Small rant: The Beauty Review Bandwagon


Active member
I rarely post on specktra, but this thread has reassured me I'm not alone in my boredom, and loss of respect for youtube "guru's".

I left youtube because of it, and I really wish people would just unsubscribe from these people to give them a wake up call.

Ranting about it here makes us feel better, yeah - but actually making a stand and pressing unsubscribe would create change.

Julia - I would honestly prefer guru's to use popular products more than once to make different looks. I can't afford to buy everything you guys are sent free, which makes the tutorials kinda redundant. Who can afford it? You are really talented - some of the looks you have done are fantastic, so don't get offended by people being honest on their feelings here. People are entitled to their opinions, and no-one has named names or anything so they are being mature about it.

I originally started watching youtube for "real people", and honest reviews. Sadly that is gone now. Youtube is full of narcissistic personalities who need not only follownig on youtube, but now - blogs, twitter, god knows what. It's about them, not the viewers at all. How many of them actually reply to followers who aren't other gurus on twitter? Most don' it's an ego stroke.

The only guru's I really watch now are Pixiwoo, Kandeejohnson and sometimes petrilude (I don't think he is snotty at all either). Real makeup artists who aren't all about what they got free this week. For reviews I read MUA, but to be honest - I mainly stick with my old fav's - because of all those fake reviews my skin went from being really clear to terrible, and I've only just started to get it back to normal.

THAT is what I have issue with - they lie about the quality of products, I buy them and bam - my skin pays the price. I doubt I'm alone in that.


Active member
Originally Posted by MakeUpGeek
THAT is what I have issue with - they lie about the quality of products, I buy them and bam - my skin pays the price. I doubt I'm alone in that.

This is what I don't get. Why would you buy a product based on what some random person on YT says about it? Or even 10 people? Blaming someone else for a choice you made, buying a product, is abandoning responsibility for yourself. No one made you buy it. No one prevented you from further informing yourself on the product. You made a choice and it didn't work out. If anyone beside yourself is to blame it's the product manufacturer, if in fact it is an inferior quality product and not just that you happen to have a sensitivity to it, but definitely not a reviewer.

Also, if your skin was really clear, why did you start using all these products? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Also, I never would have guessed that people would be so susceptible to the influence of others. You shouldn't let other people's opinions have so much power over you and what you do with your money. Think for yourself!

ms. kendra

Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
I love how this is turning into a "What I Hate About YT" thread. lol

OMG! That's hilarious!!!
-hello, Sister Mary, how are you?
-Oh, hello my child. You look beautiful today. What are you wearing on your eyes?
-The eyeshadow is called "Baddest Bitch" and I used "Skanky Ho Bitch" liner to smoke it out.
-*gasp* Lord have MERCYYYY!

lmao irl

I especially hate it when the haul videos are just basically "Hey, look what I bought". At least, tell me about the product and what made you buy it.
I'll only watch a haul video if it's by a youtuber I trust and whose makeup I admire.

Yeah, he's addressed it a lot. You can tell he's just really annoyed by it all. I never got a snotty, arrogant vibe from him. He's a really cool guy, actually.

LOL @ the church script! That would be a mess!

I love Josh too, and I can also tell it's getting to him.

Originally Posted by MissChievous

So - just don't watch those videos? I mean what's the point on complaining about it? Just watch something else. There's enough video footage on YT to prob last anyone a lifetime. And even if you might not like those videos, thousands of others do, and watch those types of videos in the hundreds of thousands. That is their preference.


I'm really getting this utter sense of entitlement from some responses in this thread. Like, we're the viewers so you gurus should just do what we want you to do. Um, no. Also, keep in mind, filming a good quality tutorial, editing it, uploading it, creating a product list, blog entry for it, resizing pics, etc - honestly, it's a loooong process. Some videos have taken me upwards of 6 hours in total to create. Versus a haul or review video which might take an hour. So it's pretty darn egotistical to just sit there and say "make more tutorials". People have no idea how much time goes into it.

Also, here's a thought - instead of just coming on Specktra to complain about other online communities, saying what you don't like about it, why not do something to make it better? I'm not sure how many of the responders here make videos themselves on YT, but it's always easier to be negative and complain, rather than getting off your butt, putting some energy and positivity into something and improving something you feel needs improvement.

I'm just sick of these threads - honestly. Like someone said, it seems to have just turned into a "hate on another beauty community thread". Funny, when other communities have created threads as such being negative towards Specktra, the members here were outraged. But now to see everyone doing the same thing here is very disappointing. I always feel like Specktra is a positive place - all this hating and complaining is really not a very positive vibe. There have been some interesting responses that I enjoyed reading but yeah, now it's just turned into a hate thread.

