Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holstrom4
Well some of mine are more anal as my family would say...
I hate when the fringe on the rugs aren't all nice and straight
I hate when the placemats on the table aren't in their place
I hate when someone gets something out of the cabinet and messes up all of my neat rows. All cans/containers must be facing forward and neat.
All shirts must be hanging facing the same direction
I'm a neat freak and it drives everyone nuts.
I will have to add more as I think of them. I'm sure my family could help

My exhusband was like that.

MOST of the time it was endearing, but it got annoying


Well-known member
If I have a really bad day I wont wear the clothes that I had the bad day on anymore or I would think to myself if I wear this shirt again I might have bad luck.


Well-known member
I don't like margaritas because they look like human tissue to me or something... too much CSI maybe.

I always reach my hand into a room and turn on the light. I can't enter in the dark.

I have to open the shower curtain in the bathroom before I can use it.
In case there is something/someone in there.

I freak out and panic (though I try hard not to make it obvious) when I don't have chapstick on me, even when my lips don't feel dry.

This one's ridiculous, but some patterns kind of weird me out. Also in school when I had to take biology, the cell reproduction thing made my skin crawl.

Loud breathing drives me crazy!

I'm really weird about public bathrooms. I flush with either toilet paper or my foot, and I bring out extra toilet paper with me so I can turn on the tap with it.

Turtleneck sweaters (even loose ones) make me feel like I'm choking. Hahaha.

I can't wear a bracelet on only one wrist. I usually have one hair elastic on each of my wrists to even it out or something.

I could go on. I'm really odd.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
If I have a really bad day I wont wear the clothes that I had the bad day on anymore or I would think to myself if I wear this shirt again I might have bad luck.

I do that too!! even down to the jewlery! i broke my leg . i was wearing this one jacket.. a few months later it was pooouurring rain . and i was to go to san diego for an offroading event.. I grabbed that jacket.. we got in a huge car accident and shut a freeway down.. a semi truck.. and motor home were also involved (there were inside eachother) .. that jacket is LONG GONE


Well-known member
OH and i also am the same with the patterns on things grossing me out.. cell repoduction i couldnt stand that either!
I HATE the fungus that grows on trees.. i hate it with a passion.
sponges. i dont like the way they look.. grosses me out
anything with a bunch of holes in it. i cant look at. it grosses me out..
I cant eat refried beans because of the texture
I have glass shower doors now. but before or if im in a house with a curtain. I always look behind it before going potty. I have to make sure nothing is back there.
i hate water on my face i wash my face quickly.
and when i swim i HATE being under water for very long
we all seem to have similar peeves.


Well-known member
1) I have to read SOMETHING everyday or I go nuts (like a chapter in a book.
2) My feet must be warm at ALL times. I hate it when they get cold!
3) I have to watch king of the hill every day at 6'Oclock. God forbid that I do not watch it.
4) I have to put my dishes up in this order (EXACTLY) all the plastic stuff, then the plastic glasses, then the glasses, then the dishes then the silverwear. God forbid if it doesnt go in THAT order.
5) I hate cell phones. I find them rude and distasteful. Seriously it makes my skin crawl everytime I hear one
6) I hate people who are neat freaks. I'm messy but I clean up after myself but it has to be in a certain order.
7) I hate when my hands are warm. Its ok for my feet to be hot but if my hands get sweaty its all over
8) I hate when paper runs on my fingers and it gets that weird feeling. YIKES
9) I hate when people walk in on tile floors and make their shoes squeek. EEK the horror!
10) I hate when things are out of order-like if I'm supposed to have something happen at a certain time every week and it doesnt happen then it drives me nuts!
Man im so OCD!


Well-known member
Ohhhh what a fun topic!!

*I always sleep with my feet outside the covers
*Always like things better in even #
*I can't stand the word "Buttons". It makes me sick to my stomach even writing it! I'm crazy I know!!

Classic Beauty

Well-known member
I hate clothes hangers. I just hate them.
I'm also with the bad luck clothes thing.
I hate ignorant people who judge others.
I have to have my one of my legs either hanging off the bed or wrapped on top of the sheets.
I have to have my cell phone with me at all times.
I have to check myspace every chance I get.
I must sleep with two comforters. Even in the Texas heat. I guess I just like the weight.
I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE TOUCH ME ON MY SHOULDERS, ARMS, NECK, AND HEAD. I absolutely hate it whenever people touch my neck. My legs turn to noodles and I fall to the floor.
I hate it whenever a group of friends all look like each other.
I hate talk shows like Dr. Phil and Maury. Get out of these people biznass.


Well-known member
Ooh numbers---hehehe mine has to end with a 0 or a 5. I hate it when something is 212 or 219 its like AUGHHHHHHHHHH hehehe

thank you for reminding me coach!


Well-known member
MAN i have to redo this... LAME!

