you said, but (I'm not sure if this was your intent) you seem to imply that anyone who supports Sarah Palin is a "fluffy women support women" type. There are plenty of women who support her not simply because she's a woman, but because she's representative of their beliefs and ideals. (Btw, I'm not one of her supporters, I just think she gets a lot of unfair heat for being a woman)