Split - Barbie: race issues, image issues


Well-known member
If the LE stuff has a black barbie with a big ass afro and a wide-set nose, I'm all for it. Then again, I would have to pinch myself, as I would most certainly be dreaming.

Sure, that sounds discriminatory, but until your privilege of seeing a reflection of yourself everywhere is taken away, you will never understand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
I'm still waiting for Disney to be a little more culturally aware.

Why should they be?
Why should they be required to cast anyone in any role because of their race?
Why should Matthew Broderick or Jonathan Taylor Thomas be discounted as voices for the roles? Because they're white? SO? At the point in time LION KING was created, they were two of the hotter names on the market. JTT+MB=huge draw. Disney doesn't (and shouldn't have to) consider OMG WE'RE SETTING A DISNEY MOVIE IN AFRICA LETS BE ~~~authentic~~~ AND CAST ONLY BLACK CHARACTERS!!!....Disney's concerned with the bottom line. The bottom line is affected by the voices they cast in their roles. Casting two of the (then) bigger names is a good business decision.
Race had nothing to do with it.


Well-known member
While we're on the topic of Lion King, if anyone should feel insulted by Disney those people would be the Japanese since it was ripped off from Osamu Tezuka's work, Kimba the White Lion.

Sorry for the off-topic.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If the LE stuff has a black barbie with a big ass afro and a wide-set nose, I'm all for it. Then again, I would have to pinch myself, as I would most certainly be dreaming.

Sure, that sounds discriminatory, but until your privilege of seeing a reflection of yourself everywhere is taken away, you will never understand.

I'm Asian, and I hardly see Asians in the media, unless I purposely seek out Asian magazines and such (and I can't understand the language, so it's kind of pointless.) Margaret Cho and Lucy Liu are the only two big names for East Asia that come to mind immediately. I'll agree that it sucks that there isn't better representation, but I don't think it's the problem you're making it out to be. I think I had maybe one Asian doll (my parents had to specially order it for me) growing up. Margaret Cho and Connie Chung were the only famous Asians I knew of. I never felt particularly bad about it or that it affected my ideals of beauty.

The problem that Mattel faces with making a doll like you suggested is that they'll get hit with complaints that the doll is too stereotypical.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lady_MAC
If the LE stuff has a black barbie with a big ass afro and a wide-set nose, I'm all for it. Then again, I would have to pinch myself, as I would most certainly be dreaming.

Sure, that sounds discriminatory, but until your privilege of seeing a reflection of yourself everywhere is taken away, you will never understand.

I agree with you. I mean, honestly, how could I know what its like to be in your shoes when I'm not. Images of what "beautiful" is supposed to look like are everywhere, and they definitely affect me. I think its shameful that there isn't more diversity in the media. I mean, I think the world is getting better with diversity in some ways, but in other ways, it seems to get worse.
Speaking of disney movies...I remember being a little girl with some baby flub, watching The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, et al and seeing how impossibly skinny all of the heroines were (with huge perfect boobies and ass long hair, lol) and wanting to be just like them...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
I agree with you. I mean, honestly, how could I know what its like to be in your shoes when I'm not. Images of what "beautiful" is supposed to look like are everywhere, and they definitely affect me. I think its shameful that there isn't more diversity in the media. I mean, I think the world is getting better with diversity in some ways, but in other ways, it seems to get worse.
Speaking of disney movies...I remember being a little girl with some baby flub, watching The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, et al and seeing how impossibly skinny all of the heroines were (with huge perfect boobies and ass long hair, lol) and wanting to be just like them...

I know what you're saying about the images of what beautiful is supposed to be but honestly I don't feel like I have ever been effected by those images. Maybe being I'm impossibly skinny with huge ass boobs haha. idk but I could see the effects more from things like a cartoon and movies over a Barbie doll. Even if it is a cartoon children see it as a moving living object, unlike a doll which is just there.

BUT I still don't think it should be blamed for people's problems or self-esteem. The first Arab "icon" I had growing up was Princess Jasmine and Aladdin, and at the time it was fun. Now I realize how FREAKIN RACIST that movie is and how sterotypical, on top of that I know the words for the ORIGINAL opening song for the movie.

I still don't think that stuff harms kids, nobody ever teased me because of that movie and I was never hurt or offended by that movie. Even knowing everything I know now I'll still sit and watch the movie with my lil cousins ... it's a cartoon it's fun! When I got teased as a child it was for stuff that the kids saw on the news. They used to tell me my dad was Saddam Hussein and stupid shit like that. I'm only 20 years old (21 in May yay!) so it's not like I was in middle school or anything like that.

I got a lil sidetracked didn't I?! Sorry! haha neway my point is I know what you ladies mean and you can blame Mattel or Disney or whoever but don't blame them for someone's self-esteem issues. Blame the parents for that.