Word x 100000000000

Umm, I believe I said in a prior post that I don't watch the videos I'm not interested in. I was just agreeing with someone else's post. You're really sensitive about this. I have actually been agreeing with many of your posts in this thread.


Well-known member
Is Josh ~ Petrilude? I've never seen him before?? BTW, where is Coastal Scents being rude to people? Here? I'm so out of the loop. I just bought their eye palette and thought it was pretty.

There is a non-biased makeup blogger I love, her link is The Makeup Blogger She buys all the things she reviews. She doesn't do tuts, but her site is honest and interesting. She is also a professional makeup artist.

Also, if you are on twitter and a fan of Wistella's, (fatstar on twitter), she'll answer makeup questions. She does amazing makeup and she is beautiful!!


Well-known member
i for one am pretty happy the FTC has decided to regulate and monitor "freebies" for bloggers. people will be required by law to disclose when they have received products for free, or are being compensated for talking about a certain product, company, etc. also people receiving freebies will have to report their value as income, which is how it should be. obv it will only apply to those in the US but i think (hope) it will make a difference.
Many of the guru's on YouTube state that they reserve the right not to feature a product or do a review on a product that they don't like, and I respect that. Several will go so far as to mail a product back to the company at their own expense if they don't like it. So if you see hype that a product is good, chances are it probably is... many wouldn't be bothered making a review if it wasn't.

Videos take a long time to make from filming, to editing, to uploading. Why would a guru want to take hours getting a video together about a product they didn't like? And quite frankly there are some really bad products out there... And what would happen if guru's did make countless reviews about products they hate? Companies would be hard hit, viewers would complain that the guru's were whinning, and you would have people bashing the Guru's for saying something negative about a product that they love.

Personally, I think it's better not to review a product you don't like. I think YouTube would be a very boring place and negative place if there were tons of videos describing products Guru's don't like. Viewers would be questioning what happened to their favorite Guru's positive attitudes.

That being said, I do agree that if a Guru does a favorable review on a product, they should continue to use that product in a few tutorials, etc. I have noticed in a couple of cases where a Guru gave a product a very favorable review and then never, ever used the product on their channel again. If they loved it so much, they should be wanting to use it again and again instead of banishing it to the bottom of their makeup drawer.


Active member
Originally Posted by Frosting
This is what I don't get. Why would you buy a product based on what some random person on YT says about it? Or even 10 people? Blaming someone else for a choice you made, buying a product, is abandoning responsibility for yourself. No one made you buy it. No one prevented you from further informing yourself on the product. You made a choice and it didn't work out. If anyone beside yourself is to blame it's the product manufacturer, if in fact it is an inferior quality product and not just that you happen to have a sensitivity to it, but definitely not a reviewer.

Also, if your skin was really clear, why did you start using all these products? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Also, I never would have guessed that people would be so susceptible to the influence of others. You shouldn't let other people's opinions have so much power over you and what you do with your money. Think for yourself!

If this was not happening with multiple people - being conned into purchasing items, then the whole issue would not exist. Companies would not throw products at youtubers if they didn't convince people to buy now, would they? People ARE susceptible. Advertising would not exist if they weren't.

I agree - I should have left well alone, but I trusted this people - I was not alone in that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
When you put a video up on youtube, it does take a long time to produce, and it is for free, but it is still a product. And it is placed on display for the public consumption. So like any product it is going to face some public scrutiny, and sometimes, public review.

Precisely. TV shows are as free to the general public (including you and me) as youtube vids are, and people critique those day in and day out...some even do it for a living. I think most people agree that it's perfectly ok to discuss the trends on tv shows --likes and dislikes. Even if you're not watching every single episode of every reality show, you might watch enough to know what aspects of reality shows you like or dislike. That's what I was trying to say in my posts. Even if I don't watch every single product review, I see enough to know that there's a "trend" toward hyping certain products that have been reviewed a dozen times already, without sending out new info...and that's not something I personally like watching. If it doesn't bother *you*, great I have no problem with that. Just don't tell me what to post about and don't tell me I have no right to critique a trend I have seen. I have as much right to express an opinion here as anyone else does. For those who don't want to read critiques or hear them, I suggest staying away from topics with the word "Rant" in the title...That should be just as easy to do as telling me/others what to do with our time/what to post and what to watch (i.e. to "skip" review vids--which don't come with plot summaries like tv shows do by the way


Well-known member
YT got old and OTT when the reviews became, "OMG you HAVE to get this!". Many of the viewers were looking to learn to do makeup and subscribed for tips. It was cool when techniques were showcased and users gave insight to uses of certain products, brushes, etc....Then came the "reviews" for products that no one other than MUAs would ever need to use/own. It's just obvious that there are other motives besides each one teaching one or doing it for fun or passion.


