Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
1. People who eat with their mouths open...especially chips, popcorn...uhh close your mouth please.
2. People who breath hard, or have a whistle in their nose.
3. Blankets on my feet/arms. I sleep with my limbs out of the blankets.
4. Noise......period.
5. People who believe they are the only ones in this world...whether it's while driving, or people taking up an entire aisle in a store. Wake are not alone here.
5. People who don't respect personal space. If I can smell your kickin' ass breath, you are waayyyyy too close to me!
6. People who think "their conversations" should be your conversations & that you should be able to hear all about them & their life experiences. If I don't know you...I sure as hell don't care.
7. Uhh I know we are all busy these days, but please put down the phone for 5 seconds & checkout at the store, and drive carefully. Don't be rude.
8. In general, inconsiderate people. LOL


2. I canNOT look at anything with a mass amount of holes closely together on it. Absolutely out of the question ... i get all tingly and UGH. EX. beehives, cells .. ugh when i had to look through a telescope in school it was just torture. My skin is crawling at just the thought.

im the same way


Well-known member
This an excerpt from a National Geographic program put on You Tube. It talks about a lady's coulrophobia, or fear of clowns.

I don't like the fact that the poster was saying it was "hilarious", as to the lady who suffers from it, it is a serious matter.

But yeah, I will admit that I have never seen clowns as funny. They just seem weird as shit. But her reactions are like nothing I have ever seen before. I can't imagine being afraid of clowns.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
This an excerpt from a National Geographic program put on You Tube. It talks about a lady's coulrophobia, or fear of clowns.

I don't like the fact that the poster was saying it was "hilarious", as to the lady who suffers from it, it is a serious matter.

But yeah, I will admit that I have never seen clowns as funny. They just seem weird as shit. But her reactions are like nothing I have ever seen before. I can't imagine being afraid of clowns.

I wouldn't say I'm afraid of clowns, but I really dislike them. No you aren't funny, and you never will be. They're like failed stand up comedians.


1. Slow walkers. Especially if there walking so that I can't pass them.
If you want to walk slow in a big group, or walk slow and look at things, fine but don't do it in the middle of an isle or such. Keep to the sides pleeeease.

2. Stopping at stupid places. Like people going down stairs in school then seeing a friend and decide stop to in the middle of the staircase or at the foot of it, chatting. GAH just walk 2 meters away and do it there, don't block it! So yeah, people stopping in or close to a doorway makes me homicidal.

3. "Interactive entertainment". Unless I voulenteer for something, I want no part of it. People doing a show then starting to perfom amongst the crowd, trying to include them or whatever. DON'T DO IT. ( This one specifically from when I was at a circus with my 5 year old cousin, and a clown walked out into the crowd, spotting me and deciding to get some easy laughs on my account )

4. Heavy breathing.

5. Stupid, unecessary questions. Like questions that was just answered or that you should, with common sense, be able to answer with the information previously given. Pay attention please! I get annoyed quickly when things get repetetive.

6. Fake hair. I dunno
If it looks natural then good for you, you hade someone experienced to do it for you, but, over here, in 98% of the cases it just looks like the girl just had her one eyed, color blind friend do it. I for some reason just can't take that person seriously after that.

7. People that are either too positive or too pessimistic about something. They usually never have a good reason to explain why they are in that state. Find the golden medium

8. Parents that can't find the golden medium. I am as equally put off by parents that do nothing to calm their out of control kids while in a public place, as those who scold them way way to harshly. (Like being overly physical, demeaning or too loud)

I dunno if this counts as strange, I just get so incredibly frustrated I had to get it off my chest. For a more strange list.

9. Eye gunk. Ahhh I hate it in my own eyes and when people have it.

10. Stray hairs. Like in the eyebrows or from the nostrils.

11. Grown women giggeling. Okey if it's once in a while, with your girlfriends, or if it just "came out of you". But women who pretty much replaced their laugh with a giggle...

12. People touching my cell phone. Don't do it! You have no business with it! It's like they were just about to read my diary, I react that quickly.

13. No one uses my hair stuff
Be it brushes, shampoo or styling products


Well-known member
1) I don't like it when people say 'I love your hair' or 'I love this drink' or whatever. You cannot love hair, you love your mother or your cat. Or when people say 'I hate this I hate that' I don't like it when people incorrectly use words.
2) I don't like it when I see someone rubbing their dirty finger in a lipbalm and applying it to their lips. Gross, why would you want that shit on your mouth? Use a lipbrush or a wind-up stick.
3) I cannot stand it when I'm walking down the street and people move at a glacial pace, London is a busy place and if you don't move out of the way you will most likely get ciggarete ash in your hair, thankyou.
4) I don't like whispering or stupid giggly girls who talk shit about people behind their hands and start laughing in an obnoxious fake way.
5) I really dislike it when someone judges another person for their lifestyle choices. Concentrate on being yourself and shut the fuck up.

