Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
1. I CANNOT sleep without covers.. I HAVE to be covered to fall asleep. It mght be a 100 deg outside, but I wont sleep until I have something covering me.
2. I HAVE to have my ears covered while sleeping *lol*
3. I cant stand open closet doors
4. I cant stand a messy kitchen.. I HAVE to put away dirty dishes in the dishwasher and clean the kitchen counters before going to sleep.
5. I cant stand dirty hands and feet.. if I get something on them, I HAVE to wash them.
6. It drves me nuts to see things out of place, e.g., dining room chair placed crooked or a picture frame crooked.. it keeps bugging me till put it right.


Well-known member
Certain sounds really annoy me: nails being clipped, nose blowing, the clink of a spoon/ fork against a dish.

When things aren't put back when they are used. I hate when people are over and use stuff and leave it wherever they want.

When the blinds are crooked and an uneven amount of light is coming into the room.

Rings from a glass on the coffee table. Use a coaster!!!!

When I run out of paper towels - I ADORE paper towels.

If there is something on my bed sheet, even a few tiny crumbs, I can't sleep and have to change the sheets immediately.

Things must be symmetrical and even.

Children who are old enough to be walking but are in a stroller.

If the cashier bags my groceries and puts stuff that are not the same type in one bag such as produce with cans, I have to redo the packing.

Lord, I am so anal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Wattage
LOL - Shimmer, I never knew there was anyone with a odd/even numbers issue... I am the same, but I prefer odd #s!!

Other things:

1. Slurping. I really can't stand to be within a 10 foot vicinity of someone who slurps.
2. Dry hands. I need lotion, all the time.
3. Littering. Seriously, it's 2006. Get with it.
4. People who don't recycle.
5. People going through the checkout line with kids and a grocery cart full of shitty, over-processed food.
6. Having water with me. I have serious panic attacks if I don't have a full water bottle with me at all times.
7. Smokers who smoke in areas where it bothers other people who don't smoke.

I guess my quirks aren't really that strange... but still, they are mine

Ohhh a fellow Vancouverite!! Hi! I totaly agree with your list ESPECIALLY the bolded lol I absolutely cannot go anywhere without a water bottle..


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i haaaate it when customers hand me their trash. ughhhhhhh.....throw it away yourseeellflffff


Well-known member
I have lots of little OCD things that I have to do my way or things just feel "off", but for things that creep me out:

I can't sleep with any part of my body hanging off the mattress.

I can't open those tubes of refrigerated biscuits, cuz when it pops, it scares me.

I can't watch Claymation, cuz it creeps me out too bad.

I can't stand the sound of someone spitting, or someone clipping their nails.


Well-known member
People who make noise when they eat...and I don't just mean the smacking or yapping sound. I also mean when they swallow REALLY loud or you can hear them chew/crunch. I find it INFURIATING .. and it's weird beause it's as if i become sensitive to these noises at a certain time of the month hahaha


Well-known member
stupid @$$ things that bother me:
~when file cabinets are left open
~oval fingernails (i mostly see older women still rockin the oval fingernails. lol!)
~WHISTLING ( i cannot STAND whistling)
~the way our fingers look when we sprinkle shredded cheese on food
~the word "sprinkle"
~the sound of the wrapper that my granola bars come in
~the words "package" and "purchase" and "purchases"(used as a noun). lol! i don't know what it is about these words but i can't STAND them. everytime i hear/read these words i start laughing and want to tear my eyelashes off

and yes i know these things are stupid but they bother me. i'm actually laughing right now thinking about how these bother me


Well-known member
people wearing sunglasses when its not sunny or indoors, it really makes me angry! i dunno why i find it so annoying


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Switz1880

Children who are old enough to be walking but are in a stroller.

i agree 100%. the worst is when their feet are dragging on the floor


Well-known member
**Reads the next sentence while eating... a granola bar**

Originally Posted by Lauren1981
~the sound of the wrapper that my granola bars come in

Originally Posted by florabundance
People who make noise when they eat...and I don't just mean the smacking or yapping sound. I also mean when they swallow REALLY loud or you can hear them chew/crunch. I find it INFURIATING .. and it's weird beause it's as if i become sensitive to these noises at a certain time of the month hahaha

I KNOW!!!!
I sometimes get aggressive and gotta leave the place I'm in because I can't stand earing people eat. And the worst, when you tell them, they look at you like you come from Mars... CLOSE.YOUR.MOUTH. isnt that easy? First thing you learn to a child when he learns to eat on his own!!!!



Well-known member
i am also a hater of people who are noisey eaters! makes me feel really ill sometimes if i'm near somebody who is munching and crunching away!!! occasionally i have to leave the room if my hubby is eating crisps as he eats those really loudly (they are crunchy to be fair)

i also hate saliva - yes i'm a super freak i know! i hate those really wet kisses, and i hate seeing saliva in somebodys mouth if the open really wide!


