Stretchmarks/cellulite concerns


Well-known member

Hey, maybe this should be in recommendations, but I'm hoping to get a lot of answers to it...

Has anyone use ANYTHING that has helped with stretchmarks? I have a lot on my breasts and some on my thighs and hips...

I'm losing a lot of weight (not SUPER fast, over a year thus far have lost 50lbs and plan on losing another 50lbs in the next year)....

I use lotions and such (not daily like I should)...but maybe someone has suggestions?



New member
congratsa on the weight loss... that's great!!! ummmmm, when i lost a lot of weight i asked the doc and he told me coco butter, it somewhat worked but not too much!


Well-known member
Honestly, there isn't much that helps. After 3 kids and lots of stretch marks on my stomach and everywhere else i've tried just about everything. Mederma is okay but it is expensive and you have to use alot everyday. Coco Butter helps too, along with skin firming lotions. Don't let your scars get sunburned and eat lots of vegetables.


Well-known member
yeah i dont tan or sit in the sun, i cant cause i'm so fairskinned anyway...

yeah i have used cocoa butter...but seen no results at all! i just want them to fade at least
i look so freaking GROSS


Well-known member
Stretch marks are scars...they don't just go away. They'll fade over time, but the only permanent way of getting rid of them is lazer.


Well-known member
i'm not sure if you get it where you live but here theres this brand called loreal and they've got a strachmark eraser cream thats quite good
you might want to look into it if you can get it where you are.


Well-known member
^ thanks!
i was wondering where it went hehehe

oh yeah we have Loreal stuff....I know they make cellulite gel products...I didnt know they made something for stretchmarks...

I'll have to look into that as well! Thanks!


Well-known member
battle scars from pregnancy sucks. i'm in the same boat. isn't there something you can rub on your stomach (or wherever the marks are) or take that would regenerate cologen?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by martygreene
If they are stretch-marks, then there isn't really anything that you can do once you have them. Stretch-marks are scar tissue from where the skin does not grow at the same speed as the body part that it is encompassing, and stretches the connective tissues causing scarring. Stretch marks can be minimized during the time when they are being created (growth spurts, pregnancy, etc.) with such things as vitamin E oil and cocoa butter, but once they are there just like any other scar tissue, there isn't a whole lot that can be done about them.

She said it better than I did.


Active member
I'm still using the Arbonne Thermal Fusion Enzyme Masque on my stretch marks and they are seriously diminshing. It's like at home glycolic peels. I use it on my face too! It really improves uneven skin tone and texture.


There really are a lot of things you can do to diminish stretch marks. They never fully go away but you can make them so tiny and colored in that no one will notice anyway. But no ONE step can cure them, it has to be a regimen and it will take time.

1. Use a great body wash every day.
2. Use a loofah to slough off skin cells.
3. Slather on Suave Skin Firming lotion over them.
4. Mix Palmer's Cocoa Butter with vitamin e oil
5. Slather that mixture on over the Suave lotion

at that point, after a month you should be noticing drast reduction. if not:

6. Fake tan. It will make them virtually vanish.


Well-known member
How much was "SriVectin"? I had a little girl almost a month ago and these stretch marks are ugh. But I am on an EXTREMLY limited budget. I need something that works yet is not over the top expensive.


If you really have issues with your stretch marks go see your dematologist and ask him for Retin-A-Micro. Typically used for anti aging purposes there have been many, many studies proving that it helps with stretch marks.

Also if your stretch marks are a pinkish, red colour they will most probably fade if they are white it's pretty much hopeless.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lackofcolor
How much was "SriVectin"? I had a little girl almost a month ago and these stretch marks are ugh. But I am on an EXTREMLY limited budget. I need something that works yet is not over the top expensive.

I was wondering about Stri-Vectin 2...
From what I hear it works wonders... Does anyone know if it works?

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