Should Israel be a state?

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Well-known member
I did not twist your words one bit. I tried to write my posts clearly so that no one could misinterpret what i was saying and therefore accuse me of foul play.

It would be nice if we could stop repeating views on Israeli immigration as it is irrelevant in regards to jewish ethnicity. Everyone is quite aware of Israels immigration program already. However the immigration trends in Israel over the last 50 years have nothing to do with the various ethnicities of the native inhabitants of the last thousand.

And no one denied that there are arab jews either. Its like you almost take a kick out of rambling on about claims people never made.

I am happy to have a debate with any member but i cant even see the point in continuing attempting one with you if you dont quit with paranoid accusations just because someone has a different point of view to you.



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Amoona it is those books written by *university educated writers * that actually back up my reasoning over jewish ethnicity.

Anyway i will continue beliving actual fact . Based on valid neutral sources that dont base their views on political situations.

Sorry to leave the conversation but i cant be bothered if you want to turn it into a petty fight.


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I think the problem is a misinterpretation of, "jewish ethnicity" and "jewish religion" because they are sharing the same name, however mean different things. So it's easy to cause confusion.


That man is jewish.

What did I just say? Most people will immediateley interpret that statement as, "that man is a follower of the Jewish religion."

Wheras what I meant was, "that man's ethnicity is jewish" sharing the steriotypical facial features and other traits that someone of, "jewish ethnicity" portrays. People like this probably get mistake all the time for being "jewish" AKA a worshiper, because the majority of people with those phisical pheatures AKA ethnicty, are followers of the Jewish Religion.

Regardless of what you believe, there is a "steriotypical" appearance that many people associat with being Jewish. If you dont believe me, watch some episodes of SNL, or go rent any of the American Pie's. It just happens that at some point along the road way back in the day, perhaps even before the Jewish religion was created, who knows, a certain group of people with a certain type of features AKA Ethnicity, started following the jewish religion. And since typially per the steriotype, Jews only marry other Jews (Think the Angry Jewish Mother in Law who gets upset and trys to break up the couple because her son fell in love with a girl who's, "not jewish"), the ethnicty of being Jewish was created.

It's not a perfect explanation, but I think it's workable.

So thus you have:

Person A: Looks steriotypically "jewish" but is not a "Jew."


Person B: Looks steriotypically "jewish" and is also a "Jew."

Both people are Jewish, but one is not Jew.


Well-known member
That's pretty much what I was attempting to say ... the Jewish "ethnicity" was created because Jews had to marry Jews because they had to stay within their faith. Jews wouldn't marry Muslims or Christians (obviously that's a generalization) but now things are different and it's more likely for people to marry outside of their religion.

I had previously made other points and addressed quandolak last comment but Shimmer deleted those comments and she may delete this one as well.


Well-known member
It's unfortuanate that content had to be removed. This thread appears to have run it's course, and it seems as if everyone was able to express a last statement. Thread closed.
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