Split - Barbie: race issues, image issues


Well-known member
Is it a problem wanting a doll a different color?
No, but is it making an issue of something that shouldn't necessarily be an issue? To an extent.

I see what you're saying about wanting representation, and I even understand that, but what I don't understand is why people (and I'm not saying you here at all) get righteously indignant that there's NOT a thisdoll or thatdoll. I DON'T understand why people file lawsuits, get their feelings hurt, and become upset over it.
That, I don't understand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
My question is when does it stop?
When does corporate responsibility for catering to every public whim reach the breaking point?
Do businesses like Mattel HAVE a responsibility to create dolls for every look/style/race?

No they dont have a responsibility to do so. But if they want to make the most money they will. Thats the point of capitalism. Corporation will create dolls based on a need for them by the public, and the ability to make profit.

I guarentee you corporation really could care less about skin color. Mattel makes dolls with different skin colors because it is profitable to do so. Thats why it took longer to see barbie's with different color plastic. The started off Making white dolls, since the founder of the company was probably white. As the years passed as the demand grew for barbie's representing different races grew, they introduced the different barbie's we see today. However the reason you probably dont see as many different color barbies as the original vanilla one, is the demand for those dolls is less than the demand for the original.

I would be curious to see the breakdown in demographic of who Barbie's buyers really are. Would be interesting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Is it a problem wanting a doll a different color?
No, but is it making an issue of something that shouldn't necessarily be an issue? To an extent.

I see what you're saying about wanting representation, and I even understand that, but what I don't understand is why people (and I'm not saying you here at all) get righteously indignant that there's NOT a thisdoll or thatdoll. I DON'T understand why people file lawsuits, get their feelings hurt, and become upset over it.
That, I don't understand.

No. I wouldn't go that far. I'd just start making my own dolls and create my own company. Hmmm...


Well-known member
I have a solution...

Why dont they just use clear plastic? Then you can pretend it's a certain race.

It's non discriminatory, and promotes imagination.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
No. I wouldn't go that far. I'd just start making my own dolls and create my own company. Hmmm...

As i mentioned early in the thread. I'm surprised a company really hasn't come out and done it. If there is as big of a demand for black dolls as you suggest, it would possibly be a profitable enterprise.

Possibly why the Bratz dolls gained such popularity? As they are more diverse?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't think it's extreme. Most companies create 4-5 of x to represent race. If they're unlabeled and categorized, who's going to know they forgot one ethnic group? Barbie, no matter what color she is, has the Barbie face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
As i mentioned early in the thread. I'm surprised a company really hasn't come out and done it. If there is as big of a demand for black dolls as you suggest, it would possibly be a profitable enterprise.

Possibly why the Bratz dolls gained such popularity? As they are more diverse?

There's actually a Barbie-like doll for Arab Muslim girls. My cousin's wife bought it for my lil cousin and when she got the doll she started crying lol.
It cracked us up, but we felt bad cuz my cousins wife was trying to get her a doll that she could relate to.

I know there are different dolls of difference races and backgrounds out there but not everyone has Barbie money. I personally was never bothered by having a blonde Barbie when I was a lil girl.


Well-known member
it was a total knock off of those dolls lol. she was called "amira" my lil cousin hates it and she tries to rip off her hijab idk y. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
we felt bad cuz my cousins wife was trying to get her a doll that she could relate to.

I think the parents care more than the kids do =P


Well-known member
when I was little.. My I had a few barbies, I didn't really think much of their hair color or skin tone and I had a huge array of both.
They were just the dolls that would ride around in the pink corvette, and go"shopping" I loved getting new clothes for my barbies more than getting new barbies.. and eventually I had those little "Quints" dolls.. and suddenly my barbie had 5 children. haha. ..

Did anyone try cutting their barbies hair? .. It sooo Did NOT work out the way it was supposed to..


Well-known member
haha well because all of barbies hair comes out of like only 15 holes on her head,, it looks stupid when you cut it.. fyi.. haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
COLORING it with markers?

What about both?

I gave my Barbie's haircuts and "dyed" it with my uncle's acrylic paints. I also painted underwear on them


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzcelaneous
What about both?

I gave my Barbie's haircuts and "dyed" it with my uncle's acrylic paints. I also painted underwear on them

I used fingernail polish.

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