Strange things that bother you


Oh my is making me feel better. I was just talking about this today, actually. I get so freaked out by weird things. I have to have my clothes hung a certain way in my closet, on certain hangers. Also, the noises some people make when eating, bugs me too, big time. I HATE the noise of a computer mouse click, drives my family crazy 'cause I'm constantly telling them to please stop clicking! My cups always have to be facing down in the cabinet, too...until now, I thought everyone did that!
I hate it when people sneeze and don't cover their mouth...'cause I don't want their germs. Eww. Oh man...the list goes on and on for me. How does everyone get over their "strange things that bother you"? I try to laugh mine off.


Active member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore

-It absolutely skeeves me out when I am eating a popsicle and my teeth hit the wood stick. It just feels gross! Blllleaa!

WOW I thought I was the only one who felt this way!! I actually physically shudder when thinking about it! I can't touch the stick without the wrapper around it either eeewwww.

I only have one other one and thats fingernails against paper towels like if someone is cleaning their hands and their nail makes that noise up again the paper towel.


Well-known member
I cant stand when im watching t.v. and i see the same commercial like 5times.
And when my hair is all blowing crazy in the wind, it just drives me crazy.


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1. wet washcloths (I want to throw up when someone wets my washcloth to wash their face. splash your face, then blot, please. I can't tough your nasty washcloth)
2. Roaches - can they just all die please...I actually moved out of my room because a roach jumped on me.
3. I CANNOT let anyone touch the insides of my elbows or insides of my wrists. I think this has to do with veins being there..I have been poked there for lots of medical things, and at this point, I promptly pass out when someone rubs those places.
4. Meatballs. I absolutely hate meatballs...I despise the person who invented them..Why do we need giant wads of meat.
5. People who crowd me on the escalator. I am so afraid they will step on my pants and I will fall and it will cut my face off. I cannot share a step, even with the fiance. And I have to hold on to the side.
6. Grown people (or really anyone over the age of like 7) wearing shirts with cartoon monkeys on them. I just can't take it. I'm sorry.
7. People with wavy hair that put a shitload of gel to pretend it is curly. Your hair looks wet and crispy. Please stop
8. I have to sleep with the door closed, and the TV on, with as much cold as possible.
9. when people give advice on things they weren't asked about and have no idea what they are talking about but will argue you to the death.

I am pretty sure there are more, but I have to stop before I go crazy thinking of all these things. I am literally twitching


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Women who leave over-spray on toilet seats, who know they've left a mess in there, but still walk out without doing anything about it.

If I've walked into a stall right after someone else has used it and left their puddles everywhere, I embarass them by calling them back and asking very loudly for them to clean up their urine. If you're that filthy that you leave a mess like that for someone else to clean, then you're not deserving of discreetness and manners.

I also intensely dislike it when my boyfriend absent-mindedly strokes the insides of my arms/behind my legs. It feels like I've got millipedes skating over my skin and puts my teeth on edge.


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I just thought of another one... when people are eating and they bite their fork/spoon and drag it out of their mouth. Metal touching my teeth weirds me out. Haha.


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Ok, here are mine:
-(This one is super weird but it has to do with numbers. Ppl just dont get me on this subject): If I feel like I need to lose a couple of pounds, I absolutely cannot start a diet on a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday. It always always has to be on a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday. Also, if the date is an impair number, like a Thursday the 3rd, I cant start a regime...It ALWAYS has to be a date thats a multiple of 5, or the beginning of the month...Weird I know..
- I check inside my pillowcases every night before going to just dont know what could be crawling in there
- I hate a sticky keyboard, along with a sticky mouse
- I cant stand the look of chapped nail polish on ppl
- I always need to have the Tv on when Im alone in my house, i need to hear a noise in the backround
- I cant stand it when ppl dont wash their hands
- I hate hate hate when the toilet seat lid is up
Basically everything has to be in perfect order..


