Originally Posted by Uchina
WASPiness is the default culture in North America. They already get enough representation.
That's a really unfair statement, I believe.
It's interesting to note that the repercussions of having a "light-skinned color cosmetics company" for women on the light end of the spectrum, a white entertainment channel, a national association for the advancement of noncolored people, a united caucasian college fund, etc. are drastic enough to make those things unrealistic visions, only because they're for non-colored people.
Don't think there are JUST as many socially and economically disadvantaged white people in America? That would be incorrect. The disadvantages are just as real for caucasians as non caucasians.
It's simply frustrating to me that I'm white, and it's expected that I apologise for being so. I'm certainly not going to. I've not done anything to apologise for. I don't expect anyone else to apologise for being black, brown, red, yellow, or orange, either. I don't expect anyone else to apologise for their religion, or their color, or anything else. Particularly when they aren't the ones committing heinous acts.
When I enlisted in the military I had NO experience in dealing with ANYONE of another race. Period. I went to an allwhite school (NO prejudices, that's just the demographics of the region), and had never had any encounters at all with Asians, Hispanics, Blacks, whatever. I didn't have any preconceived notions about
any group of people.
I walked into Ft. Jackson's 120th Reception Battalion as open to new experiences and ideas as any terrified new phleeb could be, getting off that van.
Going into my bay for my week at RecBat, I was one of about 8 white girls. Of those 8, 3 of them were in mixed relationships, another 3 were actively suspicious of non-whites, one girl was of the mind that she hated everybody, and that left me.
I have never in my life seen a more active, hateful, spiteful, nasty, mindblowing, unreal, unNECESSARY display of open racism in my life. The non-caucasian girls in the bay were absolutely spiteful mean cruel bitches. Their reasoning? I'm getting it in on you before you get it in on me.
The PG and I talked (she was a black female, in her late 20s) and we just discussed where we were from etc. and she realized what my perception was.
I have never in my life seen such an asschewing as the one she handed out that night at 3 in the morning. She woke EVERYONE up telling them they were the most moronic group of idiots she had ever seen because they were so busy bitching about racism and trying to make sure it didn't happen they were guilty of committing it.
She launched into this diatribe of how they ALL had the chance to prove what kind of people they really were and they
blew it because they chose to be what they said they hated: a group of racists with preconceived notions regarding other people.
My point?
ALL OF US experience racism. Pretty much ALL of our ancestors experienced racism (I'm Cherokee and Irish...google the Trail of Tears and Irish Immigrant racism, and the "know nothing" era...).
To say that "One group gets enough representation" is only a perpetuation of that which so many claim to hate: racism...it may be against "WASP"s, but it's racism nonetheless.