Split - Barbie: race issues, image issues


Well-known member
Ladies, the topic of the thread is related to Barbie and the social impact of the doll, if there is one, in regard to race. Please stay on topic.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
Oh good grief, suggesting that there is tension between Turks and Armenians is like proclaiming that all Germans hate Jews. They are unwarranted generalizations and extremely outdated. Furthermore, this issue has nothing to do with Barbie! How many of you are actually Armenian and have been to Turkey recently? Thought so

Anyhoo, I discovered this article this morning and thought it was pertinent to this discussion: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...NG0MN18MP1.DTL

"Barbie was created by Ruth Handler in 1959 and modeled on a German doll originally created as a sexual toy for men."


I agree that this issue has nothing to do with Barbie, but when people say that the Armenian genocide never happened, it deeply offends me, so I just wanted to voice my opinion. I never said that all Turks hate Armenians, but some or them still do. Also, there are some Germans who still hate Jews and some white Americans who still believe that African Americans should be segregated. Saying that they all love each other is also an unwarrented generalization.

little teaser

Well-known member
i cant wait to see this barbie/mac collection hopefully it will be better than the last couple collections.. i think barbie is cute


Well-known member
I agree that this has gotten a little out of hand, and awful mean! For one thing, I don't think anyone has said that Barbie is the reason women feel insecure. That's a little bit, by which I mean a LOT a bit, of a straw man. Obviously, one doll can not make or break a person's confidence. But it isn't just one doll. It's our society as a whole, and I would like to see someone come up with an anecdote from their childhood about how they haven't been influenced by advertising campaigns.

advertising's images of women

Like I said before, Barbie is the symptom not the disease. [It's true that there are lots of other dolls and other symptoms to address, but this thread was focused on Barbie] but the symptom brings the disease to mind and I think that is why people are so upset about this collaboration from the get go. I had Barbies when I was young. I liked playing with them. I loved dressing them up and doing their hair. My Jasmine Barbie from Aladdin was actually my favorite, along with a Hispanic one that I called Dolores because it had long, dark hair like my mom. I actually always dressed Jasmine really odd and mismatched and would be acting out the plot line for she's all that yearrrs before the movie was released. All I am saying is that Barbie represents [to some might even be the epitome of] a social standard that a lot of people disagree with, which would make them upset.

I think it's rather mean to tear down my analysis of beauty standards by saying that I'm overreacting and looking for an excuse for my own insecurities. It's much more convincing to attack a person with counter-facts rather than insults. C'est la vie! In the words of Le Tigre, "we tell the truth, they turn up the laugh track."

Most of the time I am very comfortable with myself, but I'm not going to deny that I've thought I might be prettier if my nose were a little thinner, or my hair was straighter, or I didn't have freckles, or my arms weren't so hairy, or my feet were smaller. Those are the things I have been teased about almost as long as I can remember. They don't run my life. I have a very healthy sense of self-esteem, but they can creep in there.

I do agree that it makes no sense for people to use "all races, all sexes, all ages" to explain why they disagree with the Barbie collaboration. It's a complete contradiction.

and to be fair let's take a look at the gentlemen


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I thought it was a MAC Barbie DOLL, not a collection ? ?

I believe that it's both.


Well-known member
I just want them to play Aqua's Barbie Girl when they launch it. It would be hysterical-
Blue eyeshadow, Green eyeshadow, pink lips

and the song going:
I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation



Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
I just want them to play Aqua's Barbie Girl when they launch it. It would be hysterical-
Blue eyeshadow, Green eyeshadow, pink lips

and the song going:
I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation



I agree.


New member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Off topic: I see alot of people saying that Bratz dolls are trashy but what exactly makes them trashy? Big lips? Cause that's what everyone is trying to achieve these days. Clothes? I see grown women dressed like this. BTW I looked at the site and saw them wearing jeans and cute tops. Maybe this is just because it's the "Fall Collection". I see where everyone else is coming from with the Barbie collection (she achieves everything), but it wasn't until my generation that they finally attempted to make a doll I could identify with (and there weren't alot). I guess this is why I don't identify with either and am not really enthusiastic about this collection. Just MHO.

I can only speak for the one clip i saw of a video my 10 year old little sister was watching.
The 'bratz' were at a mall, got caught shop;ifting, ran from the security guard, and when they got caught, just did a little fanny shake, and the guard let them go!
how is that a good thing for ANY little girl to watch?
pure trash.


Well-known member
I personally hate the bratz dolls...but only because they are even less lifelike than barbie...they have ginourmous heads and ginourmous feet and like anime eyes and big lips....all in all kinda freaky...and they are still skinny...

The main problem with barbies was always that they were unrealistic in proportion and that they supposedly taught young girls that they had to have ginourmous boobs and a tiny waist...which is a little more attainable (through corsets...boo yeah!) than a ginourmous head and a tiny body that the bratz dolls have...

although I would be freaked either way if a barbie or a bratz doll came to life and was life sized....



Well-known member
Why does a company have to cater to all races anyways?

If X race is really so torn up about not having a doll that properly represents their race, why dont they make one? It's not like anyone is telling you that you can't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enka
Barbie is a WASP

Not sure if this was mentioned or not... I skimmed the thread a few days back, but I always see it when I open the thread...

When did Barbie get a religion?

Just curious.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Off topic: I see alot of people saying that Bratz dolls are trashy but what exactly makes them trashy? Big lips? Cause that's what everyone is trying to achieve these days. Clothes? I see grown women dressed like this. BTW I looked at the site and saw them wearing jeans and cute tops. Maybe this is just because it's the "Fall Collection". I see where everyone else is coming from with the Barbie collection (she achieves everything), but it wasn't until my generation that they finally attempted to make a doll I could identify with (and there weren't alot). I guess this is why I don't identify with either and am not really enthusiastic about this collection. Just MHO.

did you see this on the other boards where we were talking about this?? i dont think brats are trashy at all, if parents dont like the outfit's i think you can buy diffrent clothes for them.. i thought they were cute with there jeans tops and platform boots, they have more of a exotic look than the plain barbie

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Katura
Those dolls freak me out. I was in a toy store just yesterday and realized how funny those giant lips look. I dont know, I think they look odd and totally warped. Not to mention some of those outfits are totally skanky. I know it's been said before in this thread, but I really think they send some pretty whacked out messages to the younger girls, I don't know who can relate to a toy for 4-10 year olds that can easily look like a porn star with those lips, those outfits, etc...I could go on and on why I think they are trashy but this is about the makeup not the dollss...hahaha...

I grew up a Barbie girl, and I'll stay that way. Can't wait to see what comes of this!!!


it's funny that you say brats doll's freak you out.. when i was a lil girl the only doll's that freak me out and scare me were those porcelain ones.. those were freaky there eyes, were evil