Well-known member
im white loadsa my friends are black,i lived in a VERY mixed area,im white my mums best friend is black?????and her daughter

and when we were young,no one ever even thought anything about barbies to be honest??

although i do think rasicm seems more rife in america?

maybe im incorrect and i dont mean to offend anyone x

also barbie had a hispanic vrsion, chinese version etc...its just a doll... i really dont think its rasict or degarding x


Well-known member
I must be an oddity, because when I was younger (grade 9-10 and whatever) I wanted to be something other than white.

I wanted to be black or asian especially....or middle eastern, because a hellofalot of women that I see from those 'races' are GORGEOUS. I would love to have their features.

But then I am stuck with my paleness and my smaller features (except I have decent sized eyes).

But I am learning to love myself.


Well-known member
LOL You aren't weird thestarsfall.
When I was a kid I saw this girl, she was Indian and she would come in and she was the nicest lady and I swear to God she probably should've been a goddess. Seriously. She had LONG black hair and the most amazing cheekbones and beautiful eyes and beautiful Lips.

So when I was kid (before I knew better) every night I would pray that God would make me indian. LOL I just ain't right.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thestarsfall
I must be an oddity, because when I was younger (grade 9-10 and whatever) I wanted to be something other than white.

I wanted to be black or asian especially....or middle eastern, because a hellofalot of women that I see from those 'races' are GORGEOUS. I would love to have their features.

But then I am stuck with my paleness and my smaller features (except I have decent sized eyes).

But I am learning to love myself.

I had the same experience, most of my friends growing up were Southeast Asian and I always wanted to be Indian. I hated being white and having small white-girl features and pallor. Also, all of my friends were bilingual, and I only spoke English, so I used to resent my parents for not speaking another language in the house.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by docmaria
I am of Greek heritage and have friends of Armenian background. I may be biased but I certainly don't have a victim mentality.

There is racism in Greece and there is racism in Turkey. Not everyone in these countries is racist and I'm sure that some people are indeed colour-blind but to state that there is no racism in an entire country is strangely naive.

As for Armenian genocide being a recent French media ploy - it was actually used by a famous Austrian/German as propaganda several decades ago in the famous quote: "Who remembers the Armenians?"

can you please tell me who we turks are racist against? i am really curious since my grand mother is armenian and my fiance is kurdish.


Well-known member
btw, genocide and racism are totally different things
racism is done by nations againts a different race living with them. its like a civil war but genocide is a programmed and planned thing like in "final solution" and decided by politicians and army so its nothing like racism


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macjunkieTURKEY
can you please tell me who we turks are racist against? i am really curious since my grand mother is armenian and my fiance is kurdish.

I think she was just making the point that there is racism everywhere no matter what country and it doesn't have the "victim" mentality that we have here in the US


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SumtingSweet

That's not true. There was an Armenian genocide. My great grandmother is a survivor. She had 4 brothers who were all killed and so was her mother. She was only 6 years old, but she still remembers how the Turks came to her town and butchered everyone. She and her mother were the only ones left in her family. If there was no genocide, then what happened to to all those people? Why would my great grandmother and other survivors lie about such horrible things? Sorry if this offends you, but your government is brainwashing you and denying the murders of 2 million people. The Nazis were worse, but at least they admitted that they killed the Jews. Anyway, this thread has nothing to do with politics so I'll end there. Besides, nothing you can say will change my mind about Turks and the Armenian genocide and I probably won't change your's either....and the only reason Armenians live in harmony with the Turks is that they're afraid to speak up because they'll be sent to jail or killed.

Edit: I just wanted to add something about the "victim mentality" thing. I don't think Armenians have a victim mentality. We just want the world to recognize our genocide. If someone started killing people of your race and then denied it, wouldn't you want the world to know the truth?

no, armenians live in a harmony with turks because their nationality is turkish they live work and go to school in turkey and they are used to living in turkey and in a national base there is no hostilaty in turkey i dunno where you live but you speak too big and pretentious i dont think you have ever come to turkey or did any research about this on an academic bases ARMENIANS AND TURKS LOVE EACH OTHER. and many armenian turks and intellectuals are really angry about france's law since they are afraid that this harmony will break down. since its not proven yet i am saying again IF there is an armenian genocide it was decided by ottoman empire rulers .republic of turkey and turkish muslim nation had nothing to do with it. please try to learn some facts from academic texts and historians rather tthan your grand parents which are probaly were children by that time and turned against by their biased and angry families ( which is i can understand why). and according to turkish intellectuals who accept the genocide the main reason of the genocide is the fact that armenians refused to war against the russians. which makes me think that armenians never wanted to be a part of the turkish nation.
I PERSONALLY LOVE EVERY RACE NATION RACE AND RELIOGION AND THINK DIVERSİTY IS A NECESSITY BECAUSE DIFFERENT PEOPLE MAKE WORLD EVEN MORE COLORFUL. i hope someday the world come over this issues but i beg you dont think armenians are brutalized here. they have their own schools and everything and they are even richer than turks. they are very crafted in things such as antique and jewelry and they are such a beautiful color in turkey i am happy they exist i hope one day you and your granny come here and visit me kiss your granny's hand then put her hand on your forehand for me this is a respectful gesture for elderly people in turkish customs
and btw i am a pretty clever college student coming from a highly intellectual family so noone especially a goverment which i hate and despise can brainwash me

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I have no bias for or against Turkey or Armenia, but here are some links about the genocide.


