Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
how about when the car in front of you changes lanes the same exact time you change lanes so it almost looks like you guys planned the syncronized lane switch??? and how about when you're on a 3 lane street and you try and switch again to get out from behind them and they switch with you AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
i cannot stand that. lol!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
lol this is a fun thread, how did I miss it till now? Weird things that bother me:

1. ppl who try to tailgate me when I'm on the right lane and going a little above speed limit. If you wanna go way faster, get off my back and go to the left lane!
2. ppl who press the elevator button when I've already done it before them and hence the light is on. Do you think the elevator is gonna get there faster if you press it 10 times or are you 5??
3. Ppl making noise when they eat. It absolutely makes me loose my appetite.
4. Women who look at you up and down with a bitchy look in their face when they don't even know you. I'm a victim of this pretty much every day!!
5. I'm very punctual, so ppl that are late also annoy me.
6. All birds, especially chicken...ewwww their I'm gonna have nightmares!
7. Ppl who cut their nails with scissors! It's very creepy. There's a guy in my office who always does this and I can't be near him when it happens!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
i haaaate it when customers hand me their trash. ughhhhhhh.....throw it away yourseeellflffff

i work part time at starbux and ppl always bypass the trash can to hand me some sh*t and it's usually soaked with frappacino or whipped cream. i had one chick hand me a straw wrapper and it was one of my happier days so i said no prob and took it. do you know this broad had wrapped her old nasty gum up in it and some of it was sticking out touching my hand??


Well-known member
i hate when people call lipsticks "lippies" and pigments "piggies".....sorry....i really do..... :/


Well-known member
Ugh, I could go on for days!! I guess people in general when I think about it!
But what really grinds my gears is the horrible F'ING drivers out there! Women that do their makeup, people reading, talking & texting!!!
GET THE F OFF YOUR PHONE & PAY ATTENTION!!! I really just don't want to die by your dumbass!!!


Well-known member
One strange thing that bothers me is that I cannot have people thisclose to me when I'm eating. Not like at the next chair. That's fine. But like when someone is touching on me when I'm eating....that's not cool. It's almost like an animalistic trait. lol I get MAD.


Well-known member
I HATE when people eat ridiculously aggressive or loud.. like breathing through the nose and smacking their mouth. OMG you sound like a dog. ushfusdfhsdufsdf I have to get up and leave when people do it.

when people to tell me to calm down it just sounds so condescending to me. Telling me to calm down is the FARTHEST thing that will calm me down.


Well-known member
Wet sponges/wash clothes... It's kind of weird, but if I clean the dishes or something, I won't touch the sponge again until it's dry. :|


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
..ppl who press the elevator button when I've already done it before them and hence the light is on. Do you think the elevator is gonna get there faster if you press it 10 times or are you 5??

Yes! I work on the 2nd floor (the stairwells are locked or I would walk) so I usually stand in the front when I get one the elevator because I know I'll be the first one out. These people reach in front of me to press the button when there are buttons on both sides of the elevator!! And we are the only 2 in there!! Why?



Well-known member
i hate when my boyfriend uses gallons of ketchup anytime he eats french fries. its so fucking disgusting. i literally have to put him on ketchup restriction. nobody should consume THAT much ketchup. its ridiculous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i hate when my boyfriend uses gallons of ketchup anytime he eats french fries. its so fucking disgusting. i literally have to put him on ketchup restriction. nobody should consume THAT much ketchup. its ridiculous.

when i was in college there was this guy that ALWAYS got chili cheese fries from sonic and would get extra cheese on them and then put mounds of ketchup and mayo on top. then he would stir it up to where it looked like he was eating lumpy nacho cheese, ketchup, and mayo.

i'm about to dry heave right now......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i hate when my boyfriend uses gallons of ketchup anytime he eats french fries. its so fucking disgusting. i literally have to put him on ketchup restriction. nobody should consume THAT much ketchup. its ridiculous.

Gah, I HATE ketchup.

I love tomatoes, and I hate ketchup. Blech!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
i hate when my boyfriend uses gallons of ketchup anytime he eats french fries. its so fucking disgusting. i literally have to put him on ketchup restriction. nobody should consume THAT much ketchup. its ridiculous.

my mum is like that. she is obsessed with ketchup! she buys the large containers of it from costco just so she always has it around. she eats it on everything. not just meat but on her veggies and even in salad. excuse me i have to go vomit now.


Well-known member
I hate it when ppl say OMG ur gonna catch a cold if u go out in the cold, or with wet hair...

OMG, a cold is a virus and has nothing to do with being cold or caught out in cold. jeeeez...


Well-known member
Some of the stuff mentioned has just been cleanliness stuff, not necessarily strange/weird...

Anyway, my odd issues (and yes, i am slightly mad):

1. I hate seeing people eat things upside down, it really makes me cringe. Most things have a right way up. Eat it that way. Example: it is very wrong to eat a Mars bar and have your top teeth bite into the bit at the bottom...

2. I have to do the washing up in a set order: cutlery - large knives, knives, forks, spoons, teaspoons; cups; plates in order of size; bowls; pyrex bowls n pans.

3. I can't drink things out of mugs that are dark coloured on the inside-it makes your drink look weird, can't tell how strong tea is etc.

I'm sure there are other things, some weirder than others.... will post again if i think of anything.

Originally Posted by Lauren1981
~oval fingernails (i mostly see older women still rockin the oval fingernails. lol!)

Oh, sorry Lauren, i hate square fingernails, sorry everyone who follows fashion trends, but i think they look horrible.


Well-known member
French pedicures...I find long toe nails simply gross.. emphasizing them with a french pedicure is just too icky for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HustleRose
my mum is like that. she is obsessed with ketchup! she buys the large containers of it from costco just so she always has it around. she eats it on everything. not just meat but on her veggies and even in salad. excuse me i have to go vomit now.

i'm guilty of putting ketchup on veggies, especially string beans.. it may look gross but it really does taste good.


Well-known member
I get aggravated with the tiniest things. Like somebody mentioned before, I won't touch a wet sponge either. If my mom wants me to do the dishes, I either have to wait again until its dry or open a totally new sponge just to use it.

I hate that when my boyfriend eats pasta, he has to dumb half the grated cheese container on his pasta. I know he's 100% Italian, but enough's enough.

I really hate when I'm really hungry and I make something REALLY good and everybody wants a bite. It's like when I'm not starving and have kinda good food and I offer nobody wants it but when I have a mouth watering dish in front of me and I feel like I haven't eaten in days and everybody wants a bite, it makes me so mad.

I'm sure there are more, but I just can't think right now lol.


Well-known member
I hate it when I am driving with my mom and she doesnt use her signal. Idk why but it drives me NUTS.
I also can't stand when someone texts me and all they write is "O". Like can you not write oh or at least something else? Or don't even say anything, it's such a waste of $.10

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