Well-known member
I know this is silly BUT it is a strange thing that really does bother me.

I'm obsessed with diet coke. And love diet coke from the fountain machine (like at fast food places). SOO I'm reaaally bothered when I go through a drive through and am given anything other than diet coke. Especially when I'm given sprite or sierra mist. Blah!!


Well-known member
Silk - hate the feel of it. ugh

Nose pickers - omg i feel sick just mentioning it.

Long fingernails on men - plain nasty

People who stare - eff me, what is with that?

unnecessary noise - clocks ticking, PC fans, and effin wrappers/papers. Esp Starbucks paper bags - why so noisy??

Pigeons - the lil f**kers are way too much for me. I wanna retch as I type this.

Chickens - the way they walk is just bizarre, y'know the head bopping thing.

Lights on in house when no need.

women who cant walk in high heels - you are doing injustice to the beautiful shoes.

women with heels that need to be reheeled, the sound of that metal isnt attractive ladies!?

ankle swinging trousers... hideous!

Hand cream - im obsessive over

bad spelling and grammar. im far from perfect, but i do somewhat judge ppl who cant spell.

text language - yupp, gtn house n dt dne up, n yesh u cn sai we ar preparin, looolz yup das th spirt - GROW THE EFF UP!

hair in face - mine or others - i WILL move it
BUT dont invade my personal space - I am moving back for a REASON!

getting hot



Well-known member
ppl who have dried up boogers in their nose and cant see it to remove it. sick!

ppl who have sleepy dust / dried up gunk in their inner corner of eye - when im doing their MU

ppl who dont use concealer for bad undereye bags

noisy plate eaters - you dont have to be aggressive with the plate, its only holding ur food, it wont eat YOUR food.

ppl who repeat word/sentences/stories - we all got it the first time

I'm so sorry to have to mention this - really loud excited tinny american accents, the mouth doesnt need to move that much when speaking. really.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
noisy plate eaters - you dont have to be aggressive with the plate, its only holding ur food, it wont eat YOUR food.

ppl who repeat word/sentences/stories - we all got it the first time

i cannot stand ppl telling me the same f*cking story over and over again. how the hell do you forget you've told this story a thousands times to me anyway??? STFU!!!!

and the dishes thing??? this is why i get anxious going to cheesecake factory or any nicer place to eat. you don't have to worry about hearing dishes so much at a bar & grill type place. but i feel like anytime i go to a nicer restaraunt all i hear is knives and forks clanking.......... STOP ALREADY!!!


Well-known member
My boss keep making ''inside his mouth'' bubbles with his bubblegum


I once tried to tell him that I find it a little bit disturbing, he stopped for a while and I guess he forgot... started again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
i cannot stand ppl telling me the same f*cking story over and over again. how the hell do you forget you've told this story a thousands times to me anyway??? STFU!!!!

and the dishes thing??? this is why i get anxious going to cheesecake factory or any nicer place to eat. you don't have to worry about hearing dishes so much at a bar & grill type place. but i feel like anytime i go to a nicer restaraunt all i hear is knives and forks clanking.......... STOP ALREADY!!!

lololol without fail, my mom rephrases something she says 3 times in a conversation.


Well-known member
This is along the lines of repeating same words/sentence/stories, people who are fixated on the same thing over and over and over again.

A friend of mine, she is CONSTANTLY talking about how fat she is. The thing is we are always telling her she is not (she's 5'6 and weighs 135lbs I hardly consider her "a fat pig" as she phrases it) and it gets to be annoying when you've been hearing it for the thousandth time and for years. It drives me bonker and I want to just yell off the top of my lungs - stop bitching about it, if you honestly don't like your body than do something about it! Other than that, she is a lovely person

I also can't stand people who put the wrong kinda shit into the wrong recycling bins.

It drives me nuts when people walk into my home with shoes on. I know people do it all the time but don't do it at my place.

Also people who buy dogs to put them into dog shows. I dunno, it's just not my style I guess. I would imagine if I had kids it'd be simliar to the feeling I would have about putting them into pageants.


Well-known member
i can't eat cold food with metal spoons. like ice cream.

i don't know if that counts but it bothers me helluva lot

it also bothers me when people don't have manners.
and when people don't use turn signals.
and when people don't clean up after their dogs on the sidewalk. i clean up after mine!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HustleRose
and when people don't use turn signals.

lololol!! omg!!
i get so irritated sitting and waiting to make a right turn out of my complex because i think someone is coming from the left and the f*cker up and turns at the last minute..... WTF???!!! so now i gotta wait for all the traffic that was behind them to clear up.

i love this thread.........

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