Strange things that bother you


Well-known member
i hate hate HATE when my feet get wet when it's raining.. hate it!!! i'm worse than a cat when it comes to that! also i HATE when i go to the hairdresser and my ears get wet when she's washing my hair
aaaarrrggghhhh that drives me nuts!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Being licked, in any manner, by anything. Person, cat, dog, kid, whatever. Ew.

Poor you

You'd freaked out if my story happened to you

I was in this club in Montréal, in the gay village, and we were trying to get out the full room when a dude burnt his cigarette (when it was still alowed) on my arm! I jumped screaming and he licked my arm!!!!

Chance for him that I was tipsy, because otherwise I dont know what I would have done...

BIG iewwww!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
Poor you

You'd freaked out if my story happened to you

I was in this club in Montréal, in the gay village, and we were trying to get out the full room when a dude burnt his cigarette (when it was still alowed) on my arm! I jumped screaming and he licked my arm!!!!

Chance for him that I was tipsy, because otherwise I dont know what I would have done...

BIG iewwww!!!

There are no words for how badly I would have freaked out.



Active member
I despise the following...

  • People who think themselves above correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • Those who speak in grunts without proper pronounciation rather than real words.
  • Non american people acting american of culture. * Not intended to offend, I'm not being a snobbish Briton, the same applies with everybody .*
  • `*Another not intended to offend* Americans who think they are Irish because their great grandparents or what have you were born there. If you were not born in Ireland, you are not Irish.My mother was born in Cyprus, that does not make me Cyprian.
  • As mentioned before, groups of people who look identical.
  • People who believe that sharks are killing machines worthy of mass culling.
  • Those who feel it is appropriate to shout obsenities or otherwise at me when I am walking down the street.
  • Religous Fanatics..Enough said.
  • Nasty little alternative children who tell me I hate all music when I listen to ten times the amount they do, not just the same handful of bands.
  • People who cannot be bothered to explore diverse types of music.
  • Emo. The people who practice it, and what they stand for.See above two points.
  • Moths and butterflies.They frighten me, I will not and do not kill them, I would just rather they were not anywhere near me.
  • Most Haunted.
  • People at concerts who surge down to the front when the band begins,if you wish to watch them from this distance, do the decent thing and get down here before they start.
  • Political Correctness. I don't (and doubt anybody else does) consider it good practice to ban a tea mug featuring Piglet from the workplace in case it offends another collegue who practices a religon where their diet does not include pork.
  • People who endanger animals or people due to ignorance, e.g. The awful child who once tried to feed my pony a ham sandwich at a horse show.
  • People messing with things they have no business doing.

As nasty as this list may make me seem, I am fairly agreeable and nice

  • Please don't invade my personal space, I know my hair is filled with sparkly plastic and pretty things, do not touch it without my permission. I am not grabbing your hair now, am I?
  • People who stare. Don't do it.

Even as a smoker, I find it repulsive when people smoke in non smoking areas. There is a sign asking politely not to, just observe it.

Dear me, there are so many more...I'd best stop now before i work myself up.


Well-known member
1) Sweeping brushes are evil, I can't bear the sound of sweeping, I run away. Same with bristle hairbrushes, plastic all the way for me.
2) Warm toilets seats, eww yukk, enough said
3)I have to get in to a cold bed! Lovelyyyyy
4) The taste of water, can't and won't drink it without flavour in it. Water DOES have a taste I dont care how many people tell me otherwise!

I'm sure I've got loads but that'll do!


Well-known member
hahaha here's another one but i dont think its weird....

Public restrooms... girls peeing on the toilet seat. Really place ur hands on ur kneess to keep ur body stable.. people dont want to walk in stall and see piss every where.

Even so.... If and when i use public restrooms "on Non-Peepee seats"

I place toilet paper around the seat, and still squat to pee.
I don't know why i tend to do that. But it never fails in the public restroom.


Well-known member
hah I use the toilet seat covers and squat too.. i dunno you cant be too safe i guess. I hate hate hate public restrooms.


Well-known member
I've got all kinds of pet peeves. But here are what grinds my nerves the most:

- Wet tissue paper. I don't know why, but for some reason I hate it. It drives me absolutely crazy.

- Not being able to do my 1 hour workout every day. I can't even go to sleep unless I have. It's that much of a habbit for me.

- People broadcasting their life over their Nextels.

- Ignorance.

- Lack of common courtesy.


