Originally Posted by MissChievous
Well yes, it is selfish because a video maker can make any video he or she pleases - we aren't some makeup robots that are making videos purely for the entertainment of others. It's a hobby for most of us, and while we do try to keep the audience in mind, we make videos about things that hold our own interest. So, as a viewer, you really have no "right" to dictate to anyone what a videographer can or can not make a video about. If you don't like what someone is doing, then just don't watch their videos. But, you really have no right to tell them what they should, in your mind, be doing on their own channels. Giving a suggestion is one thing, but the tone of your msg sounds like you're dictating to others what they should be doing, for your sole entertainment.
Hi Julia, Let me just clear something up right off the bat: I never had intention of telling people what to review. I just noticed a VERY predominant trend right now that I wanted videomakers to know...I don't like seeing. And I said so. Why is it negative to give feedback about my dislikes as a viewer? That doesn't equal dictating to anyone about what videos should be made....it means there is some content "trends" that have bugged me lately. And I think they are so obvious to most of us out there watching/reading.
I simply *thought* and I guess I was wrong??, that videomakers do take their audience into account. I guess I will correct my way of thinking and just skip over any videos from here on out about products that I have seen reviewed before. Shame on me for expecting different people to have different/new things to say?
As I said from the OP: I TOTALLY understand how hard it is to make vids and I COMPLETELY appreciate the hard work that goes into it. Furthermore, I know that you and other youtubers give honest reviews and I said from the beginning that I appreciate that...And that what bugged me was the copycat vids that came after. I am sorry you took that as an offense to you personally.
So - just don't watch those videos? I mean what's the point on complaining about it? Just watch something else. There's enough video footage on YT to prob last anyone a lifetime. And even if you might not like those videos, thousands of others do, and watch those types of videos in the hundreds of thousands. That is their preference. |
How do I know that its the same content and review again before I watch it? Its not like the vids usually come with a "plot summary" attached to them. I have definitely scaled back my viewing thanks to the trend and I actually tend to skip all product review vids in general now.
I am not sure that's something most vid makers want to happen though, after all the hard work they put into making these reviews.
And btw I put "rant" in the subject line so that anyone who has a problem with reading complaints could avoid this thread. I was trying to be considerate. But I do think I have a right to expressing an opinion about what I have watched/seen. Otherwise whats the point of this board? Just to praise every product and critique and vid out there? We are all giving constructive, honest opinions about products/reviews/trends etc. Whether others agree or not, I think that it's kind of "selfish" for anyone to expect us to just "shut up" if we have a negative reaction to something we come across.
I'm really getting this utter sense of entitlement from some responses in this thread. Like, we're the viewers so you gurus should just do what we want you to do. Um, no. Also, keep in mind, filming a good quality tutorial, editing it, uploading it, creating a product list, blog entry for it, resizing pics, etc - honestly, it's a loooong process. Some videos have taken me upwards of 6 hours in total to create. Versus a haul or review video which might take an hour. So it's pretty darn egotistical to just sit there and say "make more tutorials". People have no idea how much time goes into it. |
I think if you read this thread from beginning to end you can see that I and others said repeatedly that we appreciate what goes into vidmaking, that a lot of us appreciate what you do in particular Julia. I can tell you are honest in reviews. You are one person in a very large group of reviewers. I don't have a sense of entitlement as a viewer. My reply about "expecting videomakers to take the audience into account" etc was merely a sidenote in reply to something someone said. The OP and every post of mine before that said I simply dislike the trend toward repetitiveness. I don't dictate what anyone does and I don't expect you to do what I say. I can and do often skip videos that I am not interested in. That doesn't mean I am going to pretend that I love redundancy either. And I am going to say when something I watch bugs me.
I too have sense a sort of "entitlement" from people...an attitide of "well just skip it then"...As if I didn't think of that already? There was a time when I liked watching vids and now I don't because of the redundancy. I was merely saying that...quite simply. Is it wrong to say I wish things were different so I can watch/enjoy vids again? Final note here: I don't know why people take things so personally or take it to heart. I have an opinion that is not unpopular...And it's not about one person's reviews. It's about a trend on blogs and youtube in general.
Also, here's a thought - instead of just coming on Specktra to complain about other online communities, saying what you don't like about it, why not do something to make it better? I'm not sure how many of the responders here make videos themselves on YT, but it's always easier to be negative and complain, rather than getting off your butt, putting some energy and positivity into something and improving something you feel needs improvement. |
I thought that's what I was doing when I posted this thread. That's how I intended it anyway. But people, like you, are making it personal and taking it as an insult instead of taking it as constructive criticism of a TREND (not about you) which is how it was intended.
I'm just sick of these threads - honestly. Like someone said, it seems to have just turned into a "hate on another beauty community thread". Funny, when other communities have created threads as such being negative towards Specktra, the members here were outraged. But now to see everyone doing the same thing here is very disappointing. I always feel like Specktra is a positive place - all this hating and complaining is really not a very positive vibe. There have been some interesting responses that I enjoyed reading but yeah, now it's just turned into a hate thread. |
Honestly, I think you are the one taking it as a personal insult and getting on the defensive, when that's not what this is. And actually that bothers me Julia because I have a lot of respect for you, your opinion and what you do in your vids.
I feel like everything I have said is being taken in the negative instead of being taken as a review about something I genuinely hoped I could change.
Another day, another lesson....No honesty allowed on Specktra. Sorry, I am relatively new here and still learning the ropes.