Starbucks Anyone??


Well-known member
OMG Mocha... you're definitely Starbucks obsessed, but when I'm feeling generous with my money - b/c Starbucks is mucho dinero - I go and get a Caramel Apple Cider with xtra caramel in the winter and any flavor Frappachino in the summer.

I'll dabble sometimes with the iced coffee.


Well-known member
Venti, non-fat cappuccino with Sugar-Free Vanilla...sooo tasty!! In the summer I like a Light Mocha Frappuccino or a Light Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, Venti, of course. I usually get the Frappuccinos as a treat or a sub for lunch (I know not very healthy, but sooo filling).


Well-known member
I really go for the seasonal drinks, pumpkin spice lattes in the fall, eggnog lattes and peppernmint mochas in winter
Lately I've been drinking grande nonfat white chocolate peppermint mocha, w/2 pumps of white chocolate, 2 pumps of peppermint, with whip at 140 degrees. Yummy!


Well-known member
how are the eggnog lattes? i love eggnog but have been a little hesitant to try them in latte form..are they really thick?


Well-known member
never had eggnog before but the lattes are luuuuuuuuuuuush mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
their jst sweet im not sure what the flavour is but they are delish!
no they are not thick


Well-known member
Starbucks is a serious addiction I've developed now that I walk to work and they're on every corner. You ladies that do up to 8 of these drinks a day are hardcore!

Throughout the year I find myself getting the Marble Mocha Machiatto - YUM!
BUT I'm always waiting for fall to come so I can get my Pumpkin Spice Latte fix!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Divinity
Starbucks is a serious addiction I've developed now that I walk to work and they're on every corner.

Ditto! Major caffeine addiction....

Hot: Triple shot, xtra hot Gingerbread latte; triple shot Caramel Macchiato (when the GBL is out of season..
Cold: Triple shot Java Chip frap, blended; Grande Green Tea frap


Well-known member
Ugh I hate how there is such variability. There are Starbucks popping up on nearly every second corner and each make it different. I used to hate their lattes b/c I thought they had too much milk (compared to my fav. Second Cup) but once I tried several different locations, some had wayyyy too much coffee/milk ratio, some were just right. Dammit is it too hard to ask for consistency?
When/if I go to Starbucks, I love the Pumpkin Spice latte or my good old standby is just a vanilla latte.


Well-known member
mmm i LOVE starbucks!!!! it's like crack for college kids - and i get it everyday! haha.

i ALWAYS get a grande (or venti) upside-down non-fat caramel macchiato with extra caramel, extra hot! soooo yummy <3


Well-known member
I like all of Starbucks fun flavored drinks but in terms of just normal coffee, Dunkin doughnuts' coffee is about a thousand times better (and cheaper!)


Well-known member
We don't have Starbucks in Sweden
but when I visit a country in the summer that does have Starbucks, I drink loads of java chip frappuchinos.


Well-known member
We don't have a starbucks here
but I go a lot when I'm off island!

All are nonfat/light
Peppermint Mocha
Cinnamon Dolce Latte
Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha
White Chocolate Mocha
Vanilla Latte

Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino
White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino
Pomegranate Frappuccino w/shot of raspberry
Iced White Chocolate Mocha


Well-known member
Hot drink: Caramel Macchiato
Cold drink: Straberries & Cream Frappuccino and/or Green Tea Frappuccino


Well-known member
as soon as i saw this thread i knew i had to reply.
i work at my local starbucks and i looovveee it!
i must admit, ever since i started working there i've been drinking tons more coffee than i usually do. i have tons of favorite drinks there...

hot: 3 pumps soy white mocha w/ carame or soy vanilla latte w/ 2 pumps vanilla & 1 pump toffee nut

cold: passion tea lemonade, 3 pumps classic & 2 pumps rasberry, iced caramel machiattos w/ extra caramel, iced white mocha w/ extra caramel

can you tell i like caramel? lol