That's about it...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Johnny Wal
I absolutely hate it when i'm at work (im a cashier) and i tell people the total, and they put the money on the counter in front of them. i find it so aggrevating and rude. you could at least HAND it to me. and even when i extend my hand, sometimes people put it on the counter. and its not like they even slide it forward or anything. i hate hate hate it! and i refuse to ever do that to a cashier no matter what terrible mood im in.

the only time i find it possibly acceptable is if they are counting out exact (or close) change and put it down to count it, and i pick it up for them.

Omg I totally agree with you on this. I used to cashier at Wal Mart and I met the scummiest people there. To get back at them I would do the same thing with the reciept and their change, just put it on the counter.


Well-known member
1. I hate to feel like my hands are dirty. I wash my hands about 40 times a day. I get up at work about every 15 minutes and wash my hands.

2. I hate shoes and socks to be left in the living room. I almost have convulsions if I see them laying in there. When I come home, I take off my shoes and socks and immediately put my slippers on.

3. I can't have any of the doors shut in my entire house. I am very paranoid and will get scared if I see a door shut.

4. I can't sleep with the TV on and the house has to be completely silent in order for me to sleep.

5. All of my stuff is very organised and I have a place for everything. If something is moved, it will drive me crazy until I fix it.

6. Food... I am so picky with my food. I can't eat anything that I think is undone regardless if it is cooked or not. If I think it is uncooked, I won't touch it. It drives my husband crazy because I am so difficult to cook for. I also wont' eat anything that I think looks weird and a strange colour or texture. I wont' even try it.

7. I won't eat the food that I cook for my family. I can't eat anything that I actually cook. I don't know why but by time the food is done cooking, I look at it and it makes me feel sick because I remember when it wasn't done.

8. I have to chew all of my food 20 times before I can swallow it. If I swallow it before 20 times, I won't eat anything else on my plate.

9. I am so afraid of choking that I only have really small bites.

10. I won't go near anywhere that has a drop. I am so petrified of heights that I won't even go near a guard rail because I am afraid it will break and I will fall. I have panic attacks if i get close.


Well-known member
1. I hate when people ask "what's up" and the other person's answer is "what's up" uhhhhh?

2. Hell ya with the eye gunk and stray hairs ewww

3. Me Monsters!!

4. Tags sticking out of clothing

5. the smell of beef cooking

6. how pork changes from pink to white when its cooked

7. I think im an ok cook, but i usually wont eat meat I cook- unless it's fish

8. I fear one day that there will be a band aid on my sandwich from a fast food restaurant (i eat my food in layers- pizza, sandwich, etc)

9. People who dont use turn signals

10. wave pools


Well-known member
I own animals, so I have a few pet peeves animals.

1) Once in a great while, one of my dogs decides not come when called. It's like they look at me and give me the paw. GRRRR
2) I don't like my dogs jumping up on me, nor do I like other people allowing their dogs to jump all over me.
3) Pet hair. I am constantly vacuuming and dusting.
4) People allowing their dogs to roam loose.
5) People allowing their "toy" breed dogs to charge, snarl, and snap at my large dogs. It's not cute or funny.
6) People allowing their small children to run up screaming with their hands smeared with food to pet my larger dogs. Uggh!
7) People that allow their dogs to poop in my yard. I always dispose of my dogs waste. Do the same.
8) Don't French kiss my dogs. I think that I am going to freak out, when I see a lady tonguing my dogs. (((passing out))) I need air. It's so disgusting to me.
9) No, my dogs are not for sale for fighting, nor do I want to fight them. (Male children ask this!) That's so freaking sick. I just can't even talk about it.

Other pet peeves -

1. Women sticking their boobs in my face. I am a female. I have those too, so I am not impressed by anything you have or bought. Sorry.
2. Being flashed by the butt crack from those low rise jeans, so a lady can show off her tattoo. Cover your crack up, please.
3. Women not flushing the toilet in public restrooms.
4. People talking over me.
5. People dying small children's hair blonde.
6. Little girls dressed up like hookers.
7. People looking through my dresser drawers and closets. I catch guests doing that all the time.
8. People throwing trash out their window of their cars onto my yard.
9. Seeing older children hit, curse, and/or scream at their parents or the parents doing the same.
10. People seeing my blinker on and speeding up.
11. Impatient people
12. Overly photoshopped pictures. I want to see humans and not cartoon people.
13. People being rude to those that are waiting or trying to help them - cashiers, clerks, nurses, etc.
14. Ladies that attempt to drive, talk on the cell, and put on makeup all at the same time. You are going to kill us all.
15. Children using those realistic killer hand games. Their faces look so full of smiling evil.
16. People using food to shut their kids up.
17. I hate all the computerized stuff in realistic movies. If I want to see a cartoon, I will go see one.
18. Vulgarity and nudity to fill voids in movies.
19. Big people that never turn side ways to allow others to get buy or hit me with their hips as they walk by. Respect my space.
20. Children that peak under the toilet stalls. I will make sure they never do that again, since you think it's funny.