Well-known member
Checking the pillowcases deff sounds like something i would do. and probably will start doing now that its on my mind. ..
in my dads old house.. which was way haunted for those of you who believe.. i always had to have the tv on if i was alone. and most of the lights in the house. mainly the master bedroom always had the lights on .i dont do it anymore since we have moved out of that house i no longer feel the need..weird right?


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I have to open the shower curtain in the bathroom before I can use it. In case there is something/someone in there.

Yes!! I have to do that too! Not that there ever is anything in there, but I just feel the need to.

When I'm at work, and I see girls who are like 12, and still have a lot of baby fat, and they wear a too short, slutty skirt/shirt with their stomach hanging out, and they are walking around with their mother. Really, you don't let your little kid look like that!!!

Also, when I leae work at like 10 o'clock, and I see kids (from 12 and up!) walking home from the mall on the main roads (like the expressway). Or, they are walking around the parking lot when it's soo dark and late out, and I know they are going to walk on the main road. Or, the back road (with like 2 houses on it in a ten minute drive). I don't know if that made sense, but I don't get why parents would let their young kids do that! It's not like there are a lot of people out at this time, somebody could seriously come after them, and there would be no one around to know!!

I must have a blanket/sheet up to my nose, or around my face when I lay down to sleep at night. I just can't stand breathing in cold air when I go to sleep, I just need something around my mouth/nose so that the air is not to cold when I breathe it in.

I used to always want to match what I used for the day. Like, I could not just take any 2 towels out to use when I showered. They had to coordinate in some way. Then, if for example they were blue, I would then want my bra/underwear/socks to also fit in somehow with the blue theme. I don't do this anymore, but I used to. It was kind of weird, but I seriously liked it when I used to do this.

Whenever I am at work, and I have just started to do something, and I have to completely drop what I am doing b/c a customer needs checked out. I really like my work and everything (I work in a department store), but I wish I could just spend my whole day straightening, putting out new merchandise, and making the department look nice. I actually like a lot of the customers too, but I would rather be organizing everything instead.

There's a lot of other things too, but I can't type everything w/out this taking 10 years. I'm really not that obsessive about stuff either, there's tons of stuff that does not annoy me, but there is def. a list of certain things that do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
here's another one.... not putting the cap back on the toothpaste tube. "gosh that annoys me to death"

using the same towel more than once "ewww" that drives me up the wall

having to use 2 towels after my shower 1 for my hair the other for my body. "something about drying ur hair and body off with the same towel" bothers me

I use two towels for my hair and body. My Grandma bought me, that hair towel thing. It's for your hair after you shower, and it twists up and stuff. Pretty cool.

Ewww, and chicks that leave period blood on the toilet in public restrooms. Gross.

I think somebody already said this too, but people who scrape forks against their teeth when they eat. It's like scraping a chalkboard.

I also hate when I cook food, and people go and fix their plates and dont' put the pot covers back on the pots.

I hate people coming and hovering over my food pointing at it all up in my shizznit! Like what ya eating! None of ya business! LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jaim
I'm really weird about public bathrooms. I flush with either toilet paper or my foot, and I bring out extra toilet paper with me so I can turn on the tap with it.

Oh, that's not strange at all!!! I not only flush with my foot (even if I have to hike my skirt up to do it) but I've got a mental map of all the "acceptable" bathrooms that I will use. Helpful hint- all department stores have one on an appliance floor that no one knows about or uses. Also, good hotels. Walk in like you own the goddamned place.

