What does skin color have to do with achievement though?
What do a person's looks have to do with it?
Indigowaters: Why can't your daughter look at a woman and emulate her regardless of race? Why does she have to have a strong BLACK woman as her example, why can't she have a STRONG WOMAN, regardless of race, as an example emulate her? Whomever that may be...she should (IMO, of course) look at a strong female and not worry about her skintone.
You know what race means?
Not a thing.
It doesn't mean a damn thing other than a black person has more pigmentation than I do. Other than that, it doesn't mean anything but what an individual MAKES it mean.
I don't identify with another woman because she's white. I identify with another woman because we share ideals, beliefs, ethics, and morals.
THAT, imo, is what we should be teaching our children...NOT to seek out people of the same race to use as an example.
This isn't directed necessarily at any one person except where noted, it's simply something I've been trying to articulate for a bit.