I could go on, but that's enough!


Well-known member
1. I don't like it when people use "fake" to describe a person because, as far as I know, being comprised of actual matter means your real. They aren't fake, you just don't like how they're acting.

2. The Hills, Laguna Beach, Newport Bay... and all those other bulls**t shows about brats. How come you never see them studying? Or even *gasp* acting even borderline polite? They just piss me off.

3. Little kids that act up in public. Okay, you're not going to "emotionally damage" your kid if you tell them to stop it, shut up, and sit down (in one way or another).

4. Fake designer handbags. I really hate fake bags; I collect Chanel bags and it annoys me whenever I'm asked "Is that real?". There shouldn't be a need for that.

5. Chocolate scented perfume. It smells really, really gross to me.

6. Wearing sandals without polished or even groomed toes. It looks really bad, like if you have raggedy and overgrown toenails and then wear flip flops.

7. Lipstick on teeth. 'Nuff said.

8. People stopping in the hallways randomly. You go off to the side people!

9. People walking in groups together in a vertical line. Two people together? Fine. But when it's three or more you start blocking the way for others to get by.

10. Body odor. Bath/shower + antipersperant + clean clothes = comfort for everyone around.


Well-known member
People that walk SLOW in the street and then abruptly stop in front of you and you can't get round. UGH

When my boyfriend tells me to 'chillout'. I could go for him

The word MOIST omg it makes me feel sick. and the word oozing


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mariecinder
Omg I totally agree with you on this. I used to cashier at Wal Mart and I met the scummiest people there. To get back at them I would do the same thing with the reciept and their change, just put it on the counter.

I TOOOOTALLY agree on this! that's rude!


Well-known member
1- unlocked doors. apartment, car, you name it.
2- strollers!!!! I can't stand them!! I hate when I see people leaving they're strollers everywhere...
3- About - to - run out of shampoo, soap, perfume, cosmetics, toothpaste, cleaning supplies,etc ... I just HAVE to get another one even when I still have HALF of the bottle full..
4- bra and socks.. I just don't like them, I wear them... because I have to, but it's my least favorite thing to wear it annoys me like crazy... actually the first thing I do as soon as I cross my door it's to take these 2 out ...LOL
5- I can't (obviously) go to bed if I don't take a shower and take my make-up off... no matter HOW TIRED I am, I find strenght and I just have to do it.
.. I have a looot of thing that bother me .. I'll write more when I remember...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Carmelita
The feel of corduroy fabric, I work with clothes, and when I get something corduroy that I need to look at the tag or whatever, I push it around with my pen until I find whatever I need. If I'm putting away corduroy clothing I bring something else with me to put behind it or in front of it so I don't need to touch it. When I do touch it, it litterly makes me gag and I have to wash my hands afterwards. It makes me physically sick, even just looking at it is bad enough.

Dry hands, having dry hands also makes me want to gag, I need to constantly moisturize.

Towels that have been air dried, can't touch them, absolutely vomit inducing. The dry rough texture, I can practically feel them sucking the life right out of my skin. Lol.

Jeez! You're just like me! These are all the things that bother me the most, and people think im crazy cuz of it


Well-known member
when people use the bathroom. (because people at my house either leave pee on the seat (or fecal matter), or leave the toilet seat up, or don't flush.

brushing my teeth (i have to brush them for like at least 5 or 6 minutes...and the whole time i'm doing it i just hate it)

when people at work get coffee and they scrape the stirrers against the styrofoam. Oh my God, this sound makes me cringe.

When people eat that Italian Ice that comes in the cups at the grocery store, and scrape the spoon against the ice to eat it. (the noise...)

When people go into the bathroom and are washing their hands/face etc. They get droplets of water everywhere!

Getting my feet/socks wet (like stepping in a puddle in the kitchen)

The sounds of dinner. Forks and knives hitting plates and smacking against peoples teeth. I seriously hate this, and I don't want to hear it.

Setting my cup down on a dirty table/counter. For some reason I hate things to be on the outside of my cups/plates. Its disgusting. I don't want to drink something then look on the bottom of the glass and see a big crumb or piece of hair or something.