Well-known member
I'm annoyed by:
Myspace, I think it's the devil's playground.
People who talk about/put down others to make themselves feel good.
People who have websites dedicated to the above.
Judgemental people.
Any sort of streaks on glass, be it kids handprints on the backseat windows or dog saliva on windows.
People who have pets and their house smells like it. The smell of wet dog isn't the same as bread baking in your bread machine. Sorry.
Last but not least, I concur with the licking, dog slobber freaks me out. I would compare it to an acid bath.


Well-known member
Holy crap Shimmer, it is like we were seperated at birth!

My other quirks are:

-I have pen issues. I love good pens. I hate fine point pens. I love fountain pens.

-I do not like it when women talk about giving birth. Should "mucus plug" be in an office conversation? Not so much.

-If I say "hi" to one of my pets, I have to say "hi" to the other or I feel like I am hurting their feelings.

-I hate paper towels with designs on them. They have to be plain. I hate it when people leave the empty paper towel tube on the holder.

-I don't care for the words "fixin" (as in "I was fixin to go there.") or "reckon". Oh, and I can't stand it when people say, "ax" instead or "ask". Oh and "expresso", instead of "espresso". That makes me insane. There is no frickin "x" in that word! An "expresso" sounds like a commuter train.

-It absolutely skeeves me out when I am eating a popsicle and my teeth hit the wood stick. It just feels gross! Blllleaa!

I know there are more. I will add to this list when I remember them all.


Well-known member
Id rather be licked by a dog than a human. I dont like the feel of cat tounges though. gross. actually i hate cats all-together. They smell terrible and you always know when someone owns a cat.. just by walking into their house .. although most people are SO used to it. they think that their house smells perfectly normal and deny any scent of cat.. BELIEVE Me honey. ITS THERE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Holy crap Shimmer, it is like we were seperated at birth!

My other quirks are:

-I have pen issues. I love good pens. I hate fine point pens. I love fountain pens.

OMG YES! ANNNNND because I was in the army I can ONLY write in BLACK ink, and everytime I sign my name I HAVE to include my middle initial.
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
-I do not like it when women talk about giving birth. Should "mucus plug" be in an office conversation? Not so much.

-If I say "hi" to one of my pets, I have to say "hi" to the other or I feel like I am hurting their feelings.

HAHAH ME TOO!! If I scratch one dog, I have to scratch the other two or I feel like I'm playing favorites

Originally Posted by Mac_whore
-I hate paper towels with designs on them. They have to be plain. I hate it when people leave the empty paper towel tube on the holder.

-I don't care for the words "fixin" (as in "I was fixin to go there.") or "reckon". Oh, and I can't stand it when people say, "ax" instead or "ask". Oh and "expresso", instead of "espresso". That makes me insane. There is no frickin "x" in that word! An "expresso" sounds like a commuter train.

Holy. Crap. YES! When someone says "ax" instead of "ask" to me, I will stand there and say "I'm sorry, what? What did you do?" until they get it. *shudder*
Originally Posted by mac_whore
-It absolutely skeeves me out when I am eating a popsicle and my teeth hit the wood stick. It just feels gross! Blllleaa!

I know there are more. I will add to this list when I remember them all.

Ice cream. Teeth.Nuffsaid.


Well-known member
Ok, here are mine. My boyfriend thinks I'm such a wierdo. LOL

-When I take hot dogs out the water...I wipe them off before I put them on the bun.

-I hate soggy bread, and therefore will not eat anything that would cause bread to be soggy.

-I do not like white sandwhich bread because it has this milky taste I hate.

-I hate I'm constantly cleaning. I vacuum like three times a day. LOL

-I am deathly afraid of spiders..and will run and scream if I see one.

-The look of pomegranites gross me out and ocra too.

-I can't stand people that think they know everything.

-I can't sleep with socks on and my feet need to be covered.

-Hate being late for anything, and if I feel I might be late I start freaking out.

-Don't like it when somebody splashes water on my face.

-I only like to use ball point pens.

-I hate reading people's blogs that read like a damn novel, like you can't summerize that in a paragraph.

-I hate when people park in front of a store when they aren't handicapped.

-People who block intersections to get out the car and talk to somebody.

-People who come to work trying to break the dress code. I've seen people at work in flip flops and jeans and just waaay to casual for Business casual.

-People who have attitude issues at the drive through.

I could name a bunch, but that's it for now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IslandGirl77
-I hate I'm constantly cleaning. I vacuum like three times a day. LOL

Please come over! I have a lovely purple Dyson. You will love using it! LOL!