Again, I have no bias one way or the other, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are people who still have issues with either side. I meet people on occasion who are still bitter towards the Japanese and think that's a good reason to be assy towards me (and I'm not even Japanese.) But, of course, I know may people who adore the Japanese and their culture.


Well-known member
Oh good grief, suggesting that there is tension between Turks and Armenians is like proclaiming that all Germans hate Jews. They are unwarranted generalizations and extremely outdated. Furthermore, this issue has nothing to do with Barbie! How many of you are actually Armenian and have been to Turkey recently? Thought so

Anyhoo, I discovered this article this morning and thought it was pertinent to this discussion: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...NG0MN18MP1.DTL

"Barbie was created by Ruth Handler in 1959 and modeled on a German doll originally created as a sexual toy for men."



Well-known member
Originally Posted by macjunkieTURKEY

no, armenians live in a harmony with turks because their nationality is turkish they live work and go to school in turkey and they are used to living in turkey and in a national base there is no hostilaty in turkey i dunno where you live but you speak too big and pretentious i dont think you have ever come to turkey or did any research about this on an academic bases ARMENIANS AND TURKS LOVE EACH OTHER. and many armenian turks and intellectuals are really angry about france's law since they are afraid that this harmony will break down. since its not proven yet i am saying again IF there is an armenian genocide it was decided by ottoman empire rulers .republic of turkey and turkish muslim nation had nothing to do with it. please try to learn some facts from academic texts and historians rather tthan your grand parents which are probaly were children by that time and turned against by their biased and angry families ( which is i can understand why). and according to turkish intellectuals who accept the genocide the main reason of the genocide is the fact that armenians refused to war against the russians. which makes me think that armenians never wanted to be a part of the turkish nation.
I PERSONALLY LOVE EVERY RACE NATION RACE AND RELIOGION AND THINK DIVERSİTY IS A NECESSITY BECAUSE DIFFERENT PEOPLE MAKE WORLD EVEN MORE COLORFUL. i hope someday the world come over this issues but i beg you dont think armenians are brutalized here. they have their own schools and everything and they are even richer than turks. they are very crafted in things such as antique and jewelry and they are such a beautiful color in turkey i am happy they exist i hope one day you and your granny come here and visit me kiss your granny's hand then put her hand on your forehand for me this is a respectful gesture for elderly people in turkish customs
and btw i am a pretty clever college student coming from a highly intellectual family so noone especially a goverment which i hate and despise can brainwash me

It's very rude for you to say those things because you don't know me at all. I am also a college student and I have done much research and several essays on this topic. I've studied books by people who believe there was a genocide and people who deny it. I believe that there was a genocide not only because of my family's experience, but also because I think that it has been proven. I think that you have to research both sides in order to make that decision and it seems to me that you have only researched the Turkish side. I don't hate Turkish people or any other race, but it angers me that whenever someone trys to mention the genocide the Turkish government accuse them of lying. Denying the Armenian genocide is like denying the Holocaust or denying slavery. I have not been to Turkey, but I do know that there is not as much racism against Armenians and other minorities as there was in the past. I don't think Armenians are brutalized now, but they definitely were before. Turkey has improved a lot since the early 20th century, which is why I think it's a shame that they won't admit what they have done. I actually agree with you that it was the decision of Ottoman Empire rulers, not the Turkish people's, just like the Holocaust was Hitler's decision, not the German people's. I know that the Turkish army was only doing their job and following the orders of a fanatical, evil man. There are records of many Turkish soldiers who admitted to killing the Armenians at that time. I also think that the Armenians didn't want to be part of Turkey or Russia, either. They wanted to have their own country, but since that was not possible they chose to be part of Russia, which was a much stronger country. You are angry about the new law in France, but isn't there also a law in Turkey that says that people can't talk about the genocide because it's an insult to Turkey? Many Turkish intellectuals, for example Orhan Pamuk, who believe that there was a genocide are arrested. Also, the American ambassador in Armenia was fired for mentioning the genocide. The U.S. has tried to make several films about the genocide, but each time the Turkish government has suppressed them. Honestly, I disagree with the French law because although I believe that there was a genocide and that it should be recognized all over the world, I also believe that people should have freedom of speech. I hope that someday Armenian and Turkish politicians can have an intelligent debate on this and come to a conclusion on what really happened.