And I also hate when people swing their hair, or brush their hair when theres food around. They do this all the time at my salon and its so disgusting. Can you not fling your 25 inch hair around my coffee cups, okaythanksbye

I'll be back with more


Well-known member
*Leaving lights on. Turn the lights off when you leave the room, unless you're coming back in 5 minutes.
*Talking at the movies. My son doesn't know how to whisper, and he'll want to comment during key plot times. Shut up honey before I kick you, and I WILL DO IT.
*Asking someone, "How're you doing?" and getting a surly "Good." First, you're not "Doing good", you're "Doing well, thanks." and second, I was being polite, that was your one chance.
*Don't touch me. I don't know you, we're not friends, I don't want to touch you, don't hug me, don't stroke my hair, touch my face, rub my arm, or lean into my bubble. I get really snotty about that.
*I work, hard. No, I do not 'have a job', I am 'unemployed', I 'don't work', so say the ladies at the bank, hospital, school, and mall. Of course, we'll disregard that I'm the gardener, the babysitter, the nurse, the home school teacher, the homework checker, the back pack pilferer, the clothes launderer, the interior decorator, the car detailer, the cheerleader, the chauffeur, the dog walker, the carpet cleaner, the furniture mover, the remodeling contractor, etc. When it's intimated that I sit at home and eat bonbons while watching my stories, I want to bludgeon the person who says it with her arm whilst screaming like a banshee.
*Don't eat in my car. I don't eat in my car, I buy food and wait until I get home. Coffee is the exception.
*Get off my ass about my nails. I don't bite them, they're intentionally this short due to my sport. Speaking of my sport...
*Stop comparing what I do with paying $3 at Dick's to climb a wall that can be scaled in tennis shoes with a cold drink in one hand. I know you're trying to relate to me on a level, and I will smile and nod, but internally, I'm considering you a blathering retard. Want to give it a shot? Lets go, I'll take you, I'll offer you pointers as you ask. Want to one up me? Lets go.

*Don't call my dog while I'm walking her. She's not the brightest crayon, so you'll be endangering her.
*My children refer to all adults as sir and ma'am. This isn't negotiable, and I don't care if it's 'unimportant' to you. It's very important to me, and I don't appreciate anyone telling them otherwise.

Just some things that've been bothering me lately


Well-known member
Strange things that bother me are:

1. I HATE it when people come over my house and walk all over the place with their shoes on. I know a lot of people do and I'm probably the minority BUT I think it's disgusting to drag what's at the bottom of your shoe (we're talking bacteria, feces, urine, gum, food, germs and all sorts of crap) back into the house. And in case you are wondering, yes I do wash my bare feet when I get home.

2. I get seriously grossed out when I travel or stay overnight with someone, be it a bf or friend and they don't wash there hands from being out all day. I have a good friend who never washes her hands and we'll be downtown all day and she'll not wash after we get back home or to the hotel room and then she'll start to rub her eyes. UGH!!! It's not a surprise she gets pink eyes and eye infections.

3. Double dippers!

4. People who swear in front of children. I'm not a prude by all means and I can cuss like a sailor but if I know there's children in my presence I refrain from it.

5. Boney asses LOLOL

6. People with bad BO. I swear I have extra sensitive sense of smell and it makes me nauseous being around someone with bad hygene.

7. People who categorize others. Ie. judging people by their appearance, age or occupation. It's lame since people are so much more complex than that. I especially hate it when men categorize woman as being all alike (and vice versa). You know when they said "Oh that's such a chick (guy) thing to say/do". I just want to say FUCK YOU, don't generalize all women (or men) the same. We are individual people.

8. People who supress their anger and when you advise them it's healthier to let it out they tell you it's not in their nature to be mean and it's not necessary to be confrontational. And they preach "don't sweat the small stuff!" to everyone but then they go and blow up or snap at you for the littlest things because obviously they cannot get a grip and have this total meltdown. LOL.


Well-known member
- people who take no issue with leaving their human waste on a toilet seat for the rest of us to clean up. unless you're currently incontinent and using depends or a colostomy bag, it should not be a problem to leave the seat and the rest of the stall urine free for the next person, you fucking disgusting asshole. ugh.

- you know those figurines that are smooth and shiny- but unfinished on the bottom? i HATE how the bottoms feel.

- drivers who think it's cool to jut out into my lane while attempting an illegal left turn when it's trafficky. i just make my turns LEGALLY you PRICK! oh boohoo you have to spend another two whole minutes driving vs. causing a fiery fatale car crash!!! poor you! please go ahead and block three lanes of traffic so you don't have to make two extra turns, you fuckin superstar.

- people with eye crunchies, and dry skin on their face. this is basic hygiene imo. get your ass together before i'm forced to look at you.

- people who chew with their mouths open

- people who are touchy and i don't know them- like touchy with my jewelry or something

- people who don't know how to crack a damn smile and lower their blood pressure already.

- thats all for now. damn i love this thread.

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