Originally Posted by IslandGirl77

-I can't stand people that think they know everything.

OMG yes. When I am around someone like that I tune them out completely. Its a gift!

Originally Posted by IslandGirl77

-I hate when people park in front of a store when they aren't handicapped.

-People who block intersections to get out the car and talk to somebody.

Don't forget about all of those winners who park at the curb, while blocking the entrance to a store, and leave their car running and the stereo blasting. Like you can't shut that shit off? You can't park the damn car like everyone else and walk the 10 feet from the parking spot to the store? GRRRRRR!


Well-known member
Oh jeeze, I'm up there with everyone else.

-I have to sleep on my stomach with one arm under my pillow and one knee pulled up towards my head. And I can't have socks on, but my comforter has to be pulled up to my shoulders.

-No touching my fingers. Ever. I hate having to shake people's hands if I know they're going to grab my fingers instead of my palms... ::shudder::

-I can't wear shoes on carpets. It just doesn't feel right.

-Left shoe has to be put on first, no exceptions. When I was a kid my mother used to drive me crazy and put my right shoe on first. The only reason I learned to tie my shoes was to avoid having her put on my shoes.

-My closet is organized by the colors of the rainbow, in shades from bright to dark going left to right. It irks me to no end when this is messed up.

and finally...

-My brother's sneeze makes my skin crawl. I can't explain it, but it's like my version of nails on a chalkboard....eesh.


Well-known member

lol good im not the only one that does that! I forgot I do it with jewelry too. Whenever I wear this gold heart jewelry that my mom got me for my 16th birthday I always do something stupid or embarassing in front of people so I would think its just bad luck
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I do that too!! even down to the jewlery! i broke my leg . i was wearing this one jacket.. a few months later it was pooouurring rain . and i was to go to san diego for an offroading event.. I grabbed that jacket.. we got in a huge car accident and shut a freeway down.. a semi truck.. and motor home were also involved (there were inside eachother) .. that jacket is LONG GONE



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Please come over! I have a lovely purple Dyson. You will love using it! LOL!

OMG yes. When I am around someone like that I tune them out completely. Its a gift!

Don't forget about all of those winners who park at the curb, while blocking the entrance to a store, and leave their car running and the stereo blasting. Like you can't shut that shit off? You can't park the damn car like everyone else and walk the 10 feet from the parking spot to the store? GRRRRRR!

I'll come vacuum. LOL And yes those people that park directly in front of the store...those are the ones. Like they are to lazy to go park in a regular stall. Geez!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
oh dear =| alot of these pet peeves in this topic is so like me. anyways heres mine:

- I can't stand dry hands, I'm forever washing them cos i dont like the texture they feel like, heck i even ask to leave a lesson for a moment to go to the toilets just to wash my hands

- People who interfere with what i do, and what irks me is that people are forever trying to boss me around on how to look after my horse and i'vehad her for years and knows perfectly well how to look after her.

- Bad Drivers. I dont drive but i get very bad case of road rage, i swear at ignorant drivers and also i cannot stand old people driving because they drive so slow.

- People getting in my way, i get annoyed when i'm in a shop looking at some stuff on the shelf e.g. CDs and then someone comes along and stands right in front of me, i get so annoyed and i do say "Excuse me, can you move to one side until i finished looking"

- I hate it when something cold such as ice lollies touch my teeth. My mum eats ice lollies using her teeth and i cannot bear the sound of ice scraping and watching her do that.

- I'm very possessive about my things and i get extremely irked if someone takes/uses them without permission.

- Gotta go to sleep with a fan on. I hate being hot ew. I cant keep the windows open cos moths and bugs fly in and they irritate me.

- Bugs. I always have a bug spray handy, i will kill them regardless of what type of bugs they are, if i see one in the room whilst watching tv or reading a magazine, i cant relax until i killed it as it loves to fly in front of me alot.

- BUSES. I HATE BUSES!! ugh no way i would ever set foot on a bus unless i really had to and thats not often, heck i havent been on one since Fall last year.

- Movie and TV interruptions, there are two types, one is people constantly yapping throughout the movie asking Qs about the movie etc... and the 2nd type is adverts, a programme would just start then 2 mins later, theres an advert, ugh hate that.

- I have to have one leg on top of duvet and one underneath, dunno why though.

im sure i have more but it would bore everyone else lol

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