Starbucks Anyone??


Well-known member
This post was inspired by the favorite drink thread. I don't drink alcohol but I do love Starbucks My favorite drink is Nonfat Mocha, no whip cream extra hot!! I like the whip cream but control myself because I sure don't need those extra fat calories!! Once in a while if I feel like treating myself I will have them put just a little whipped cream on top.

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
Hot Drink- White Chocolate Mocha Cappuccino
Cold- Caramel Frap but I can't drink either often I treat myself once and awhile


Well-known member
When I'm on my diet, it's strictly Americanos (soooo good) with room for a splash of cream and Splenda....but when I want to be bad, it's either a iced caramel macchiato with EXTRA caramel or a nonfat toffee nut latte (I'm soooo happy they made these permanent so now I don't feel the need to binge on them during their "season"). Thankfully they don't sell the Molasses cookies or the (SWOON) Crumbleberry coffee cake here anymore--those two were my weaknesses in the world of prepackaged baked goods.


Well-known member
I forgot to list a cold drink. I use to get the mocha frap's but haven't for over a year to cut calories. My thin 12 year old will get the vanilla or caramel frap's and I'll take a taste of his to satisfy that urge. HOWEVER, yesterday I caved and bought one of their pumpkin cream cheese muffins. (I looked up the calore count up on their website- either 450 or 470 calories in that baby) But, OMG it was fantastic. I was good and cut it in half and gave the other half to my husband. My son hates muffins, cakes, twinkies,pretty much anything like that. (He does like Krispy Kreme donuts thou)


Well-known member
Though I love coffee (need it to live, more like it), I think my favorite Starbucks drink of all time is that Chantico stuff, the chocolate drink. Damn thing is like crack in a cup. It's also a meal unto itself, seeing as it's practically just steamed chocolate syrup. Love it.


Well-known member
I'm not a coffee girl at all but I love to go to Starbucks! It's hella pricey over here but soo yummy!

Fav hot drink: Hot Chocolate with whipped cream
Fav cold drink: Mango Lemon Iced Tea


Well-known member
My faves are Toffee Nut Soy Latte w/o whip and Pumpkin Spice Soy Lattes, but since I've been dieting I've been getting brewed coffee with a splash of Soy, 2 Splendas and Cinnamon. I've grown to love it!! But if I'm treating myself I'll get a low-fat Affegato Caramel Frappacino.....heaven in a cup


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Grande quadruple shot latte made with semi-skimmed / 2% fat milk.

forgot to mention I used to have eight of these a day - it was an expensive habit!


Well-known member
I'm not a big coffee fan so I love their tea/ lemonade blended drink. In the winter, I like the peppermint hot chocolate.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I only like the Caramel Macchiato and the mint chip one (don't know the name), both iced. I don't like their regular coffee, too bitter. I too was addicted, but I cut it down to only about once a week, I gained 10 pounds in 6 months when I had one of these 5 days a week.