Well-known member
Meechie you are BANG on but when you allude to it, you get pounced. People react the same way the tell viewers, "don't watch" or "get a life" but these same ones are obviously dedicating themselves to YouTube. If it's about helping someone learn how to look and feel better that's one thing, if you want to showcase your skills that's another, but if you are looking to build recognition, or YouTube is your career, all well and good but honestly it's gotten to the point you have to like them all or if you respectfull express a point of view as I would if I stated "Gee, America's Next Top Model isn't the same to me." Why is it YouTube has become a we vs they with the gurus vs subscribers? Aren't we all interested in beauty, products, and cosmetics in general? I respect the time and courage some put into it some are taking it to a whole other level and to say it's not "auctioning themselves" in an implied manner "join this, rate this, enter this, follow this, add my OTHER channel" and then tell subbies to get a life is almost hypocritical. Sorry for the length and it's not meant to be a rant, I just wish we could agree to have different opinions and still be respected. I am not liking this or how I respond to it, I apologize to anyone who takes offence. Just frustrating ....


Well-known member
Now, when people mention doing youtube tutorials/videos etc. to me, I'm just going to refer back to this thread. Such a PITA, way too much headache and drama, and I don't have 6 or 7 hours to dedicate to doing tutorials/looks/whatever.


Well-known member
I'm guess I'm done reading this thread....some of ya'll got the gift of way too much


I agree Good Points have been made on both sides


Well-known member
Re: Is it just me, or is youtube getting a little tiresome?

Originally Posted by Elusive21
Yep YouTube is getting a bit dull for me as well. I agree that we need more tutorials (although I do like the haul videos - stilll want to keep watching those). One thing that irks me is when gurus promote products that they received for free from beautychoice and it's obvious that it's a product they wouldn't have bought themselves if they had to actually pay for it.

That's why I really like lollipop26, she's very upfront about things she receives for free, and gives great and honest reviews.


Active member
yeah i love lollipop26 - she always seems to make time for her viewers too, and she is modest. feels like watching a really good girlie friend.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Now, when people mention doing youtube tutorials/videos etc. to me, I'm just going to refer back to this thread. Such a PITA, way too much headache and drama, and I don't have 6 or 7 hours to dedicate to doing tutorials/looks/whatever.

That is certainly your prerogative but YT has a lot to offer - it's overall an extremely positive and encouraging place, full of creative individuals, a thriving community full of energetic people - viewers and videographers included. The hateful/drama BS is dwarfed by the overwhelming positivity that is present. The BS and drama is only a small part of the entire experience, but then, no community is perfect, and all have room for improvement.

And - while some may find it a waste of time to dedicate time to making videos - others find it a rewarding experience. It's not like I sit down for 7 hours at a time slaving over each video. Some take an hour to make tops. But usually a video will take several days to complete, and I like to invest a couple hours here and there whenever I have some spare time. I personally find this more enjoyable than watching TV, or going shopping, surfing online, or just chatting on the phone. So, it's really up to each person what they choose to do in their free time, and doesn't deserve the implied ridicule, especially when it is helping out other people. Picture tutorials such as the ones posted on here Specktra, which I think everyone is also extremely thankful for, have a similar time investment. Just sayin'....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
That is certainly your prerogative but YT has a lot to offer - it's overall an extremely positive and encouraging place, full of creative individuals, a thriving community full of energetic people - viewers and videographers included. The hateful/drama BS is dwarfed by the overwhelming positivity that is present. The BS and drama is only a small part of the entire experience, but then, no community is perfect, and all have room for improvement.

The overwhelming negativity is enough to turn me off.
The return on my investment (time, technology, creativity, etc.) isn't enough to override the headache. Some find it fulfilling, that's cool. I'm simply not one of those people.
And - while some may find it a waste of time to dedicate time to making videos - others find it a rewarding experience. It's not like I sit down for 7 hours at a time slaving over each video. Some take an hour to make tops. But usually a video will take several days to complete, and I like to invest a couple hours here and there whenever I have some spare time. I personally find this more enjoyable than watching TV, or going shopping, surfing online, or just chatting on the phone. So, it's really up to each person what they choose to do in their free time, and doesn't deserve the implied ridicule, especially when it is helping out other people. Picture tutorials such as the ones posted on here Specktra, which I think everyone is also extremely thankful for, have a similar time investment. Just sayin'....

I didn't imply ridicule at all, nor did I insult anyone who has the time or inclination. I also didn't say it was a waste of time.
You said it was a 6 or 7 hour process to make a video from conception to completion (as I understood you, at least) and I stated that I simply don't ahve that kind of time to invest. Free time is something I don't get to enjoy very often, and the free time I do have, I choose to use it with my kids, my activities, or my household. It's no slight on others who do differently, but it is an observation of why I don't participate in an activity I've been asked about numerous times.