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This! I don't ever spend money I don't have. To me, that would be way too stressful and I can't imagine doing that to myself, even with a small amount of money. It's so important to learn and exercise self-discipline or you'll get yourself into a world of trouble besides bad debt. It's just a trait that every happy, healthy adult needs to develop. DO NOT blame the credit card companies because they did not make you overspend. You have to take responsibility for your actions or you will never improve.
Also, it's good to have a hobby, a good book, or something that you can distract yourself with when you want to shop. If your time is occupied doing other enjoyable things then you won't be as tempted. Also, limit your time on the internet. Make a mental list of things you want to look at or accomplish and then GET OFF the computer and do something fun and free. Call a friend to hang out with you. Any good friend would be happy to distract you and provide emotional support by making you laugh and engaging in good conversation.
Whatever you do, MAKE A PLAN. Write down the exact steps you're going to do, whatever they may be, to discourage and control the shopping. It might sound silly, but it will make it easier if you're organized and official with yourself about it. It's much harder to blow off at that point. Shopping is not that different from any other addiction and it helps so much to face it and treat it like one. We've all got our issues so it's nothing to be ashamed of. Even if it feels like no one in your "real life" is supporting you or believing in your ability to conquer this, remember that you obviously have people here who care enough to listen to you and be there for you whenever you're having a hard time getting through the day. You can do it!
Originally Posted by Fataliya
I think the easiest (well, easiest to figure out, perhaps not easiest to actually DO), is to only buy what you can afford to PAY IN FULL when the bill comes. |
This! I don't ever spend money I don't have. To me, that would be way too stressful and I can't imagine doing that to myself, even with a small amount of money. It's so important to learn and exercise self-discipline or you'll get yourself into a world of trouble besides bad debt. It's just a trait that every happy, healthy adult needs to develop. DO NOT blame the credit card companies because they did not make you overspend. You have to take responsibility for your actions or you will never improve.
Also, it's good to have a hobby, a good book, or something that you can distract yourself with when you want to shop. If your time is occupied doing other enjoyable things then you won't be as tempted. Also, limit your time on the internet. Make a mental list of things you want to look at or accomplish and then GET OFF the computer and do something fun and free. Call a friend to hang out with you. Any good friend would be happy to distract you and provide emotional support by making you laugh and engaging in good conversation.
Whatever you do, MAKE A PLAN. Write down the exact steps you're going to do, whatever they may be, to discourage and control the shopping. It might sound silly, but it will make it easier if you're organized and official with yourself about it. It's much harder to blow off at that point. Shopping is not that different from any other addiction and it helps so much to face it and treat it like one. We've all got our issues so it's nothing to be ashamed of. Even if it feels like no one in your "real life" is supporting you or believing in your ability to conquer this, remember that you obviously have people here who care enough to listen to you and be there for you whenever you're having a hard time getting through the day. You can do it!