1. If my hands feel dirty i freak out, whipies or hand gel s always in my purse.
2. Silverware in a dishwasher must be, forks together, spoons together ect. and all FACING UP!!!!!! ( this kills me)
3. Chaptick!! I need this!
4. I HAVE to walk on the left side of someone or ill feel wierd.
5. If ANYTHING touches my clavicle (collarbone) i feel like im being molested or seeing something super perverted!!! Its disgusting. I cant even touch it. seat belts NOTHING!!!!!
6. If my feet get hot I flip the fuck out.
7. Have to sit in the seat i feel would be more comfortable in a retaurant or ill be super uncomfortable the whole time.
8. Roaches make me cry.
9. Parking garages freak me the fuck out too...
10. If somethin freaks be out or i get sick my bones feel like they are gonna come out. Like they are gross and i dont want um anymore. like the collarbone thing.. EWW!!!! ( yeah this one is super wierd... )

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
Since I'd feel a little too ocd i'll type out some of the main ones.

1. IMPERFECTION I can't stand it coming from myself.
2. I make lists of everything, sometimes it annoys me when I can't sit down and make one fo my goddamn lists.
3. Bad photography, as much as people may say that there isn't really bad art since it all means something to me, I hate when people to crappy photography work and pass it off as good, such as people who take pictures of themselves at over the head angles and upload it to deviant art as an "emotive portrait" and more technically speaking, I hate when people waste their time and my time printing crappy low contrast , out of foucous, bad composition prings. (I'm talking in dark room right now). Because yes, I consider myself an amatuer photogrpher.

I guess those would be my top three.

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
Well, this double posted it so I'll edit it to anyther thing.

When people dont put things back the right way at the MAC counter. I do it because i'm OCD about it, haha. the first time i did the MA's were like 'thanks...haha'


Well-known member
I hate hair... like in a shower, or on a surface...

if i went to a hotel which had a hair in the feel sick!!

I also hate labels sticking out of tops, it really bugs me.

but i guess its nothing compared to my OCD boyfriend who has a constant battle in his mind doin ANYTHING.

oh and people 'squeaking' there trainers when walking etc... my bf always does it all the time and the noise goes thru me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88

- Eating habits. Anyone who opens their mouth, talks when they're eating, drops food on themselves, hits their teeth with their cutlery. I can't handle it, I get so angry I could cry. I know that's ridiculous but I do!


Yeah, I can't stand eating near someone like that
I cannot eat with my father, he makes so much noises with his nose... brrrrr

People who walks and rub their feets on the floor... WILL YOU STOP THAT, you lazy people!!!

When I eat something, like candies in a bag, I always need to close it, even if the minute after I'll eat some again... I do that until the end. Same thing with popcorn when I go to movies...

I just discovered that I probably have a little OCD thing.
On my desk, at work, things have to be placed in the same order, corner to corner. Bothers me when my boss move my stuff :crap:

(Sorry girls, messy english)


Staff member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
I also hate labels sticking out of tops, it really bugs me.

Me too! I have that urge to stick them back in. Also the same goes for when someone has a hair on their shirt. I always wonder if I could remove it without them knowing.


Well-known member
wire hangers being used to hang my clothes
the smell of pinesol (it just gags me...can't do it)
the smell of seafood. I can smell the metallic smell and

People who walk on the hem of their jeans
untied shoes
empty containers (I think I already mentioned that one)
Not having a ponytail holder, lip balm, my cellphone, and gum with me at all times.
Hearing the tines of a fork scrape a ceramic plate.
the idea of swimming in anything other than a clorinated pool. (I *might* get in the ocean, ONLY if I can see my feet.)
People with really long fingernails. I just think it's REALLY unhygenic.
AH! I can't share a bathroom with children. I just can't...even my own.
Someone else wearing my shoes, clothes, or makeup. NO. Love ya, mean it. No.
Being licked, in any manner, by anything. Person, cat, dog, kid, whatever. Ew.
Seeing someone dressed totally up, but wearing dirty shoes.
Jewelry attached to fingernails (It BOTHERS me.).
Anything to do with myspace (I hate that website.).
this is a big one for me: People who update their livejournal fifteen times a day, with 4 word entries, and thereby clutter up my friends page. ARGH.
Being hit on when I've just told the man about my husband. That just pisses me off.

OH, and people who talk to me while I'm listening to my iPod. (I put it on specifically to ignore people, not to invite "What are you listening to" conversations.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holstrom4
Me too! I have that urge to stick them back in. Also the same goes for when someone has a hair on their shirt. I always wonder if I could remove it without them knowing.

lol ditto!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
OH, and people who talk to me while I'm listening to my iPod. (I put it on specifically to ignore people, not to invite "What are you listening to" conversations.)

Oh, amen to this one. I'll be sitting somewhere, listening to my iPod, clearly immersed in my own little world, and someone will come up and start talking to me. Like, I thought the headphones over my ears and the blank look on my face would be enough of a sign of "I am not interested in chatting or being hit on. Please leave me alone." But it's not. Grr.


Well-known member
here's another one.... not putting the cap back on the toothpaste tube. "gosh that annoys me to death"

using the same towel more than once "ewww" that drives me up the wall

having to use 2 towels after my shower 1 for my hair the other for my body. "something about drying ur hair and body off with the same towel" bothers me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
here's another one.... not putting the cap back on the toothpaste tube. "gosh that annoys me to death"

using the same towel more than once "ewww" that drives me up the wall

having to use 2 towels after my shower 1 for my hair the other for my body. "something about drying ur hair and body off with the same towel" bothers me

lol squeezing the tube from the middle drives me insane too.

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