Other quirks:
Oral fixation - Gum. Spitting. Chewing with mouth open... I actually vomited when I saw a guy with a maw full of chewing tobacco and horking it.
Smell of dirty hair also makes me mondo queasy.
Also have to shoulder check doors to make sure they're locked.
haha i love this subject

people who have dirty feet.that jsut bothers me for some reason.
when someone sneezes and you can see things fly from their nose
forks hitting the plate so it makes a *clink* sound
people who dont use manners,please and thank you are still accepted everywhere as far as im concerned.
people who wear clothes to tight for them
a warm bed.unless its my moms.for some reason that doesnt count.
bad hair extensions.its just not good to look at
people who spit.ew.ew.ew.ew
people who talk with their mouth full of food
and last people who makes me feel like twitching

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
Okat so, more things that I've recently thought of

-When other people draw on my papers, or write something. I can't stannnnnnd it, I want my paper to be completely clear of other peoples work.
-When I have my things all in a special order, and someone messes them up and doesn't put them back. LIke, this is so bad, it bugs me so much that when people mess stuff up at a makeup counter, I put it back the right way before someone who works there does. Hahaha.

That's all for now.


Well-known member
oooo another one for me:
people who say "Don't use such big words" when I'm talking to them the same way I speak to my children!!


Well-known member
people who work in fast food joints who have dirty hands i was in one the other day and the girl who handed me my change had flithy hands and fingernails made me shiver a bit hah

on buses when people take FOREVER to count their change

bus drivers in general tend to p*ss me off i hate them hah they think they own the place

when your out for a meal and your the last to finish and everyone else is sitting looking at you like 'hurry up' its like hey im paying for this ill eat at my own pace

when you arrange to go out with someone at like 10 and they turn up at 12 and think its ok lol

the smell of 'outside' on clothes ok it may be only me that can smell it but its awful like really strong wet damp urgh

at school we have the same dress code as the teachers which is smart buisnessy stuff bt some girls come in like its a total fashion show, like im talkin a line summery skirts with leggings under then tight t shirts with beads and matching bracelets and its like yeh ive seen you wear that outside of school too

erm ill probs think of some more


Well-known member
let's see
all things i can't stand:

*wet hair on bathroom sink or in the shower
*hair on BATHING SOAP ewwwwwww!!!!
*kids with dirt under their fingernails(i just hate the dirt.. not the kids)
*water in my ears
*touching my face when I have makeup on
*my DH touching my face... right when he comes home... if he doesn't wash up first
*leaving my cellphone at home
*super long emails
*the lights on my cable box
*dirt on mirrors
*cuticles (mine only when they are dry)
*people who talk too much(silence is ok!!!)
*stinky people at the gym.... COMEON

*when my DH answers the phone/sends text out at dinner (at home it's fine)
*men who swear they could have made that play better than the prof. in sports(does that make sence)
*dry lips

*dirty jewelry
*my makeup area is next to the bathroom door... that door MUST be closed when I am sitting there
*the movie The Ring... I am tearing up just typing it...

*when my DH touchs my butt when I'm having my "friend"
*people who tell little kids (under 2.5 years old) to be quiet or sit still... THEY are kids... they can't...
*people who bitch about their kids...( I swear if they lost them or something happened... you would regret the bitching.....<long story>)

i think thats it...


Well-known member
the kids thing, sitting still, me too! Age appropriate behaviour, and all that.
Oh, speaking of kids...parents who think it's 'cute' for their pretween little girls to hoochiemomma it up. Hi. No. She's a kid. Give her shorts and a tshirt and barbie dolls. Thanks.
And, being rubbed. I hate. HATE. omg HATE. being rubbed. Like, at night when I'm falling asleep my husband will start rubbing my leg or my arm and I'm like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK stop it! My skin is VERY sensitive when I'm falling asleep and that feels like someone sticking a tazer to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LineausBH58
*people who tell little kids (under 2.5 years old) to be quiet or sit still... THEY are kids... they can't...

I totally agree! When my daughter was 8 months old my step-father would say "Shhh, inside voice Layla", over and over. I couldn't believe it, but he was actually serious.

Layla is now 13 months and complete strangers try doing the same thing, and believe that they're doing a good deed or something.

Oh yes, thats another thing that irritates me. Strangers giving me random advice, and believing that they're correct. Like "Don't breastfeed, she'll be sexually confused" Wtf?

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