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Well-known member
Oh, I remembered this one just last night.

I refuse to use the bathroom in the dark!

Here's why.... it was late spring and my hubby and I had just bought our house two months prior. I got up to use the bathroom and flipped the light on (which I never used to do, too darn bright!), lifted the lid of the toilet... and saw the biggest earwig I've ever seen in my life on the toilet seat!!! I freaked the hell out and used a gigantic wad of tissues to brush it into the water and flushed it down! I later learned that our yard has quite a few of these little pests. I've never again seen one in my house, but that one giant one was plenty! Still gives me the hebejebes thinking about it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
Oh, I remembered this one just last night.

I refuse to use the bathroom in the dark!

Here's why.... it was late spring and my hubby and I had just bought our house two months prior. I got up to use the bathroom and flipped the light on (which I never used to do, too darn bright!), lifted the lid of the toilet... and saw the biggest earwig I've ever seen in my life on the toilet seat!!! I freaked the hell out and used a gigantic wad of tissues to brush it into the water and flushed it down! I later learned that our yard has quite a few of these little pests. I've never again seen one in my house, but that one giant one was plenty! Still gives me the hebejebes thinking about it.


Something like this happened to me
I always had this habbit, before drinking from my bathroom glass, I need to fill it up a little and throw it back in the sink and after I ''can'' drink.

So I went in the br during the night, and I don't know why but I turned on the light (never do that, my bedroom light is enough) and BAMMM!!! there it was, a spider in my glass!!!



Well-known member
Any bug bigger than a dime. We moved to Chicago a year ago and last spring I used the bathroom during the night turned the light on and there was a big black beetle on the tp roll. It wasn't THAT big, but it was black and creepy crawly. Ick. So, the next night my husband found the mother in the kitchen. It was HUGE!! Same thing happened for a few days (they got bigger!) and you don't want to squish these suckers because the sound and mess alone make me want to vomit. So, my husband runs after it and traps it under a glass, shoves paper under the cup and dumps it outside...4 stories to the parking lot, thank God. If said husband is not home, I knock the sucker out with the broom, trap it, and gag the whole time I'm carrying the sucker outside to dump it because there is only 1 thin layer of paper separating my hand from papa roach.

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